The group
Seems like Kaya is not giving up just yet, but there are yet more roadblocks on her way.
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Seems like Kaya is not giving up just yet, but there are yet more roadblocks on her way.
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Burn her!! And no one like bully
Indeed, but burning might be a bit excessive don’t you think :p
Burn them any way
Becoming a bully to fight a bully is worse than just having a bully. There is difference between standing up to them and overdoing it.
We found a witch, may we burn her?
How do you know she’s a witch? Does she weigh the same as a duck, therefore she floats and is made of wood, which is why witches burn?
check your other comic comment section
Will do shortly
The bullies advance,
The clean school clique.
Four become three
The easy they seek.
Cleo left them attack;
Doesn’t she want their shame?
She seems unhappy here’
Are her friends to blame?
Is Kaya’s line now drawn
Against the human bullies three?
All the school is waiting
We’ll just have to wait and see.
There’s some truth in today’s poem :p
Silly, don’t these people read tropes? You should never bully a dragon.
Indeed, it doesn’t tend to work out well most of the time :p
Hell, the trope even refers to a situation where it isn’t obvious that they can set you on fire.
Eternal antagonists, or best friends that uncover the true value of individual personality?
Will Kaya stand-down the bullies that separate her from Cleo?
Is she really a lizard?
Don’t miss the next episode of Twin Dragons!
The last question got me laughing xD
Too bad that Kaya’s an unstoppable force and those bullies are just a puny brick wall.
It’s easier to throw out the new girl for fighting than it is established ones.
Kaya, the unstoppable force xD
I like that :p
root@kaya~> social
social module interface> befriend
social module/befriend> status
Befriending in progress (0.2%, ETA: NaN)
social module/befriend> abort
command “abort” not found, type –help or -h, or look at the man page for more information on the usage of the social module interface
Apparently Kaya is indeed an unstoppable force – as you can see, her social module doesn’t even include the abort command – let’s just hope that it will be included in later releases of KayaOS 😀
(I seriously didn’t think I could think of any more KayaOS jokes, but hey, let’s see how long I can keep going :P)
You just keep them coming :p
If Kaya is an unstoppable force, does that make Kai, her twin brother and equal in all things dragony, an immovable object? What would happen if the two were to collide? Would they be in an eternal stalemate or would Kaya be deflected off of Kai and continue in another direction?
This can only end in fire. Or begin with fire. Or have something to do with fire.
I don’t think the Romero twins could be astronauts…not because of ability, but because NASA engineers HATE fire in the living spaces.
I wonder what kind of business Cleo’s father is in. Wouldn’t it be deliciously ironic if that business was institutional/restaurant supply, and he takes on Mr. Romero as a client?
“Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire.”
— Jaya Ballard, task mage, Magic: The Gathering, Sizzle
Good thing they don’t particularly want to be astronauts xD
About Cleo’s father, it’s too soon to tell anything :p
<speak voice="CentauriEmperorTurhan">
How will this end?</speak>
<speak voice="KoshNaranek>
In fire!</speak>
I actually never realized that Cleo has legs until this page, the way she was slouching when she was first shown with only her tail showing made me think she was a lot more snake than human, and all the previous pages pretty much just having her drawn from the waist-up didn’t help….. though I certainly prefer this design instead (Can’t imagine how awkward it would have been for her to move around otherwise).
I’m glad you like the design with legs. I can see how it would be unclear from previous pages.
Reading the last epithet, I have some doubt about Cleo’s position in her group of “friends”.
I wonder if Cleo has venom?
In her speech, maybe xD
Nobody likes a bully.