Rare that a comic loses my interest in the second installment, but this abject ignorance managed it. Christianity has been outspokenly anti-racist since Paul got baptised and quoted the words he’d heard to the Galatians.
Exceptionally Obtuse Priest, even at his age.
Actually, as a Catholic, I would expect that, after 16 years of ~140,000 hybrids born a year, Rome would have grokked what was going on and that Exorcisms wouldn’t help. This is the 21st Century, not the 17th.
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that priest situation is hillarious
Thanks, I’m glad you liked it
Age of Empires Priest noise?
Trying to convert Kaya to the human side xD
Age of mythology was more fun. You get to smash buildings with magic robots and minotaurs
They needed to EXORCISE their ability (I’ll leave now)
Well at least they aren’t in the bible belt…the priest would likely be trying to exorcise her with a shotgun. And yes, this is from experience.
wow, what kind of experience was that xD
Sounds like a story!
Oh my god, an Age of Empires reference! You made my day!
Glad you like it ^^
Wololo? Welp, i’m sold time to read and love the rest of the comic.
Haha, thanks. Glad you love that little reference ^^
Eep, this is adorable…eep eep, the AoE ref makes me feel old and delighted at the same time ^^.
Thanks, glad you like it ^^
Wololo time XD
Strange that nobody around have heard about hybrids ; this town is so retarded that they haven’t newspapers or radios ?
They’re just willfully ignorant, which is the worst sort of ignorance.
wooloolo yea
this book ]pckvgdhtbkgr3uqfegw8vthfqe8csu ZVag908qbufenatssh iagnf
… For the record, I’m only here because I saw the advert on TWC and immediately thought of Wilykit and Wilykat from Thundercats…
If these two don’t get up to mischievous shenanigans, I will be disappointed.
Exorcism sure doesn’t work like it used to. That gave me a good laugh.
The wololoo nearly killed me. xD
I don’t even get the reference. It’s just a funny thing for a priest to say.
What is “Enter code: Big Daddy”?
It’s a cheat code that you could use in Age of Empires 1 to get a black car that shot rockets :p
is it still valid
Rare that a comic loses my interest in the second installment, but this abject ignorance managed it. Christianity has been outspokenly anti-racist since Paul got baptised and quoted the words he’d heard to the Galatians.
Christianity as a whole, maybe. Individual priests, on the other hand…
Poor kaya she looks so sad
Exceptionally Obtuse Priest, even at his age.
Actually, as a Catholic, I would expect that, after 16 years of ~140,000 hybrids born a year, Rome would have grokked what was going on and that Exorcisms wouldn’t help. This is the 21st Century, not the 17th.