Yo-yo Tsuri
Class is in session! Today’s Japanese word is ‘Yo-yo tsuri’. Pay attention to the tiny lion-dog explaining what it means.
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Think Benji has a future as a counselor, done a great job at getting Jin to relax, open up, and enjoy himself at such a big event. Hope they continue to have a great time at the festival!
He is doing a pretty good job of it, isn’t he?
Yep, Benji is good boy!
Benji has a way with kids ^^
Talk of tourism past
brings the two together;
Water balloons and ice’s
trump in any weather.
Jin bites; he’s new to this
as Benji shows the way.
The taste lasts longer
if you lick any day.
Winning the kid over,
just by being himself.
He’s not rich like Cleo
Benji has his own wealth.
Benji IS his own wealth xD
Yo-yo fishing, huh?
…Yeah, I’m not gonna bring that up in this comment section.
It looks kinda interesting. Did some Google-Fu, says on the Wiki page here they use hooks on twisted paper string to catch them, then they bounce them kinda like Western yoyos…
I’ve also heard Western Yoyos started off as weapons, used to tangle people up, but I’m not completely sure on that one & I’ve posted enough links for now…
I know, but yo-yo tsuri showed up in an anime I’ve watched before, as a lead-in to… something else entirely that does not belong in the comments of Twin Dragons.
Let me guess: in that anime, basically everything was lead-in to … something else which doesn’t belong here.
Nope. Most of the lead-ins were to fight scenes with humanoid WMDs. Most of the “doesn’t belong here” situations were USUALLY up-front about it. Honestly, it was kind of impressive that they mixed up the formula in that episode.
First, it wasn’t for tangling. The idea was that, similarly as boomerang, you can throw it and it will return if you miss so you can throw it again. Second, based on modern experiments, it seems unlikely it was SUCCESSFUL weapon – most likely, they tried it, found out it’s not working but is enough fun to make a toy from it.
Oh, ok. As Daniel the Human says, you learn something everyday. Mind you, from memory boomerangs that return are actually training boomerangs, with hunting boomerangs not returning so they stay on target. Think they were used for hunting birds. Not 100% on all of that tho…
Boomerangs are designed so that they return if they DON’T hit the target. If it hits the target, no amount of design is going to keep it on its path, and besides, you need to go fetch the kill.
It seems to me that for target practice to be of any use you must practice with a weapon that works the same as the real weapon. If you practice with a boomerang that flies a curved path, and learn to hit a target with that, and then you throw another boomerang that flies differently, then you’re going to miss.
According to Wikipedia, returning boomerangs are and were used for sport and recreation, not for target practice. They may also have been used to scare birds into nets. Throwsticks or “kylies” for hitting targets are designed to fly straight.
@Suomynona: “No amount of design you said?” * opens the Xelee toolbox with exotic matter, singularities, cosmic strings and magnetic monopoles *
I was right about the flashback coming in the next page, which is this page. Jin look s like he’s having the time of his life in the flashback, he looks adorable in his blue kimono. Maybe the Asian district will host Japanese festivals and Jin could bring his friends, all while playing with yo yo tsuri and rocking his kimono.
Halloween is approaching, and I wonder what our favorite Dragon twins are going as. I came up with a scenario where the Romero Twins and their friends go as the main protagonists of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind, with Kai as Giorno, Kaya as Trish Una, Benji as Mista, Cleo as Narancia, Rex as either Abbacchio or Fugo, Nate as Fugo if Rex is Abbacchio, and Jin as Sex Pistols (or Six Pistols if you prefer). However, Kai and Kaya’s costumes were accidentally switched up with each other’s and they accidentally dress up in the wrong costumes, Kai wearing Trish’s clothes with Giorno’s hair cut trying to keep his skirt in place as he blushes all over and Kaya with Trish’s hairstyle flashing their friends with Giorno’s open shirt exposing her chest and being late on the uptake about wearing the wrong costume.
There’s just so many levels of “NO” in that scenario.
You’re probably right, JoJo’s is a bit mature for them, especially Jin… I couldn’t help but picture Kai and Kaya going out for Halloween as Giorno Giovanna and Trish Una, respectively, due to the Food Festival going on and they’re running an Italian food truck and I’ve been rewatching Golden Wind. The costume switch up was just something funny I came up with for a laugh.
Unfortunately, I still have to watch the Jojo series. I’m late to the party xD
Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Daniel the Human doesn’t have access to it, so we’re both missing out too…
You may be able to watch the first three seasons on Netflix, but that’s just for those of us living in the US. I can’t say the same for other countries. JoJo’s is weird or, rather, Bizarre but that’s a major part of its charm. I think you may find parallels between Larissa and some of the villains in all five parts of JoJo’s that’s been animated so far. You could also watch it on a site called wcostream, but I prefer to watch shows legitimately if possible.
This is a rather infamous and memetic scene from JoJo: Golden Wind.The characters in this video are the protagonists for this part: Giorno is the blonde guy in the purple clothes, Bucciarati is the effeminate man with black hair and white clothes who has a deep voice, Mista is the guy with the bare midriff and red hat, Narancia is the kid in the black tank top, Fugo is the blonde in the green suit with holes in it, and Abbacchio is the tall shirtless guy with long purple hair. The “severed” head they’re torturing is an enemy who was nonlethally decapitated by Bucciarati’s power.
Let’s see: Rex as Freddy, Cleo as Daphne (she has the money after all), Kai as Shaggy, Liz as Velma, Benji as Scooby and Kaya as Scrappy-doo. I guess Larissa gets to play the villain-of-the-week. “I would have gotten away with it too, if not for you darned kids!” Well, if Puck can do Scooby cosplay, so can these kids.
Hmm, the dragon’s started playing pirates over in the fish market. Maybe dress up as Pirates of the Caribbean?
No, no. Katsumi plays Scooby and Benji plays Shaggy. Kai gets to play random villager.
I’m pretty sure if Katsumi was Scooby, Jin would be Shaggy. Though, given that Katsumi is invisible to everyone except Jin, that might make the theme a little difficult…
Pirates of the “KaiandKayabean?” That would work, though that also n makes me see them as the Straw Hat Pirates, with Kai: Luffy, Kaya: Nami (she wanted to also be Luffy, but her parents and Kai vetoed her wearing the post timeskip outfit for obvious reasons, they settled on one of Nami’s more modest outfits as a compromise), Benji: Usopp (they’re both pretty artistic), Cleo: Nico Robin (she could also be Nami, since both girls are money minded to a degree but then I wouldn’t find the best role for Kaya), Rex: Sanji (or Zoro), Nate: Zoro (or Sanji), and Jin: Tony Tony Chopper (or Jimbei, since they’re both martial arts prodigies and wear Japanese fashion).
Panel 4: Why didn’t he say “Hai!”?
Alt-text: I think “at /this/ time” would work better.
1. Possibly it’s a bit of irritation that Benji was asking the same question in various ways had him subconsciously switch.
2. You’re correct. (I believe)
Because he’s trying not to say hai all the time. His dad told him he needs to speak english to people. He slips up with a lot of common words, though. So Hai and Yes will be mixed throughout his speach.
You’re right on the alt text. I’ll change that later.
Seems a little harsh/strict, but necessary given that English is the common language of the US. I hope Jin’s father isn’t too strict regarding Jin learning English, it’s not easy adjusting to speaking a foreign language more than your native tongue.
There are also a number of YouTube videos on this topic https://youtu.be/VVJHv6XskOI
Oh, cool. That’s a nice video on it
The fifth panel is one of the best in the whole comic.
full of cute Jin xD
Oooh, I like the flashback. And, yay, more background on Jin!
flashbacks are nice sometimes ^^
At this Rate, Jin might be part of the Group full time with how many people seem to like him.
Full time might be a bit much, but he will be a recurring character for sure ^^
Still, he should have his own cast page profile. And maybe his own reference sheet…
ALso, can we get Panel 5 without the speech bubbles as a Wallpaper?
OOOH, I concur! And maybe at higher resolution, if Robin has it?
I totally have a higher resolution ^^
Will take a little work, but sure
I also still have to do the panel with Jin’s grandfather in the garden. Might just do both soon.
Ooh! Can’t wait. Also, what’s the Discord link? I lost access to my old account due to forgetting to make an Authy for it.
Jin: “Then I learned to make the water balloon explode with a Rasengan!”
Jin: “Still figuring out the kage bunshin technique, though…”
What kind of magical martial arts are the Nakamura practicing?!?! Sendo?! Haki?! Black Leg style?! Ninja magic?!
Cool, that’s sounds fun- Wait, what?! Since when do the inhabitants of Hybrid City posses chakra?! If someone clumsy and reckless like Kaya or, God forbid, someone evil like Larissa were to learn how to awaken chakra and weave it, the whole city’s gonna burn! How did Jin get chakra anyway? It’s exclusively found in the life inhabiting Naruto’s dimension, or universe if it’s separate from our world (as in a parallel universe, when I sad dimension I meant like the Nine Worlds of Yggdrasil or another plane of existence).
People in our universe have charkras too, they just can’t use them so effectively. The term is from Hinduism, not just some anime.
I know, but the Chakra of Naruto is more like a mixture of chi and mana. The chakras described in Hinduism are more like metaphysical gates/pools of spiritual energy unlocked through overcoming mental trials from what I know. The chakra of Naruto is somewhat alien in origin, given that it was born from an alien princess who ate the mystical fruit of a tree cultivated from the life force and blood of countless dying people, where the mutation that resulted in having chakra was passed down to her twin sons who in turn learned how to awaken the ability to generate their own chakra.
Yeah, um, when it comes to Yggdrasil, maybe Belldandy or her sisters are involved somewhere.