Vocal test
Those are not the usual hospital noises…
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Very few things smell as bad as burning hair.
wet fur? wet burning fur
thankfully wet fur doesn’t burn so that smell will never exist.
That’s where you’d be wrong.
Wet fur burns miserably (from a technical perspective, it’s endothermic), but it’s *awesome* at smoking and thus getting the full power of its smell into the air. As I understand it, the water in wet fur takes more energy to turn to steam than the fur produces by combustion. As such, you need to have an external heat source. I seem to recall my exposure to this heinous smell was due to wet fur finding its way onto a carburated engine. (Note: this was not an old engine. It’s an old story, because I hale from ye olden times when people still made new engines with carburetors.) Turning off the engine was enough to decrease the smell fairly quickly, as it apparently took more than just a scorching hot manifold to cause this wet dog hair to smolder. I don’t think the manifold had gotten up to peak temperature before the stench became overpowering, but it was still hot enough for the person who investigated that awful stench to get a second degree burn from touching it for just an instant.
Aaaaahh.. Carburetors! “Those were the halcyon days.” Holley, Carter, Weber, SU, Autolite, Solex, Hitachi…
Hi, Some Ed!
Don’t forget Mikuni and Keihin! Mikuni BST’s being one of my fave designs. I have a set of 38’s on my GSXR1100 (from a 750) as they have a power jet circuit, which no other BST has. Great fun to tune!
Technically, wet fur itself doesn’t smell bad. The stink is all the bacteria.
I haven’t smelled it yet, so I don’t know about that xD
I said it before, with Kaya there is chaos BOUND to happen!
Chaos is her spirit animal.
Wait, that can’t be right xD
Stitch is her animal spirit.
Or possibly a sloth.
wet fur? wet burning fur
I love his “What in the flying fox is my sister doing NOW?!?” face ^^
It’s a well-trained face from years of experience xD
“Nothing serious” is a challenge to Kaya,
the more rambunctuous of the twins;
wherever there’s trouble Kai’s there
but it’s usually with her that it begins.
See Kai’s face? I think he knows
that his darling sib has done something.
It usually doesn’t result in screaming
although he has heard the fire bell ring…
The utter calm on both their faces
after their initial look of shock?
I wonder what the others will think
and, with myths, to which door they’ll flock?
A bit late with the revelation there, Doc. Kai’s Doc was just about done explaining that mythical topic. Now the real news, or at least question, here is what did you use to put out the flame in your hair?
Kaya just caught the burning hair in hand so oxygen wouldn’t get to them.
Kaya doused the flame with her experience :p
Doc: Yes I am aware of that fact but thank you for confirming that both are dragons.
Kaya needs a shirt of Adam Savage on it with his quote “Here comes chaos!” printed underneath.
That shirt would be so fitting xD
I have one that says ‘chaos, terror, mayhem…my job here is done’
Kai’s expression on the second panel is outstanding XD
It is outstanding chaos he’s reacting to, so his face had to be outstanding too xD
“…and that I can fit my head in the sink?”
A useful skill I guess xD
Well ……… As the doctors have never yet met mythical hybrids (apparently) , i’m curious to learn what are these extra tests ? Or if they’ll have to “create” it now ?
They haven’t had them as patients anyway :p There are other mythicals, but Kai and Kaya are the first one these doctors get to do the checkup for. Mythical testing is uncharted territory so they might need to come up with stuff :p
Eat your heart out, Arthur Brown.
lol, it happens. Well, both physicians now have confirmed the twins are indeed dragons. I feel like some mythic hybrids are more difficult to verify than others. If you have a snake with feathers then yeah you basically a young Quetzalcoatl on your hands but how would you confirm or deny a Kraken hybrid, seeing as the Kraken is basically a mythical supersized octopus. Dragons do have their own pitfalls when you’re trying to confirm them, specifically which culture do you look to for your confirmation that you are indeed dealing with a dragon hybrid, the metrics between cultures can often vary wildly. Not mention, there are also outliers for whatever reason (lake the Lampton Worm of English folklore)
On to other things, since Cleo is so tiny I think she might be a Ball Python, they’re very small snakes you can buy as pets and they have similar coloration and patterning to her. Here’s the link to the list of pet snakes that stay small, https://www.snakesforpets.com/small-pet-snakes-that-stay-small/
I love how happy she looks despite the plume of smoke coming out of her hair. I don’t think there’s any more fitting way to see her emerging from her encounter with Kaya. Glad to see everything has been contained, including Kaya’s excitement. (For the moment at least.) I’m afraid I haven’t much more to say on this one than that which is already obvious: This is a beautifully done transition and with the same outstanding standard which Robin always seems to somehow maintain despite the tight timeframe. It should be interesting to see the conversation which follows. As always Robin, stay awesome!
Oh no! I’m not sure why my comment ended up as a reply to yours. Sorry Ben! Robin? A little help? Any way you can break it off to its own section?
I don’t think I can move the comments like that without deleting them. I’m sure Ben won’t hate you for it, though :p
Thanks for the kind words yet again, Alpha ^^ Only Fern is a suitable doctor for Kaya. She shares the same excitement and happy-go-Lucky attitude xD
I’m hoping she turns out to be some type of constrictor. Mostly for what would happen when she’s comfortable enough to return one of Kaya’s hugs.
Cleo’s hybrid type I mean
Pythons and boas are constrictors
Fair enough, though I think Robin said they wanted Cleo’s snake to be an Egyptian species. The ball python is a little far south for that
I thought the Lambton Worm was just a Norse Worm that had ventured a bit out of its normal territory.
You really need to be careful about your transplanted species, because you never know what will turn out like kudzu or worse. In the case of the lambton worm, it didn’t actually turn out to be worse than kudzu, because those things were pretty nasty even on their home turf. It’s just that they didn’t happen much in England.
Note: while I’m talking about these things like they actually happened, I don’t really know. I wasn’t alive then – or at least I wasn’t in this lifetime then. I also haven’t been to England or Scandinavia during this lifetime. But there’s certainly a lot of myths and legends about them.
You were probably thinking of the Lyndwyrm, a type of wingless dragon in Norse/Scandanavian lore/mythology. Lydwyrms are typically described very much like any other dragon. The Lampton Worm is a dragon in English lore that is described as being a dragon that looks like a giant earthworm with a dragon’s head, it had an incredibly soft body that had an ability to grow all its parts back together when all the pieces cut apart from each other, which basically means that every time it was cut it just got bigger.
Depending on the source, Quetzalcoatl was depicted as either a serpent dragon or a flying snake as the two were often synonymous during translations. As for the Kraken i would imagine minute differences. for example, kai and kaya both have extra ordinary strength along with their fire. a kraken would probably be quite a bit larger than a octopus hybrid. there are also alternate depictions of krakens that make them a little more unique from octopi.
Things are about to get interesting. Though I would have liked to see Doc Franklins reaction had he not known about the dragons… nah, probably would have been boring, after all, he can trust the word of a fellow doctor.
Anyway, she looks good considering her hair was on fire.
Hopefully it won’t be too long until we find out how the twins are able to breath fire.
Doktor Fern is of the same enthusiastic breed as Kaya is. A little setback like your hair being on fire is no reason not to be excited xD
i imagine for a dragon type hybrid there will be tests to determine the capabilities and limits of their fire breathing and testing just how strong they are.
To be honest, they kinda need to make things up as they go now, since Kai and Kaya are the first known dragon hybrids. No tests have been made for them yet :p
“Well, apparently, the flash point of colleagues is one test…”
Heh! That’s what good colleagues are for!
I really love the action and expressions in this one; especially Kai’s!
I can watch several times more as their heads turn back and forth, tracking the very odd conversation coming from the other side of the wall.
Lady doctor seems to have totally forgotten the fire in her excitement to tell her colleague she’s discovered -dragons!-
“Don’t run!” – Obviously Kaya remembers her fire safety training! Keeps a cool head too.
Not an official test, but it does give us ‘some’ data xD
I think that this quote works well within the context of the story:
Oh yeah, I do think so xD
Well it’s not exactly the fire alarm going off but close enough. That is definitely proof that she is using fire resistance shampoo. Also can you please make kai and Kaya have X-rays. Please answer this question: if you can be any type of hybrid what will you be And could you draw what you will look like as that hybrid?
X-rays would be a bit much straight away, don’t you think :p
Answer: I have no idea. A cat comes to mind, but that’s so mundane :p I can’t draw that right now. Way too busy as it is :p
Are they going to work around to “Remember that you are crunchy and taste good with catsup!”.
That would be soooo funny! Unfortunately, considering the hybrids are still mostly human, that would almost have to be thrown in as a casual joke between Kai and the doctor.
Hmm.. Thinking about that.. A visit to the hospital cafeteria might be in order…
I don’t think human is on the menu for either Kai or Kaya xD
Was, “Don’t run!” directed to or from Kaya?
From I’m betting. Running while on fire is a common reaction. And a dangerous one.
It was Kaya shouting out to Fern to not evade her helping efforts xD
No smoking in the building doc.
Does that also count for involuntary smoking? :p
Oh shit (sorry for the foul language) I feel bad for the one doc she had Half of her hair burning and I’m surprised the rest of her didn’t catch too.
It’s okay, her hair is still in pretty good condition, all things considered xD
question about hybrid city, but what was the name of the city before there where hybrids or was the city especially build for hybrids.
As far as I can tell from what info we have it’s somewhere in the American midwest, I’d put my money on Colorado. There’s even a high school in somewhere in the Denver suburbs with a basketball team called the wolves, granted that’s probably common. (Btw finding info on high scholls is surprisingly hard, likely for reasons we can infer, I’m probably on a watch list now.)
The city was build from scratch in my world. It was build with the emerging hybrids in mind. More background on that will be revealed at some point.
I see the creature in Jessie’s adventure appreciates a nice car. And, I think, Jackie.
Gotta take the time to appreciate a car like that :p
Bwahahaha!!! Oh boy, I needed that laugh. Thanks for that.
I don’t know if it’s panel 2 or the whole page that really did it for me.
I’m glad I could make you laugh ^^
Panel two is a pretty strong candidate :p