Swordfish at dawn
Leave it to our favourite twins to find a way to amuse themselves at a fish market ^^
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Just for future reference, in case fencing actually comes up as a thing in this story; the proper follow-up to “en garde” is “allez”. Or, if you need three panels for two face-shots and a clash shot, the STRICTLY proper form is “en garde”, “prêts” (or “prêtes” if both combatants are female), “allez”, spoken by a third party; in a more casual spar, the combatants trading “en garde”, “allez” is usually sufficient.
Ahhh, but you are mistaken, for they are not using sabers, they are using *swords*.
Obviously they are not actually fencing, they are engaging in dangerously under armored SCA heavy combat, wherein it is appropriate for a duel to begin with someone simply calling en garde. Further evidence can be seen in how Kai is using a two handed grip, which would be illegal in fencing, but is the obvious thing to do in heavy combat as kai is clearly using a long sword while Kaya is only using an arming sword.
(Marco is acting as the marshal here, and appropriately calling them out for not being sufficiently armored)
they have thick skin + scales
They’d probably still benefit from face protection though, since they’re eyes, noses, and mouths are probably still vulnerable and very pokable.
DragonScale armor
Thanks for the info ^^
I didn’t intend to use the correct procedure for this one, though. I think you noticed that as well, but thanks for telling me anway
That’s French though, En Garde has basically become an English loanword to use when fighting with swords, the rest of it is just pure French, and fuck speaking French if you’re not French, that’s indulging the French language supremacists, and after all the stunts they pull, you shouldn’t indulge the French language supremacists, not until they stop trying to stomp out any non-French language in their territories, stop opposing the existence of dialects, and stop trying to force French on people by demanding everything happen in French, whenever they have the Chair in the EU.
Wow, you’re not even trying to be a decent human being, are you.
French Language Supremacists should be the name of a band.
By that logic, I should tan my easily-burned skin so I don’t indulge white supremacists, get a sex change operation so I don’t indulge male supremacists, and stop playing Minecraft and Roblox so I don’t indulge PC gaming supremacists.
It’s more that I hate the French trying to force their language on others, and am quite annoyed about that stunt they pulled in the EU, where they used being the chair to demand that all paperwork must be done in French, and so got a little hyperbolic in my rant.
I love your comics! The story is amazing, and the characters look so simple yet real! And Kaya’s pirate name is the best. Hello, Captain Chocolate-Beard!
Thank you
I agree. Best pirate name 
To be honest, he should have known this would happen when he left the twins unsupervised.
Never leave them unsupervised xD
Pffft ha! Trust the twins to have some fun while Marco is trying to tend to business! Heh, Captain Chocolate Beard! So fitting!
Marco thinking: Great what do I have on my menu that uses swordfish?
He’ll get something made out of it xD
Waoo, that was an enormous surprise for me
I did not expect the twins to show up in the fish market, especially in this way XD
I’m surprised she’s AWAKE and FUNCTIONING at dawn! Daniel the Human is not a morning person either, and apparently at that age he would have passed out again in the car, then groggy for a while after waking up. Unless something sped up his processor rebooting- no, wait, it’s BRAINS that Humans have, not processors. Still, guessing something sped up Kayla’s rebooting to get her back to energetic…
Probably just as simple as going to bed earlier and napping in the car on the way there. That and the excitement kids normally feel at getting to go somewhere & do something new. They’re getting to see firsthand how Cleo is going to help out their dad, and being experienced with it themselves will help because I suspect that once they get a little bit older they’ll be helping out in the food truck and restaurant (when it opens) as part time jobs.
Kai’s already confirmed to be working in the food truck during the food festival. Not so much ‘will be’.
Yes but I view that as a special occasion situation where he’s helping out as his dad’s getting started. The twins are right in the middle of their current school year so any more helping with the food truck will probably be a weekend/holiday thing until summer vacation rolls around.
Well, I had to include them xD
Strictly speaking, you didn’t HAVE to include them unless they’re important to events before Marco and Cleo get back to Hybrid City. Barring any unintentional spoilers, it’s more accurate to say that you WANTED to include them – in which case, you’re the creator of this comic, and no one has the right to tell you that you can’t.
Marco should know the honest truth,
you can’t take this pair anywhere.
Trouble goes wherever they do
and they’ll find it with Dragonic flair.
Duelling fish upon the main sail
the dread pirate and the hero.
Which will rise to the chocolate skies
and which will be found by Nemo?
They really need to do cosplay
and design all their own outfits.
Left to the minds of you or I
they might come out looking right twits…
Thank you so much for that needed laugh. I needed that. And yes, I could totally see them doing that. Maybe in future C&D shenanigans with Benji?
They will become Swordfish-fighters in C&D? xD
You wouldn’t need to have them specialize. Improvised tools is a -2 penalty to your skill check. Using a sword-wielding class, you could probably have a swordfish sub in as an #ImprovisedWeapon. (And if you’re not using a sword-wielding class, then you’re swinging that thing around like an idiot and the -2 is your only modifier, but a natural 20 can still work wonders.)
I love that split face-off panel, and I also love the idea of a fencer responding to “En garde!” with “Bring it on!”
I liked that too, so it’s in there xD
That’s a really helpful eyepatch captain Chocolate-Beard has. It understands that fencing requires stereo vision, and opens to let the captain use both her eyes.
Very advanced technology xD
Better stock up, Marco! Certain fish vendors are liabel to remember this incident when you come to visit next time!
Then they will just have to rely on Kaya giving them the cute face :p
“It’s not the size of the swordfish that counts! It’s how you use it!” Heheh.
So I’m not the only one that sees a dozen innuendos in that remark? Good to know.
Ayyyee! Robin be a big boy. ‘e knows wat ‘e did thar.
I’m not sure Kaya knows it’s an innuendo, particularly one her brother or other boys would use defensively. Kai may find it hilarious or a bit embarrassing, maybe both given his pose and where he’s holding his swordfish. She probably shouldn’t repeat to her friends, especially Jin (he’s too young to be hearing that).
I just couldn’t resist :p
Quite obviously raising Dragons includes quite a few challenges you would not expect from any other kind of child, that´s for sure.
I like the name Chocolate-beard.
It’s a unique experience, that’s for sure xD
Pristine across the board, Robin. No notes this week.
Had to happen at some point :p
I was wondering about hybrids. Would a manticore be possible? Also, could we make hybrid OCs even if we aren’t patrons (I would be, but my parents don’t want me using Paypal)?
Sadly cameos are a prize only for patron and very close friends if kai needs a filler
As for hybrids there was one added before but he was sat in an angle to only show one version, think kai wants to keep his hybrids to base races
A manticore would technically be possible as a mythical hybrid, but this would be extremely rare, even among the hybrids. You have more chance to see a mythical hybrid in cities like Hybrid City, where hybrids come together, but even in Hybrid city, they only have 6 registered mythicals (not including Kai and Kaya, which makes it a total of 8 now)
About the hybrid OC’s, you can totally make your own OC based on Twin Dragons
Just credit Twin Dragons as the source, please ^^
if you’re talking about making a cameo, that’s a patreon-only thing where I make you a character (if you don’t already have one) and you appear in the background of some pages.
I hope that answered your questions ^^
How much I gotta pay you to make the tail cannon Robin xD
Swordfish: a new twist on a time-honored tradition. https://youtu.be/T8XeDvKqI4E
Oh yeah, the fish-slapping xD
I would love this as a One Piece spinoff!
One Piece: Twin Dragons edition xD
After reading that, I can’t help but picture the cast cosplaying as One Piece characters while on their own ship sailing the seas. For some reason I can’t help but think Kaya would try to dress up as Monkey D. Luffy (even if someone else is already dressed as him), though she shouldn’t wear Luffy’s post time skip clothes, her parents (and Kai) would not approve…
And I just noticed the chocolate ‘badge’ on Cap’n Chocolate-Beard’s hat!
(I bet it was tempting to ‘stamp’ a skull-and-crossbones into each little square. Can you imagine the work that would have taken? LOL)
I wonder what Kaya thinks of ‘white’ chocolate… Is that still a thing? I don’t think I’ve seen any in a long time.
Yes, white chocolate is still a thing. It’s designed to be a compliment to dark chocolate in the same item; that’s why you’ll have, for instance, chocolate cookies with white-chocolate chips. Most prominently, it’s the interior layer of the Kinder Surprise egg, which I imagine Kaya would be fond aaaand Kinder Surprise is illegal in America, nevermind.
Yeah, that would have been a nice addition, but so much extra work for something so small in the final size xD
I better not :p
White chocolate is still a thing, and Kaya likes it, of course xD
Heh.. The only “Kinders” I know about were people in a fantasy series Dad used to read. They did not lay eggs though. So; what’s a “Kinder Surprise?”
Kinder Surprise is a chocolate candy available in Canada. It is a hollow, two-layered egg of dark and white chocolate, with a plastic capsule inside containing a small toy. The fact that there is a non-food item within the food item is apparently unlawful in America.
Not sure if it went anywhere but there’s been discussion about banning them in several other countries as well. Apparently uninformed parents are often unaware of the potential choking hazards and let their kid try to just bite through the middle of the egg.
I wonder what age exactly needs to be the child to bite THROUGH the plastic capsule and then choke on the parts of toy. I mean, small kids don’t have bite that big and big kids are not so stupid to bite through plastic, not speaking about already knowing there is toy inside.
(Not sure how old I was, but I remember opening the “egg” to get to the toy quickly, only starting to eat the chocolate when already playing with the toy.)
Ditto. I remember my friends and I making a contest out of trying to get the shell in as few pieces as possible while getting at the toy capsule.
It’s available in Europe as well.
It has been explained pretty well already, but it are chocolate eggs with a plastic container inside that contain a small toy for children. Kind of like the toys in cereal boxes. Kinder Surprise was all around here when I was little ^^
I don’t get Kaya’s pirate name
Stereotypical pirate captain naming follows the pattern “Captain [x]beard”, where [x] is either a colour (if you’re trying to be halfway serious) or something to do with the captain’s personality (if you’re just doing it for humor). In addition to the fact that Kaya loves chocolate, there is also the reference to a “food beard”, which is when someone eats something in a very sloppy manner and gets it all over their face to the point that it looks like they have a beard of that food.
Thank you for the answer
Nice job with that explanation, DTIBA. I certainly could not have done as well.
I was a little delayed since my computer needed repairs, but I made it. And I’m sure glad I did! Another amazing panel as always Robin. Kind of makes me wonder how the twins would handle “Sea of Thieves”. Anyone else think Kaya would constantly launch herself out of the cannons? No matter what I’m sure it would make for a somewhat hilarious combo. Thank you for your continued work in entertaining us each week Robin, and for never giving up on your dedication to quality, depth, and detail in every page. Keep up the amazing work, and as always, stay awesome!
Thank you, Alpha
Glad to see your pc is up and running again.
Sea of Thieves would be interesting with the twins, to say the least. The cannon launch would certainly be a thing xD
Robin Hood: Men In Tights reference ftw!
Okay; sooner or later I have to see that…
I just love that movie ^^
Marco: “It’s more dangerous for the shopkeeper than it is for them, and those fish are expensive!”
Shiver my timbers, shiver my soul!
Yo ho, heave ho!
There are men whose hearts are as black as coal,
Yo ho, heave ho!
And they sailed their ship across the Ocean blue,
A blood-thirsty* captain and a cut-throat crew.
It’s as dark a tale as was ever told,
Of the lust for treasure and the love of gold!
Shiver my timbers, shiver my sides,
Yo ho, heave ho!
There are hungers as strong as the wind and tides,
Yo ho, heave ho!
And those buccaneers drowned their sins in rum.
The Devil himself would have to call them scum!
Every man aboard would have killed his mate
For a bag of guineas or a Piece of Eight!
(*A Piece of Eight!*)
(*A Piece of Eight!*)
(*Five, six, seven, eight*)
Mulla wakka, ulla wakka, something not right!
Many wicked, icky things gonna happen tonight!
Mulla wokka, ulla wokka sailor man beware!
With de money in Tue ground, dere’s murder in de air!
(*Murder in the air!)
One more time now!
Shiver my timbers, shiver my bones,
Yo ho, heave ho!
There are secrets the sleep with old Davy Jones,
Yo ho, heave ho!
When the main sail’s set and the anchor’s weighed,
There’s no turning back from any course that’s laid
And when greed and villainy sail the sea,
You can at you bet your boots there’ll be treachery!
(*Eeyaaah a ahh ah ah ah aahh!*)
Shiver my timbers, shiver my sails,
Dead men tell no tales!
*For Kaya, chocolate thirsty would be a better description.