The safe
Our group finds the safe. What could be inside?
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12 snakes, damn! The amount of mice is nuts.
Well, snakes don’t need to eat that often, though xD
What is it with snakes that makes people have a lot of them at once? Nagi Usui of NEO: The World Ends With You has ten, and now Cleo has twelve? Is there something wrong with just one snake?
It’s probably a thing of once you start, you want to get more.
I guess it’s partly a function of how much work it takes to care for them. People tend to have many fish in an aquarium. Twelve dogs would be less like pets and more like a dog-breeding business.
It may also be related to how active they are. You can play with cat or dog every day. Snakes tend to sleep a lot.
I, for one, love snakes (reptiles in general), and wish I had even one.
And so, one team of adventures have now encountered a random safe in the library. Though I feel like it was a little too easy to open. Can’t wait to see what they found…
I’m hoping it’s one of these:
I’m thinking the safe has a briefcase with Marcellus Wallace’s soul in it.
It’s understandable that Cleo swears to cod. She lives in the USA after all, where they write “IN COD WE TRUST” on their coins.
I was sure the safe would have an electronic keypad to enter the four-digit code on. For a dial like that I would expect a combination more like “35, 72, 11, 68”.
I wonder how many Lock-Picking Lawyer videos were reviewed that show how easy it is to bypass many electronic locks, so mechanical locks are required. That still does not help get into that kind of lock.
I think it looks like they found a gift and a clue, or I could be wrong.
Well it worked, will we get to see what the clue is before switching back to Kai’s team?
I thought this one would be the switchback.
Isn’t this one already a switchback? Come to think of it, is Kai’s line already also a switchback?
Hah! Not a chance.
*GASP!* “It’s the cutest little chocolate fox statue! And- And it’s holding the next clue! …also moulded in chocolate.”
…..And it has been inhaled already, by a certain Birthday Dragon-Girl. Whoops. Um is there a backup copy? *CHOMP* *Sigh* NOT made of chocolate…?
I thought at first that it looked empty in the last panel. After a careful analysis I think there’s a grey box taking up more than half of the space in the safe. We see the top of the box and the empty space above it.
I don’t think big enough..
I was thinking it was a shelf with something laying on it; but, if that had been the case, Kai would likely have shown just a bit of the shelf at each side.
I believe this grey box in the safe is another safe -> it’s a matryoshka safe
Good idea! And Kai’s team will have the combination to that safe!
I like that tree in the middle of the section, you get to read under a tree while being inside! Cleo has 12 snakes?! That’s enough to give my ophidiophobic mom a heart attack! I wonder if the snakes love their princess Cleo… Cleo isn’t the Queen of the Snakes yet, she’s the Snake Princess, Nate! Cleo must practice an animal based, polytheistic religion with all the animals she swears to in Nate’s presence. Whatever’s in the safe must be something good or surprising if even Nate looks amazed like that!
>> Cleo isn’t the Queen of the Snakes yet, she’s the Snake Princess, Nate! <<
Actually, that might have been an even better 'combak' for Cleo. It would have mildly put his 'smart' self in his place a bit because he didn't think of it. "Wrong, McThunderpants; I'm the snake -Princess!-"
A tree in a bubble;
Surrounded by leaves.
Something truly unique;
or so Kaya believes.
Cleo’s got her friends,
this new Queen of the Nile.
Nate prods her ego;
refusing her denial.
What’s in the safe?
What is their reward?
And, come to that,
have the others been lucky pawed?
So in the safe is a tree in a snow-globe, with the clue inside too?

(I used to see lucky rabbit’s foot keychains in cheap gift shops a lot. Dyed various colors.)
I have a sci-fi book called, “Queen of Denial.” Had to buy it for the title alone!
Amy needs a keychain ear-dangle.
I’ve followed for a while, and I plan to continue. But honestly, I also have to give some praise to you. To write so many varied poems for each new page released? Reliable like every day the sunrise in the east? It’s simply too impressive for me not to take this chance: well done indeed, and I’ll await how next you play this dance.
I love the idea that there’s been a giant metal safe just sitting there in the aisle all day. That probably led to some confused library patrons.
Nah, they probably think that’s just where the library keeps its Gutenberg Bibles and Shakespeare First Folios.
Hopefully, there is enough room around it for the shelving carts.
Should it be Maetel’s briefcase ? ^_^”
Over on the Whiteboard, Doc just finished opening a safe too.
And we were just as much in the dark about the contents for a while too! And now that we know, we’re just as much in the dark as before!
I am submitting a formal request that we get to see a visit to the Snake Room prior to the chapter end (Please)
I’ll second that request…
I stopped overnight at internet friends years ago. To my surprise, the only spare bedroom was also the snake room! (They had 3 pythons.)
Wasn’t a problem, just smelled a little..odd.
The twist… is that the safe is empty!
It’s an unexpurgated copy of The Princess Bride, as originally written by Morgenstern rather than the expurgated version edited by Goldman… Or maybe not.
Meanwhile, Team Kai has to deal with something similar to the story, a LOUS (lagomorph of unusual size).
Snek girls be snekkin’.
And Draggin boys be draggin.
Came across this comic years ago, I’ve enjoyed almost every step of the way. Which is saying something, as I don’t normally go for slice-of-life. But I’m unwilling to wait until this chapter is finished to comment now that I’m on this site. I’m very much looking forward to what happens next. Thank you for writing this.
Would have been funny if Sam had made a cameo appearance, right behind Cleo, just as Cleo was doing the “I swear to goat” thing the other day.
David Copperfield: “Thank God you opened that…someone sabotaged my escape! I thought I was going to suffocate in there!”
Kaya finds the 2001 monolith, which evolves her to an ascended form…