The two brothers are having a friendly discussion about the events of the day.
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They talk with their hands;
this Europeanest of nations.
But mainly when with family;
the closest of relations.
Big secrets are kept in sheds;
even bigger than Granddad.
The surprise of the moment
is the biggest they’ve ever had.
What could it be in there?
The pride of the Romero Clan.
Return next week to see
what may be their big game plan…
Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Panel 3 reminds me of an old joke.
How do you silence an italian?
Shackle their hands.
OK, now that’s funny.
I’m going to guess that it’s some kind of vehicle. First instinct is an ATV or something similar, second instinct is a boat.
From what I see it is too big for a Vespa or such and too small for a car.
I say: jet ski
Considering Emilio’s boat, that’s actually a reasonable guess.
Is it a motorcycle? Will their heads fit in the helmets?
I do want to learn Italian no jutsu !
ITALIAN NO JUTSU! Their arguing intensifies.
And now we meet Grandpa Romero! I can see the resemblance between him, Marco, and Emilio. What’s under the tarp? It looks like there’s a small vehicle or two underneath, perhaps a Vespa or two? If so, I feel sorry for the street goers when Kaya’s behind the wheel (she’s a bit clumsy and doesn’t think things through).
The twins were almost put on a No-fly list?! Sounds a bit excessive just for a mistake, I’m starting to have a more and more negative view of the guy Kai and Kaya mistook for Emilio. I can understand being angry at two random kids pouncing on you out of nowhere and then their uncle tricking you with bus tickets, but I find it quite dishonest and disproportionate to exaggerate/lie about the damages you’ve suffered to the point of pressing charges and only deciding to stop if you accept a bribe. With Marco’s side of the story, the guy in the hat keeps sounding more like an unpleasant person…
I’m guessing a scooter of some kind under that cloth, maybe twin scooters. They will now be highly mobile Twin Dragons!
Mio Dio! Kaya behind the wheel of a motor scooter/vespa… Be afraid, be very, very afraid.
So many gestures, the angry Italians. I didn’t notice this as much in Venice. More eye rolling though. Maybe it’s an East vs. West Italian thing. So I guess they hit each other in the Piedmont (Piemonte) region?
more like north vs south. tuscanys are basically the brits among the italiens – very understated – but the further south you go people get more passionate+expressive….and once you hit sicily, all bets are off
I only went as far south as Naples, and they were animated enough.
So it’s like the physical equivalent of Dovah.
“At least they won’t be bothered by mosquitos talking like that”
I don’t know if there are mosquitos in Italy, but that is definitely a valid point. My hands will move like that in a perfectly amicable conversation just to keep the insects away from my face.
Panel 2: Add a comma to “Oh”. (Second time in last ten minutes I’ve typed that, FYI)
Title text: Drop the apostrophe.
The second one, I mean.
You’re right about the apostrophe, and wrong about the comma as usual.
Your critique would be more effective, and amusing, if you moved the comma from after “apostrophe” to after “comma.”
OR, you could just add a comma after “comma.”
The point of your critique is accurate however.
Either of those changes would change the sentence to say another thing than what I meant. I intentionally applied “as usual” only to the second part. The sentence is not a joke, and should therefore not be changed into a different statement just to make it more amusing.
Going by the outline and size, there’s a pony under the tarp.
I’m experiencing a weird illusion with the speech bubble flags. When I look closely at the screen I see the red fields as red. When I see them from a more normal distance I perceive them as orange, making the flags look Irish. It’s not a problem. I’m not going to believe that Romeros in Naples speak Irish. It’s just an interesting phenomenon.
We also might want to consider past events: It could be Larisa, bound and gagged.
“Wait, what?!”
“How? Why? I mean I know she’s done bad things, but isn’t this a little extreme?”
”Oh, I didn’t do all of it. I made sure to call in a professional, the ‘Pantaloni di Tuono.’”
Twins (simultaneously facepalming): “Nate…”
Don’t mess with the Romeros.
Italian is a wonderful language for arguing in, especially when accompanied with the requisite gestures.
I remember seeing a video of Italians challenged to talk without using/moving their hands. They had a very difficult time.
Fairly sure there’s a Vespa under that tarp.
That or a Lambretta.
Strangely enough last time I was in Italy, Honda Cubs were becoming popular.
They were cheap to import because they were so common in the Far East.
Also spares and after market mods were dirt cheap.
Under the tarp: Motorcycle and sidecar. (Mainly for the relative novelty.)
Since we are in Italy and they are just have their birthday, I am thinking maybe a scooter. Very Italian to drive around on those small things. Granted you need a licens in some countries. Don’t know about Italian. Could also be a set of very nice bikes. But I guess it will all be shown next week.
A quick search online.
To drive a moped or motorcycle of 50cc and under with a maximum speed of 45km/h, the driver must be at least 14 years old.
After passing an exam, the driver will carry a category AM licence.
A short training course at a local driving school must be completed before taking the exam.
Guess we know where the twins are going shortly.
Kai: “You made a Frankenstein’s Monster?”
Grandpa: “What? Whoops, wrong canvas!”
Franenstein’s Pony?