You can be a dragon
Poor Kai isn’t believed.
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Now i can see a firebreath on the next page.
Maybe, maybe :p
I wonder if Kaya is having better luck… and who will set off the fire sprinklers first
I would say 5 bucks on kaya on my end
I should organize an official bet for this xD
AND collect “a percentage for the house!” 🙂
Of course, like all casino’s xD
Twin Dragons Casino! Place your bets xD
I’m betting the Fire Marshall is -not- going to be happy. 😉
I bet TWENTY bucks on Kaya XD
“I bet I’m going to have to scrub in to debriede some burnt tissue. Again.”
I think what needs to be organized for this situation is the fire brigade.
I’m interpreting this as you admitting the sprinklers will be set off.
Something, I think, is about to ‘pop’
and it’s probably right about time.
Kai’s the one you can’t stop,
Doc, from turning your tool to slime.
He knows more than you, Doc,
about whether he’s real or not
but your ego’s hit a small block
until Kai puts you on the right plot.
There’s more to see than you know
and more out there than even that.
There’s more life to new river’s flow
and your knowledge is now old hat…
Elsewhere, Jackie? You know how to divert Jessie…
Oh, I doubt Troye will be dancing to that.
Troye , no ; but doc Doolittle , yes while Kai will be spit-fire on him ^_^”
Dang. That really should have been his name! 🙂
(probably copyright issues though. 🙁 )
Man I was pretty dang close on the doc’s reaction last week! Anyways, poor Kai, guess we’ll have to wait a bit longer to prove he is an actual dragon to the doc!
But prove it, he will, eventually :p
Come on, Kai! You know the floor should be fire-resistant, at least! Show him!
Kai is resisting the urge xD
Fire, fire, fire, fire….
Settle down, Beavis.
A friend of mine used to have a co-worker he called “Friend of Beavis”. …Apparently the guy never saw that show. 😉
Extinguisher xD
Nat yet, Vandarial, not yet xD
I was more like Rammstein´s Feuer frei XD
Well Kaya was always more prone to unleash the firepower than her brother. I guess when the doctor hears screaming from next door he’ll take Kai more seriously. Scratch Lizard off the paper real quick.
We see Kaya up next. You might be surprised :p
Come on, breathe a TINY amount of fire right now! (Just enough to make the thermometer pop!)
A tiny flame every time he exhales, melts the thermometer without the doctor noticing until he takes it back again.
That would be my guess for his reaction.
To be fair to the doctor, Robin has said that the twin are the only known dragon hybrids and children like to exaggerate.
The best one I have heard of from, a friend who is a teacher.
Supervising a field trip to London, they visited Trafalgar Square.
On seeing the Lions for the first time.
One child shouts out “I have just seen the lions”
Other child “Well I have seen some Tigers”
Being a rare/unique hybrid would also be in their favour, as anyone working with hybrids would probably be aware of the rare types.
Scientist are always looking at getting published in journals and documenting something unique is a good way to get published.
Assuming their world mirrors our own, there are 350K births a day, so 350 hybrids born each day.
Patience, my fellow pyromaniac xD
Doc not getting it
Only way to make him see
Is to breathe the fire!
Yeah, in due time ^^
I bet Kai is so angry in the last panel , his temperature will be 500°C ^_^”
I love his resigned face in the panels 4 and 5
No more hope for you , doc : you’re born dumb and you’ll die dumb XD
>> “No more hope for you , doc : you’re born dumb and you’ll die dumb XD” <<
As long as it's not too soon. 😉
Thanks, I loved drawing Kai in this page xD
Now, let’s give the doc a little more credit. He did get his medical license xD
Far-Too-Many people assume that “Passing Tests” & “Getting Good Grades” somehow equals “Intelligent”.
More-often, it merely indicates a talent for “Regurgitating Facts On Command”.
“Intelligence”, “Cleverness”, & “Common Sense” are 3 totally separate things, & while they all are able to “overlap” in infinitely various ways, NONE of them can “automatically” include-or-exclude any of the others.
If “Doc” is emotionally-invested in denying the possibility of encountering a new form of hybrid, then he’ll just invent whatever scenario he needs to, in order to preserve a “reality” in-which he won’t be forced to admit that he’s wrong.
People like this would’ve simply washed their moldy Petri-dish in the sink, rather than discover Penicillin.
I will be highly disappointing if there is no fire breathing by the end of this story. . .
Oh there will be. Don’t worry :p
Nothing drastic to start with, Kai. If that’s a glass thermometer, just melt the glass enough for it to obviously sag.
You think Kai can do 900 degrees?
Haha, maybe not the best idea, though xD
I think the thermometer is going to have a pretty high reading. I wouldn’t joke around with the Romeros, Doc. It won’t end well. Want a demonstration?
Hmm.. Romeros -> Italian -> Mafia -> “Insurance” -> Burning buildings… 😉
There are no thermometers precise enough to measure body temperature which would be able to measure temperature of fire as well. Also, I suspect all thermometers designed to measure temperature of fire are NON-contact.
Nope, there are thermometers capable of measuring fire temperatures while in contact. They’re called Pyrometers, and they’re used in kilns, furnaces, and the like. At UCSD, there’s a pyrometer on a glass furnace used to keep gas flow to the burner within proper range, it feeds information to a thermostat set around 2000 degrees (enough to keep the glass fluid).
Melts in your mouth, not in your hand. 🤒
Mess with the Romero’s, get your thermometers broken xD
In fact , Robin has began with Kai to give to us a foretaste about Kaya ^_^”
Who, me? Why would I do that xD
That looks like one of those digital thermometers like I got Walmart. Besides a small metal tip, the thermometer is plastic with a small glass panel for the LCD readout. It should melt very nicely…… 😉
No doubt it would melt at some point :p
Yoga fire incoming.
And the alt text makes me think this page should be called “Smaug Check.”
Heh, “Smaug Check”! Nice one!
umm… I think you need a -rectal- thermometer for that one. 😉
Yoga Flame!
But I don’t do yoga?
He could prove it by breathing fire in front of him, but that would probably be a bad thing with the possibility of flammable objects being in the room.
Not necessarily, a lot of OR stuff is fireproofed and fire-safe to prevent the likelihood of ignition when, say, things like cautery tools and lasers are in use. Don’t want to ignite a patient in a high-oxygen environment.
He’s trying not to :p
I think the basic problem here is that Linnaeus didn’t include dragons in his catalogue.
Or just a doctor that doesn’t feel like he needs to check these claims :p
Dad: WHO BURNT DOWN THE HOSPITAL?!?!?! It was YOU, wasn’t it, Kaya!!!
Kaya: No Daddy!!!
Dad: Kaaayaaa….
Kai: it was me dad
Kai: The doc said I wasn’t a dragon!!!!
Dad: …………….
Mom: Ok, kids, go to your…rooms. Daddy has a headache.
In retrospect, raising Apache kids is sorta like raising dragons.
*glares at niece*
Awww, Kaya always getting the blame xD
Poor her :p
Lairs xD
Kai: “This visit will end in fire.”
*does his best Smaug impression*
See, the way this doctor’s acting tells me he’s a bit behind in his medical journals. Kai and Kaya can’t be the only “mythical” hybrids in existence.
This calls for some… Yol Toor Shul!!!
Yol Toor Shul
Doc: What was that?
I think Kai is responsible enough not to intentionally breathe fire in a hospital. Contrary to popular opinion it seems. However, looking at his face in the last panel, I have a feeling that thermometer is seeing its last use. Wether he melts it intentionally or just because he’s mad is open for discussion, but either way I think it’s going to be cooked. For most dragons, “steaming mad” can be a pretty literal term. It wouldn’t surprise me if the twins have their own variation of it. Either way we’re seeing a surprisingly dynamic range of emotions across both a hybrid and a human with this exchange Robin. I know I said it last week, but I’m still just totally blown away. The quality of work and the realism of the character’s personalities is remarkable, especially on such a time crunch. Keep it up you master painter. And as always, stay awesome!
being weak (or passive aggressive) is not the same as “responsible”. It’s all about the level of control. An incinerate bed and thermometer for the doc to explain should do nicely – nope not us doc, just us lizzards here….
Thanks Alpha 😀
Kai is indeed quite responsible with his fire. He’s not the type to easily flame something. Even he reaches his limit at some point, though. The thermometer is certainly going to have an experience :p
…Doctors need to learn to ask the question “why?”
Why do you think that?
Why do you feel that?
They would be a lot more effective at diagnosing if they did.
But no, they’re the doctors, so they must know best.
Communication is a skill that a lot of people sadly aren’t good at.
Why didn’t kai just heated his mouth until it glowed or Breathe smoke out of his nose or even roar?. Also when will kai and Kaya grow little horns? And also what are the other pictures, comics you have put on other websites for examples the comic were kai gives Kaya the strongest coffee,the picture of kai standing on his tail in the pool
Kai is trying to solve this without incident :p They will never grow little horns. The other pictures are side projects or just illustrations or commissions. One of those projects is a series where people ask questions to Kai and Kaya and they will answer. I’m a little behind on those, but it’s still going.
In any case, this is the main comic and it is what I’m putting the most focus on.
So are you going give me the link to the website with the picture of kai in the pool and the coffee comic? It’s not to late to give them horns or just bumps on the back of their heads. Also the main reason I want the other websites is cause I am not good with remembering stuff at all.
In that fourth panel you can clearly see him contemplating using his fire breath right there. He should get a cookie for not doing it but exerting very adult levels of restraint.
restraint is far far over-rated.
That last panel, where the idio… er, doctor emphasizes Lizard, that looks like the last straw to me. I will be very disappointed if Kai manages to restrain himself after this. Gods, can you imagine what Kaya is being put through?
Kaya’s doctor is an avid fantasy webcomic reader and cosplayer! 🙂
Indeed, Kai is being very responsible here. If this was Kaya, well… xD
measure the temperature of this doc…
Kai’s one liners :p
I take it I’m not the only one to suffer medical “incidence” due to lazy and/or inattentive doctors? Really don’t like them.
No, your hand isn’t broken. Yes, I’m sure. Yes, really really sure. Next day before the flight … phone rings … [nurse:] could you come into the clinic, as we need to put a cast on your broken hand. me: Sorry guys no can do. [nurse:] it is clearly broken and needs a cast. me: sure it does, told the idiot doctor that yesterday but now it’s too late and I haven’t got time to stop in before I go.
Ouch, that’s just a medical fault right there. Sorry to hear that happened to you.
I’ve been bingeing this comic for the last couple of hours and I gotta say Well Done! Aaand Aw, man! I want to see what Kai does to that oh-so-presumptive doctor.
I honestly didn’t think I was going to like this one but I was hooked by the time the priest tried exorcise one of the twins. I have noticed that the comic was high quality right from the beginning with very little evolution to the current day. I’m guessing the artist has more comics out there (probably linked right here on this page) which means I got something else to binge on while waiting for the next update. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Myk, welcome to the comic 😀
I’m glad the priest converted you into liking the comic. At least he does ‘something’ right xD
Thank you for the kind words. I take it you mean that I probably made other webcomics before this one. I’m proud to say this is my first comic, though. I have a spin-off series called Gamer Dragons which is linked on top and updates when I got time to make one. I also have a series running where people can ask the Twin Dragons cast questions, which is also sporadically updated. Just look over my deviantart page and the other things linked above and on the side of the comic here and you will find plenty of things to read ^^
Welcome to the family 😀
Don’t you hate it when someone else thinks they’re right, but they really aren’t?
It’s even worse when they have a diploma to back up their misconceptions!
I can’t be wrong, I have a degree in this!
…yeah, but that’s going to explode if you don’t change the wiring…
I worked in IT. I know this all too well xD
That’s the kind of doctor that ends up getting people killed. The MD degree is brought up as a reassurance, not a bragging right. As in…”They trained me to the nth degree on this, you’re in good hands.”
I learned in med school…in any diagnosis, the proper attitude is…”I could be wrong, but that’s why we’re doing the test.”
Insists they are a Dragon.
Yep, definitely a Kobold.
A kobold, now that’s new xD
Yeah now you say they do look like kobold now it kind of makes sense no wonder they don’t have much dragon body but they do have the basic dragon skill and abilities. Also if anyone does not know what a kobold is they are dragon sidekick the look like a dragon but smaller, no wings, more plain and weaker powers
I find it funny that the scientist live in a world where it is accepted that children have mysteriously developed animalistic appearances and abilities but don’t believe dragon children can exist. 😁😁😁
Suspension of disbelief can only carry so far
Yeah, they only want to see real animals :p
There’s a good explanation for this, though. We will see soon.
Aka Dinosaur hybrids
Suddenly, Kai decides it would be a good idea to superheat the thermometer.
does anyone know the discord link to the twin dragons server
To quote Kermit the Frog:
It’s not easy being green,
Spending each day the colour of the leaves,