How to stop your dragon.
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I made that mistake once. In much less safe circumstances than “barrelling towards a super-strong dragon hybrid who can stop me with his arms”. It was a bad time for everyone involved.
Dragon Hybrids must be incredibly dense as well as strong, or have a low center of gravity, otherwise Newton’s Law would have still made things have a worse outcome. Still, having their super-dense scales and high muscle mass would probably require molecular density as well.
Being incredibly dense would work against Kai as much as for him, given he’s trying to stop another dragon hybrid, and a low centre of gravity would probably be fairly visible, so it’s unlikely (beyond the tail weight, which can move all over the place).
That said, Kai did just stop Kaya using 3 points of contact with the ground (see: tail), and leaning into it, and if he also allowed a bit of give (not to mention the fact that Kaya was trying to stop), I think this is fairly believable.
They at least need dense bones so their muscles don’t break them. And with that tail their center of gravity is low.
I’m for the existance of “magic” in this world. Fantasy dragons can not fly with small wings alone. They must somehow manipulate gravity.
Eastern dragons even fly without wings. So Kai could unconsciously use a dragon ability to make himself heavy and unmoveable.
Lucky rabbits do infer ability beyond standard science.
“So far, we think Witchcraft is involved…”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if actual magic was used…”
Nobody being able to find a scientific reason for Hybrids in the 1st place…
The aforementioned significant luck of a certain Rabbit Hybrid girl….
I’m thinking we’re being shown various subtle indicators of the existence of magic in the world of Twin Dragons….
But since DragonKai never confirms that magic does exist in their world, I’m not expecting them to suddenly reveal something like that on this page…..
The thing is magic exists, but it was not proven so people in general don’t believe in it. We have Katsumi, huge invisible cat. Sure, when Jin started to talk about her they tried to medicate her out, but his new doctor seems to be open to possibility it’s real and has actual tests results confirming that. Also, we saw Jin fight.
So, Kai and Kaya can’t fly and their fire can be explained chemically … but they may still have some magical abilities not obvious enough they use subconsciously.
Their tails add a lot of weight and shifts their center of gravity down quite a bit if that helps
Kai pulls the ‘SuperDragon’ trick
as Kaya overcharges the brakes.
She made a pledge to find him
and didn’t care what it takes.
Dangerous driving ensues
as she pursues them around town.
I wonder how many got away
and how many were nearly mown down?
O wonder if we’ll hear the next line
or if we’ll see so many ears fold back.
We know Kai’s a tolerant guy
but he knows words to make windows crack…
Diolch yn fawr iawn.
It would be deserved, if Kai chewed his sister out for her recklessness.
I think Near’s heart might have had a little bump seeing Kai stop the scooter like that. Not only cuts but strong!
Cute but strong, wish I caught that before posting.
Kai knows his sister SO Well! XD
Gelato has been obtained!
I like that the color of Near’s nails matches the color of her ice cream.
And here we see Kai demonstrating his hybrid strength for the lovely miss.
I wonder what kind of ice cream they have chosen.
Near’s seem to be either pistachio (without food coloring) or mint (with food coloring).
Kay could have strawberry (or any other red berry with or without food coloring)
Two kids talking about magic being used to make gelato, given that they’re both Hybrids and the boy is a Dragon, I guess it’s not too much of a stretch. And here comes Kaya to disrupt their first date, riding her scooter at more than full speed, Kai’s not even surprised or scared. She’s barreling down like Haruko Haruhara and he just stops her with his bare hands and little effort! That’s definitely a Kodak moment. And a reminder that Kaya still has another 15 years before she’s allowed to drive a motor vehicle. What does she need her big bro for in her challenge issued by not-so-little Allessandro? And what did Kai overestimate?
I wonder how Near feels about this display… Scared? Impressed? Crushing hard on Kai?
I’d say Kai overestimated the time Kaya would allow him before interrupting his date.
That’s my guess too.
Yeah, I’m leaning in that direction too….
I came to the comments to ask the same question. My guess is that he’s saying he overestimated her driving knowledge, maybe? The time thing seems kinder, though.
Panel 7: Add a comma to “Hey”.
Title text: Ditto “adults”.
No need in either case JP.
Looking at it again this evening, Kaya’s kinda lucky she didn’t go flying over the handlebars after being stopped so suddenly. Personal experience with bikes: just because your ride stops doesn’t mean you do as well.
She does have the mass of her tail to whip around for counterbalancing, but I know what you mean. Every time I buy a new bike, I always test the front brake at low speed to see how grippy it is.
Especially since a scooter has two brakes, the handgrip only puts on the front brake (the other brake lever is for the clutch.) There is a pedal on the floor for the back brake.
I just remembered that a 50cc Vespa or Scarabeo doesn’t have a clutch, so there won’t be a second lever on the handlebar. There still would be a footpedal for the back brake, though.
Seeing Kaya riding up like that, I could imagine this music playing.
Just as long as Kai doesn’t suddenly have things escaping through his forehead……
Does Kaya even know about the footbrake? (the handgrip only brakes the front wheel, using it too much can flip the scooter.)
I hope this doesn’t put an end to Kai and Near’s date, I’m seriously shipping the two of them.
She’s almost certainly going to go with them, unless she is wanted by family.
“Hold my Beer (Ice Cream)”, with effective results.
Braking: Bad
*Laughs in Aku*
The draconic version of “Hold my beer”, I guess
I’m quite impressed these kids thought to use safety equipment.
Don’t try this at home. Try it at someone else’s home, they hate that.
Kai: “Mulhaan fus kriist!”
Kaya: “Wait, not ‘fus ro dah?’”
Kai: “I’m trying to stop the scooter, not launch you into oblivion!”
Near: “Wait, isn’t that the previous game?”
Kaya: “Third base!”
(Now wondering how much damage could be done if you translated an Abbott and Costello routine to Dovahzul…)