It’s not actual spit, but little does Kaya know :p
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Spit happens.
Not gonna lie, I actually laughed at this way more than I should xD
And now Kaya wants to play,
slapping away the errant flame.
It’s the best thing she’s done today;
is she becoming somewhat tame?
Not likely, she would shout
as she wipes spit on her bro.
She quickly wipes the spittle out…
he’s not a towel, don’t you know?
The Docs will need new samples
when they get the chance;
from their two fine examples
when they finish the hand dance.
Good idea Kaya, wipe highly volatile fluids on your brother ^^
Kaya always has the best ideas xD
Flame resistant brother. Not that that improves his opinion of it happening.
It came from his mouth. It’s still feels gross.
Yeah, it’s all about the idea xD
It’s not spit but it still came out of his mouth so the “ew ew ew” still applies! XD The wiping her hands on Kai’s gown it just classic!
Yeah, absolutely xD
Being close doesn’t make it any less ew xD
Depending on what’s burning, it should be perfectly safe for a normal human to do that. I would not hesitate to do that to 70% alcohol.
Yeah, that’s true, but I couldn’t very well have the hospital burn down, right xD
Do it really matter, Kaya. Even if that was your brother’s spit, it was LITERALLY engulf in flames. I don’t know about you but I pretty sure there’s nothing much left on that stick there.
it’s the thought that counts. It was in Kai’s mouth before, so therefore, it’s icky xD
Anyone else notice that the spikes on Kai’s tail look like flames?
They’re hair, actually :p
Why do I have this feeling that Kaya is going to be more sensitive to them probing the back of her throat to get the sample?
If you feel the urge to cough, please don’t.
Maybe, maybe not :p
Next phase will be surely a scanner , to see where the valves leads to ; that’s perfect to fully understand the spit-fire act
Although a scan on a healthy individual isn’t done much, is it?
Well ; i doubt the doctors can wait until Kai gets hardly sick or dies , for more studies ……………
Kaya seems we’ll practiced at extinguishing fires…
And I’m sure she’s overreacting about the spit. Sisters always seems to think their brothers spit is gross…until they want to steal your drink.
I think Kai and their parents are also well versed in fire extinguishing practices xD
Would’ve been hilarious if slapping her hands together had reignited the flame, on Kaya’s hands this time!
I really like panels one and five; especially five.
…or maybe reignite the fire while vigorously rubbing the liquid off on Kai’s gown.
Kaya: Got it!
Kaya: Nope, don’t got it. Water please!
I mean, people putting out a small fire (like a match or candle) without hurting themselves by smothering it with their fingers is nothing new, it’s been depicted many times before. Granted though, I guess that depends how intense a flame fueled by whatever chemical the twins produce burns. Nobody is going to be putting out a napalm-fueled fire even if it’s a tiny match-sized flame with their fingers…. well…. not if they want to keep their fingers at least.
And that’s why the doctors go ‘oh dear’ when it starts burning xD
who knows how hot that flame is :p
Ahhhh. Classic sibling affection. The age-old ritual of wiping your hands on your fellow family-members’ shirt. Anyone else remember doing that as a kid? No? Oh well. Either way this chapter has gotten more wholesome by the page ever since the twins were reunited. It’s interesting to see the two interacting with one another in an environment without friends to impress or parents to oversee them. I feel like it says a lot about their true colors. And what do you know? They’re even goofier than we thought. I love it. This comic takes so many classic things: living with family, having a twin, mythology, school life, and more; and it takes an approach to them that feels fresh and unique. I can think of few other comics, shows, or even movies that achieve such a profound effect. Robin is a master storyteller and one which any creative outlet would be blessed to have. I’m honored to know them, and to be a part of this community. Keep it up my friend. Stay awesome.
I don’t know if this has been answered before.
Are the twins identical or fraternal.
I know identical can not be different sexes but whatever causes hybridization throws the rules for genetics out the window.
They’re fraternal twins. The genetics do become a little strange with hybridization, but we can assume they’re fraternal twins
Thanks for answering that Robin.
As a couple of follow up questions to that.
Have there been any twins born where one was a hybrid and one wasn’t?
Are parents who have already had a hybrid more likely to have another and would they be the same “species”.
Are hybrids more likely to give birth to hybrids or are the odds the same?
Whether hybrids are more likely to have hybrid children is probably not well known yet, if I remember right the oldest hybrids are less than 15 years old, so while there probably have been a few cases of hybrids having children, there’s probably still very few hybrids with children as of yet, so that’s probably one of the questions that most scientists in universe, has just agreed to wait some more years before answering.
Thank you once again, Alpha
Always such kind words for me ^^
Goofy is what they are, indeed xD They’re at their best when they’re together. They’re twins after all ^^
Well, it looks like Kaya is spit out of luck on this one
haha, nice one xD
I wonder how big a sample the Doc needs?
Does this make Kaya a germaphobe, or just a spitaphobe?
Brothers have gross spit.
The grossest xD
She’s certainly not a germaphobe. It’s just Kai’s spit that needs to be eliminated from her hands xD
Sibling spit, worst substance on earth xD
She could have just burned it off, sure that involve her own spit, but that’s not nearly as gross as Kai’s spit, cleansing fire tend to be the most effective way of removing germs, though it of course can have collateral damage, but her hands are fire resistant so that’s not a problem here.
Kai doesn’t look very happy about this prospect.
Fun fact, in Celtic the name Kai means “Firey”
In Gaelic (a subgrouping of Celtic), the name Drakar means “Dragon”
I have yet look up the meanings Kaya could have
Well, getting a throat swab taken isn’t very pleasant. Now imagine them poking around the tiny valves he has there. Not a very pleasant sensation :p
I know it’s a normal reaction to having ANYone’s spit wiped on you; but, Kai’s “Hey! Don’t wipe it on me!” is still highly amusing, considering it’s his own spit.
OK, I have it figured out! Kia is the boy. He has darker skin, a deeper shade of red hair and it is short and his muzzle is slightly longer. Kaya is the girl, has slightly paler skin and a lighter shade of red hair and it is long. Kaya is hyper active. Kia tends to give things a bit more thought.
I pick up on subtle clues like that.
It’s another thing that can only end in fire.