Tower versus dragon!
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Sibling achievement accomplished: Messing with a brother/sisters progress on creations!
You know he’s going to pay for this one later!
MANDATORY messing with sibling XD
i did this exact thing w/ my sis
rip funny bone
my sis has done this to me three times
“Fool me once, shame on me.
Fool me twi- …wait…THREE times???”
As soon as I saw Kaya standing up to keep building in Panel 1, I knew it was gonna topple. Wasn’t expecting Kai to push ot over, though.
thats kai for you. they take every opportunity to frick each other over. they love screwing each other
XD Love how dramatic is Kaya in the last panel

However, it is still better to be buried by the blocks than stepping on one block
Right, those things hurt like the dickens, and sucks when their all over the floor like land mines
And up it goes, to dangerous levels,
before being crashed by a tail.
What one builds, the other destroys;
Brother and Sister without fail.
Will Jin see cruelty or fun
in the wanton, destructive, act
as he sees how siblings play
becomes a rock hard, scaly fact?
The tumbling tower falls flat
and now takes our Kaya with it.
Has Kai made a bad impression
as she lands in the brick pit?
Thank you again.

I wonder what that tower measured at, and what exactly are they using to build those? Also are they the only mythicals in the city or is it just that Jin happened to be there that day? For my unrelated question I will ask the most recently unanswered one again: will romance ever play a part in this story?
Don’t take it personally if I don’t answer all your questions, I try to get all the comments equally ^^
height: I’m not sure myself
what they used: A knock-off brand lego, I think :p
There are 6 other mythical hybrids registered in Hybrid City, including Jin (Now 8 with the Twins)
Romance is not a main focus but I don’t rule it out.
Have a shy one who’s interested in asking Benji out?
I mean, Kai’s got Cleo..(!) (Not that she’s told him…)
He will figure it out… eventually.
I don’t take it personally mostly because i think I would be annoyed eventually by someone with so many questions. That’s why I try to ask less of them and ask them them as early on and as briefly as i can, and I still forget to do that some times. Thanks for answering these ones so quickly!
I would expect, given the twins are five feet tall, that the tower reached 6 feet tall before becoming unbalanced. Hmm, when the centre of gravity moves outside the base of support, well, gravitational potential energy gets converted to kinetic energy, soon to be converted into sound energy, heat energy, elastic deformation (that is how the blocks pop apart), and sister energy.
the comic said there was 2 (Including jin) (Now four with the dragons)
Edit: Two mythical hybrids
No, he said there was “a couple” mythical hybrids in Hybrid City.
That was supposed to have another line linking to xkcd #1070 which doesn’t seem to have gone through, so I’m gonna bypass-URL it.
| xkcd[dot]com[slash]1070
now I feel kinda bad that i was the first and so far only person to get a response
I decided to go back and find the oldest drawings of Kai I could find, and wow this has grown a ton! I’m amazed to see how much all of it improved over the years and how long it took to get to this point.
Has anybody asked yet about hybrid genetics?
Are hybrid siblings always of the same species or not?
What about half-siblings?
Are there human-hybrid siblings with the same parents?
If Marco and Sabrina have more children, is it possible to predict their species?
Does it occur to you that these are questions that are being asked in-universe, and we will probably be getting answers later on? For a webcomic with a weekly update rate, you can’t expect the creator to answer every question when it’s entirely possible they’ve already planned out giving the answer in-narrative.
There are a lot of us speculating on it in the comments though
Something like that should be a common knowledge in the setting, since there are over 2 millions of hybrids already (1 in 1000 X 16 years X 20 births per 1000 X 7 billion population = 2.24 billion). Either “same species for the same couple”, “no obvious correlation” or “obviously more complicated”. Which does not contradict a possible plot twist that the common knowledge is wrong.
We do know of 2 same-species siblings, but are they the rule or an unlikely coincidence?
This question sounds familiar. I think Kai may have answered it long ago, but I don’t remember exactly when, where, or what the answer actually was.
(“Helpful, ain’t I?”)
Here is the most relevant post:
“Very good questions. Since the gene is already present, and has shown itself to be dominant, hybrids will always have hybrid offspring. This means that slowly but surely, the entire population might become hybrids.
The kind of hybrid the offspring would be is a difficult question. Since the gene has come up with different kinds of animals, it might be that the offsprings are different kinds. It also might be that the gene settles for the same kind everytime.”
Well, this doesn’t answer my question. Besides, it contradicts Mendelian genetics — dominant genes don’t work that way. Dominant gene always manifests in a specimen, regardless whether there’s 1 or 2 copies of the gene (heterozygous or homozygous). Recessive genes only manifest when there’s no dominant gene in the same position (locus). Thus, for the twins to be dragons they need at least one of their parents to be a dragon. And if that dragon was heterozygous, the probability of a hybrid offspring would be only 50%. And dominant genes do not replace existing ones in the population. And even when dominant and recessive genes are evenly distributed, 1/4th of the population is homozygous recessive.
That said, genetics can be more complicated than Mendelian. First, there can be some factor suppressing hybrid genes from manifesting, which disappeared 17 years ago. One of Romero parents is a dragon, whose dragon genes somehow did not work. Same for parents of all other hybrids. I like this idea best of all, even if it’s already been done in Shadowrun. Another idea is a combination of other genes that suppressed dragon traits from manifesting in one or both parents. But that does not explain, why did hybrids start appearing only 16 years ago. Yet another reason can be mutation, which hits randomly. I like it less, since most authours don’t know what mutation is, and the few that do and try to handle it realistically get flak from readers.
And I didn’t even mention that a single gene isn’t enough to change a human into a dragon. Although, it won’t take much — the difference between human and chimpanzee is estimated around 7-20 genes, and I think hybrids would need even fewer. It can be a single hybrid chromosome rather than a hybrid gene. In this case this chromosome can exchange parts with its counterpart and eventually hybrids with incomplete set of traits will appear. Like a tailless dragon. But for a while all hybrid traits will be inherited together.
THEY. ARE. TWINS. (You’re welcome.)
They are fraternal twins – thus don’t share the exact same dna like identical twins do.
*Base drop*
Is this a WoF reference?
I think it might be, but there are a few other things t could be
Why it could even be a kid building a tower and her brother knocking it down! GASP!!
Nah I’m just referencing a song
I LOVE WoF! Do you know when the next book is coming out?
I at some point forgot to keep checking and missed the release of dragonslayer!I’ve been following it since near the beginning and have read most of them a few days after there release date, until now. Hard for me to believe I lost track of time to such a large degree. To answer your question the e book is supposed to be released September 15, and you can normally get a physical 2-3 days before the e book if some times.
@yeet potato, if you love WoF so much, join the Fandom! It’s a very fun place with rps and people u can talk to about WoF… yay!
@cuttlefish, my name is 1werwer the nightwing on the WoF fandom.
I’m yeet potatoes brother
Between this and Waffles, I count three missing commas:
Alt-text: “evil”
Waffles, paragraph 1: “time”
Waffles, paragraph 2: “big”, as is done later on
Just as an overall world-building question: we seem to see a lot of hybrids at the teen-level and below. Are there any adult hybrids, or is this such a recent phenomenon in this world that adult hybrids just don’t exist yet?
No adult hybrids yet, oldest hybrids are around 1AM years of age.
16 years, darn autocorrect!
ONE of these days…
Kai’s going to have to update his FAQ (I think there is one?) just to catch these kinds of questions. LOL
And Kai was never heard from again.
HAHAHAHAH! Anyvay, zat’s how I lost my construction license. Heh.
wouldn’t it ve kaya?!
No, Kaya’s gonna ‘make him vanish’ for this…
Think maffia movies and people “dissapearing” in the harbor. Or just look up the dictionary meaning of “revenge”.
Aaand down it goes.
It’s a good thing they’re in a hospital, Kai won’t have to go too far to get mended. >.<
Again. Wouldn’t it be kaya?
He may be referring to how Kaya may punish Kai, or just an honest mistake
Ok. Although I doubt Kaya would do that to Jin.
*make Jin see that
no kaya would lash out at kai in anger (probably breaking a bone).
I doubt she would break a bone. At worst she would apply enough force to break another persons bone, but they are pretty tough
Somehow I don’t think Random was thinking of Kaya lashing out and breaking HER OWN bone.
I don’t either. I meant another person as in other than Kai, because we have seen that they are quite strong and tough.
revenge is a dish best served cold, and definitely improved by the element of surprise. i hope this is the start of a running joke of the twins pranking each other.
Kai is almost as bad as his sister, this is also typical sibling shenanigans.
I knew that tower was going to fall on someone. Preferably one of the twins, just because their scales mean that they’re the least likely to get hurt by the blocks. I think we can all agree that nobody predicted Kai to be the reason that it went down though. Even if the twins love messing with eachother, Kai is usually pretty nice to Kaya. The only way this panel could have been more of a surprise would have been Jin knocking them down. That would have been downright shocking. Love the expressions in this panel Robin. They seem particularly well done this week. Not to mention that those last two panels look like they might become Discord’s next emoji set. I really love how expressive you’re able to make your characters. The last unrelated point I’m going to touch on is the push. I love that you had Kai use his tail as a subtle way to knock the tower over, instead of just reaching and pushing it down. It’s very creative, and raises the question of whether Kaya actually saw him or if she just knows it was him because siblings. Another great page as always Robin, and don’t forget, stay awesome!
I love how Kai just boops it with his tail.
I wonder if Jin will get the way siblings mess with each other. Hope he calls Kaya Kaya-chan at some point, or some other cute honorific
ok for them wanting to know did a rough calculation and the tower was around 3′ 2 1/4″ tall. Not sure that is right as had to do some estimation on the number of layers in the tower and going off a real lego bricks hight of 3/8″ so I could be off.
ONE of these days…
Kai’s going to have to update his FAQ (I think there is one?) just to catch these kinds of questions. LOL
Dangit…mumblemumblemumble… Kaaaiii! Can you delete the previous comment, please?
1 – I don’t think those are actually Legos.
2 – At 14 years old, I’m pret-ty sure Kaya is noticeably more than 3′ 2-1/4″ tall.
Yeah those look a bit bigger individually than Lego’s normally are, and he did say it was a knock-off brand, so the size and proportions could be completely different
Looks like Kai got his “revenge” for the yoinked scale, lol!
One good ‘yoink!’ deserves another!
Has to be said… JENGA
*Kaya rebuilds tower*
Jin: “Hey Kai, why do modern skyscrapers have deep, well anchored footings extending deep below ground?
Kai: *boops tower with tail* That’s why!
saw this in my gmail this morning. had to read. Also, meet my dog! (Profile picture.) Her name is Whisper!
wow you’ve been quite active. Are you exited for a new thing, generally excitable, or really enjoying the comic? All three is definitely an option there
Excited and really enjoying it!
wow rarely get a response from anyone that quickly. I hope you continue enjoying this comic as much as you are now! Also I know this isn’t the best way to ask this, but is their any chance I know you? I know one person who uses that name for some things, and your “voice” is quite similar to them. Sorry if this is just a coincidence
Ehhh, I’m not sure if I should say my name on here. But! If you have toolbox, my user is 1werwer.
…And they were never heard from again.
sorry about that. If you don’t recognize my name you aren’t person I was thinking of. Guess it was just a big coincidence
If it weren’t for some of the arguments and intense discussions that have broken out I would say this is an impressive length
I started (and finished) today!
also wanna hug now?
kai: what?
kaya: YOU ARE GONNA GET IT!!!!!!!
kai: faints.
kaya: tackles kai
really highlighting the unusual eye colors there
wow just noticed Kaya’s shirt. Funny how something that is no were near being the main focus can be the thing to make you laugh
If Jin is a temple guardian and the structures represents homes and temples, I wonder if Jin will save the tower from collapse.
that’s what I was thinking, Plus we haven’t seen any traits or abilities that would definitely make a doctor believe that Jin is mythical so that moment might be the moment were that is revealed
‘No traits or abilities’? Um, he’s half-and-half. If THAT’S not a trait – at least physical, I don’t know what is
we have seen other half and half in the background before. The easiest to spot would be the one on the first panel of the first page of chapter six, but I found plenty of others when I re read looking for them as early as chapter 3. They are probably not seen as often because most people prefer “full hybrids” because of less getting two close to the levels of distortion we naturally fear or people simple being more interested by higher levels of hybridization.
Please see Robin’s comment above. It’s quite possible that one is one of the other mythicals.
I think if partial hybridization could mean someone was mythical it would mean they are hybrids of something that’s already part human, which doesn’t apply here.
Also the species of one of the partial hybrids in the background was stated to just be a cat, so not mythical
Now I’m just imagining Jin punching the blocks and they somehow re-assemble back into the tower…
Sibling high jinx is madatory, and overtime if you have more than one. I got 5 younger siblings and 3 older siblings.
wow I think I would just go crazy at that point. I can barely handle my two siblings!
Wow! Your own baseball team!
I only have six siblings, all younger… 
No full siblings (all half or step) but there’s 8 of us in total: the half blood horde.
wow plenty of people with lots of siblings. Before this I had only met two people with more than two siblings that I can remember
So does that make you “The Half-Blood Prince” of the half-blood horde?
You could say that, I am the oldest of my five half brothers, but all my step siblings are older than me.
Though we’ve never lived in one house and are rarely together in one place.
something just occurred to me. I wonder if any of the other mythical hybrids were mistakenly classified as mythical. There are a few animals I could think of that might have traits that could cause this type of confusion, the hooded pitohui being a great example because its plausible that that would happen and later be discovered as a mistake, and would lead to an interesting ability that could have some interesting effects on the characters personality, plus some people here might have heard of them. That would be quite an interesting twist farther in the future and could make an interesting chapter or potential half a chapter, especially seeing how the twins might try to help them through a potential existential crisis. I hope this isn’t too late in the week to hear anyone’s thoughts on this
Definitely a good thing you didn’t use the blushing facial expressions for aqua in the teaser
Oh yeah! Robin! Make a gamer dragons Terraria strip!!!
I agree that that would be fun, but not sure if he’ll see this. Can’t tell if he only reads some and responds to only some or if he reads all and responds to some, but in the former case he probably won’t see your suggestion
Actually, I am fairly sure he reads the comments that are posted the day the page comes out, and then waits till later and then reads again and the (tries to) answer all comments. Correct me if I am wrong, Robin!
Also COP are you gonna take me up on that roblox request?
Doubtful. I never really used roblox much and I have some annoying friend who would freak out and try to force me to play with them if they found out I started playing again, but if your looking for something to do or just a friend I’d be open to other things.
Also if your gonna cut out some letters I prefer for you to cut out the O and/or the PD, or you can just call me Cayo if you can remember that
Cayo, C-a-a-a-a-yo, here I come and I wanna go home.
Well, these days it’s better than COFing at you(!)
Nice pun, but now I know you aren’t pronouncing my name correctly. I don’t really care too much or take it personally though
This is why you build your structures up to Kaiju-proof standards so they fracture rather than topple, it makes demolition and cleanup easier. Just look at Pacific Rim.
It’s also why you reinforce modern ships so they can be used as melee weapons.
Hoi and hi
Hey robin, can yo show more of zuri
That depends on Zuri’s owner. She is a cameo, not a regular cast member.
(But I like her a lot too!)