The good and the bad news
Some good news, some bad news, but I think the good news weighs through pretty heavily for the two dragons :p
unless you count the lack of chocolate milk as bad news, Kaya is really not amused by that. Don’t come in between kaya and her chocolate!
“Yes, kids, we’ll be able to drive our Prius without any stigma!”
Well, what do you expect? She’s a girl and EVERYONE knows about girls/women and their chocolate. LOL.
I’m a straight (cis) guy and I run on chocolate. I tried weening myself off but couldn’t. I have decided that it will be lifelong vice
hot liquids have never been my cup of tea, but as for chocolate milk, how else is a guy supposed to get through college when his older sister (also at college) wants him to avoid soda overload. It goes great with breakfast cereal, by the way
This comic has now become part of my collection. To be binged on today and forgot about tomorrow yet still be opened with the browser. I love dragons and tails/tales. This qualifies both.
how i think of Kaya in the last panel
╠╬╬╬╣Put this on your page
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The magic of the internet
how i think of Kaya in the last panel
╠╬╬╬╣Put this on your page
╠╬╬╬╣If you LOVE
… Kaya has reptilian features… but also tits. That puts them at older than I’d initially guessed at least.
As to the rest… well, I’m guessing this isn’t the sort of physiology I should apply much scrutiny to, or the biologist in me will scream in horror.
It depends? I mean yeah, it’d be weird for a sapient, humanoid, terran species descended from lizards to have boobs, but this these sapient terran lizard people are descended from mammals that do have boobs, so having boobs isn’t nearly as weird.
Although that entire sentence is very, very, weird.
Note to self, never get between Kaya and her hot cocoa.
good choice
Ah, the friendly big city trope… Honestly, are there really still people believing that ?
To be fair, they’re hated where they are enough to be thought of as demons, so New York City would probably be paradise to them in retrospect.
Cocoa contains flavonoids that not only relax the blood vessels and lowers your blood pressure, but also reduces inflammation in the body. It packs a fiber punch. Almost 2 grams of fiber per teaspoon. It contains a chemical called epicatechin, which improves cognitive function. Apparently, dragons like hot cocoa too.