Fun fact: today’s page title, in addition to being a mention to the “stronk” meme, the word stronk is also the dutch word for a tree stump, which seemed oddly fitting, even though what Kai is lifting isn’t a stump xD
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Wandering the forest,
looking for the glade;
two playing games
as they should be played.
Looking for a box
hidden in the forest;
showing off his strength;
Kai puts thoughts at rest.
Lifting a log one handed,
in his proper shirt.
Looking on the surface
when it’s likely in the dirt.
If you hear rollin’
no-one’s goin’ strollin’…
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Though I must admit: rhyming “forest” with “at rest?” A bit of a stretch. But cool cadence choice, ending with a double D after winding rhymes.
Looking promising, and Kai knows the area. Should go pretty fast?
I once read about four geocachers trying to find a cache in a sewer tunnel, during a rain storm. Two dead.
I don’t know if the cache was really hidden there or they read their directions wrong.
Kai: I mean, if the tree has fallen since the stash was put here…
Near: You’re already cute, dragon boi. You don’t need excuses to flex.
Just a dragon kid lifting a log with one arm and hand.
It’s always good to get outside and take a walk, get some fresh air. A forest trail is always nice.
Strong Kai is strong! Careful Kai, Near will remember and use this if this relationship becomes something more than a summer romance.
When the stash should be Near
and you’re strong like a bear,
lifting trees from the ground
counts as looking around.
The sundress is cute and all but maybe not the best option for nature adventures. Kind of like Daphne running from monsters and ghosts in a miniskirt and high heels. But still, a good look for a princess with her brave dragon knight. I also had no idea how strong the twins actually were. What that shown in an earlier chapter and I just don’t remember?
It probably was 100% confirmed in the chapter where they went to the medical checkup – something something Kaya something medical trolley losing a wheel
When they’re moving furniture in preparation for the move to Hybrid City Mario has several comments about how strong the kids are. Very early in the comic series, I think.
His name is Marco, but now I want to see him wearing Super Mario Bros. cosplay for Halloween.
Yeah, so far their strength has been demonstrated when they were loading everything up to leave their old town (Kai lifted the couch with less effort than his Dad), then again when unloading (Kai, his Dad & the couch again) before Kaya got her turn during the Doctor’s appointment (caught the heavy equipment trolley at an less than optimal angle when the wheel broke off). The Doctors want to put them through a series of ADULT level strength tests next time they come in….
Personally, I’ll admit I’m looking forward to seeing that happen and the results, but I am also happy to wait patiently for that chapter, if/when it happens…
There was also kaya pushing Lala in front of the school before the bald spot for incident and kai breaking the hinges on the gym door on his way out from issuing his challenge to Rex.
Casually lifting a log that, judging from Near’s comment, isnt hollow.
Kai forgetting that normal people (let alone small teens) can’t lift logs one handed while bent over like the logs were made of cardboard. Still, a handy ability whenever you need to move something. Since the couple is in the woods, I wonder how Annabella (and possibly Kaya) would be able to spy on them… I don’t think Anna planned for the possibility on Near and Kai trekking through the woods for a Geostash.
So Kai and Kaya played in these woods a lot over the years, hopefully they didn’t cause any dragon level destruction. I wonder what the twins got up to in the forest… And were their cousins a part of it?
If you know what you are doing, it can be easier to hide in a forrest than some think. Especially if you’ve had training too 😋. Not knowing where the couple are going does complicate things a bit, but it’s not impossible. They were walking on a dirt path, so footprints will be much easier to find, use vegetation to break up your outline while observing, avoid sudden movements, and try not to be a creepy stalker…
I can’t help but think Near is reacting a bit too casually to Kai’s strength. Has she found out about him being a dragon hybrid? I hope to see her reaction to his fire breath.
It probably came up during the jousting with how easily Kai most likely picked up Kaya and then Near. That said, it’s easier to see on a mobile phone screen where you can zoom in, but Near has a serious 😯 surprised face in the last panel…
Near found out about Kai’s strength when he stopped Kaya on top of her runaway scooter that was likely doing just under max speed (so down to 22km/hr from 25km/hr or 15miles/hr to 13.5 miles/hr for Americans, due to a couple of seconds breaking). Without budging or showing any strain whatsoever.
If you want to look back at what I’m talking about, look for the page titled Speed in the Archives, from 11th of November 2024.
Panel 2: So THAT’S where the Twitter Bird went!!!
A lot of new characters are showing up, so the bird is making sure we stay at 140 characters or less.
I believe it was Randall Munroe who once gave a book’s character count, then clarified “in the typing sense, though I can think of a few books that had that many of the other kind”.
I wonder how that tree fell in the first place.
Could be natural. We had a tree fall over in our backyard after some heavier winds.
Hey, Robin, would you prefer buymeacoffe over ko-fi? Those services charge for being a recipient, right? If so I’m will to swap to whichever you prefer as long as it doesn’t trigger my suspicious payment protections