Sleight of hand
Larissa is stopped for now. Who does this mysterious hand belong to?
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Yeah pretty sure aiming the stone ball at her head would either kill Kaya, knock her out, or get her in a coma. Wouldn’t it be better if she’d aim it at a different part of Kaya’s body?
According the possibility Kaya’s skull is so resistant than an human one and the short range of shoot …………………. DEAD X_X
Assuming it’s a stone ball, that would be the case. Larissa isn’t thinking this through.
For Larissa it’s a mystery,
what just happened in Natural History!
She was going to throw a stone
harder even than she’s known,
it was going to go so well,
it was Kaya that she’d fell.
But now, when she was winning,
something new has been beginning
and it caught up all her aims,
she’s not dishing out the pains.
she’s caught in the lights,
brought in bang to rights
and she’ll realise on reflection…
it was Natural selection.
Appropriately, I’ve had Horrible Histories ‘Charles Darwin’ song in my head all day.
You snuck that poem in there while I was typing up my haiku. Well played, Welsh Rat.
That’s Liz, naturally
Good triumphs over evil
For today, at least
The question remains
What now does the future hold
For all these youngsters?
A good, smart, Haiku
is worth good money to read.
Yours has hit the spot.
I see what you did there. Well played again.
This little game of catch
has ended in a heroic snatch
to save our young friend
from a painful day’s end
from a stupid plan one girl did hatch.
This little historical jaunt
will probably come back to haunt
a trio of girls
one with singed-off curls
and tendency with laws to flaunt.
Seriously how dumb can you get?
I wouldn’t take anyone’s bet,
that our monk-haired young friend
will meet freedom’s end,
after being caught like a fish in a net.
Hmm, Adams’ Family’s Thing? Their teacher? One of Rex’s teammates? Exhibit curator? A museum guard?
I think a museum guard would not act quite like this; it would be more like, “You are under arrest for vandalism and destruction of private property. The police will advise you of your rights when they arrive. Come with me.”
Yeah, security would say something like that.
McThunderpants has returned?
You’re quite the chat ninja today, you stole my thunder(pants) while I was typing… And I was trying to be subtle for once too…
Rat ninja , please ^_^
That’s what I’m thinking too. Those words do seem like something he would say, that’s a human hand holding the ball, and we don’t see him over with Kaya’s group. Nice save and goodness he’s got some quick reflexes/reaction time if he snatched that ball from her hand right as she tried to throw it!
And he did insist on separating from the group perhaps he knew they were going to do something shady and doubled back to keep an eye on them
keeping an eye on things and protecting rex´ back seems to be his forte
It’s the fabled return… of McThunderpants xD
Hmmm… To casual for an adult and not serious enough for a guard. Definitely human. Could it be…
Yeah, it could definitely be…
This hand is too “small” to be the one of an adult , and seeing his way to speak : no other possibility than Nate comeback after having filled the handout
But i wanted the stoneball crushes larissa’s foot ………… I hate you , Nate X3
Couldn’t take that chance, Panther, what if she actually threw decently? xD
How much you want to bet we see Nate’s eyes next page?
An upbeat character with closed/hidden eyes? God help you when those eyes open
Oh yeah, definitely be careful of them :p
Are we talking Brock or Xelloss level?
Awww , so sweet ^_^
A yawning Rex in the second panel : i like it
And fourth panel : Kaya is officially labelled “chocolate lover” ………. This is engraved in the stone forever XD
Kaya’s dragon hoard: instead of gold coins it’s gold foil wrapped chocolate coins! ‘Course they probably won’t stay wrapped for long!
Would you believe I actually have an unfinished illustration of Kai and Kaya on a gold hoard that exists of gold wrapped chocolate coins? :p
Heh, yeah!
And they’re probably thinking “eat your heart out, Smaug.”
Only problem is that ordinary human body heat would turn such “solid gold” into brown soup PDQ (unless it was frozen…).
Which leads me to wonder, do the fire-breathing twins have a higher body temperature that ordinary humans?
He’s bored, museums are not for him ^^
Was there any doubt she was a chocolate lover? xD
There was a light doubt when she hadn’t cried or killed larissa for the loss of her chocolate milk in a previous strip XD
If one is really aiming for a target then one should never close their eyes. That stone ball could have gone anywhere and caused severe damage to the displays and various patrons, and most likely missed the target.
Okay, I did play baseball when I was in shape.
Well, good thing it would probably not hit Kaya, but it might hit someone else. Also not a good option. Good thing she never got to throw it.
I sense a running gag in the works.
Heh. And I like running gags, when they are appropriately and good….like this one.
Seems like a missed chance for a subtle “Fig Newton” joke in the first couple of panels too.
Had to look up what Fig Newton is. Seems to be a kind of chocolate filled biscuit that we don’t have in Belgium (not with that name anyway :p )
Not chocolate filled; more of a fig-flavored paste or jam.
You want Kaya to spill more of her precious chocolate? She’s not gonna like that xD
I meant a mysterious hand always interrupting Larissa’s plans/schemes.
Seems to be the mannerisms of Nate. He has a quite eloquent way of speaking. And, as a basketball player, very good ball handling skills.
Yeah, this sort of behaviour needs to be reported. Larissa is moving away from “general bullying” and towards “accidental killing someone”.
It’s a pleasure to read that my characters are now being recognized by their speech patterns
David Bowie?
hmmmm, nope :p
i am betting it was one of the other bullies, also YEET!
What’s YEET mean?
Apparently some people yell this when violently discarding a useless object.
well, it can be used in that manner, but it can also be used when you are putting extra force into an action, such as when Kaya screams “KYAAAA!” when axing her box/present in the stardew valley comic
Warning, CONSEQUENCES incoming.
I wonder, is that their teacher or a security guard? either way, someone’s parent/guardian is getting a very unpleasant call
Oh, more consequences than you could imagine :p
Hmm.. Everyone keeps saying “human”; but, the color of the hand says “Hybrid” to me. Nate for the text and some hybrid staff or teacher for the hand? Maybe even Drago? …or Viper??
(Hand looks just slightly feminine to me.
Who is “viper” ?
You’ve really a bad memory if you don’t remember Drago being a “rock” lizard with referent color : ^_^”
Viper is Drago’s girlfriend
Yeah; I’m really bad at this.
Too late at night, typing faster than I’m thinking, following too many webcomics to remember everyone without (the aforementioned) thinking first, etc., etc., etc… 
I really need to add some images to the cast page and add the cameo’s as well
Especially Zuri.
Until then I’ll use my data retention powers to cover you.
Three cameos are quickly been famous : alexis Cheynas , Zuri and Drago . I think they deserves now an identity card ^_^
I had the same idea. I’m working on a better cast page and I’m going to give the cameo’s an entry as well ^^
Well thank goodness. And here I was worrying Robin would actually draw in something that could hurt our beloved Kaya. Then we would need to give Robin that bubble potion instead of Kai. xD An interesting quote there at the end. The fact the ball was so casually swiped combined with the way of speaking made me think it may be a new character, one who is completely calm and calculating at any point in time. I may be wrong, it might just be Nate, as many others have speculated, but just putting my own ideas out there. Can’t wait to see who the mysterious stranger is next week. Keep it up, and as always Robin, stay awesome!
Possibly Nate is a better ball player than we would assume from his height. He -is- Rex’s best friend after all!
I’m still kinda thinking there are two separate people involved in that last panel though.
Thanks Alpha ^^
It’s not like I avoid confrontations, but haveing someone hit by a stone ball is just a bit too much for this comic :p It was a great setup for what’s coming though
I have 3 guesses;
1; Security guard (unlikely due to how casually they are speaking)
2; Teacher/other student (likely due to how many they would be)
3; One of Kaya’s parents (possibly watching over their kids from the background to make sure they enjoyed their first real field trip)
That’s third one is really out there, I like the idea xD
I’m with The Rat.
This has to be The Mighty McThunderpants.
Injun intuition.
there’s a good chance
*looks at Robin*
A fig leaf? Really?
*rolls eyes*
Did you really expect this kind of comic to show a phallus?
Simpler ways to censor stuff, could have had a character blocking the naughty bits.
Also, many Greek statues were….modified…by the Victorian English so they could put them on public display.
IE, they removed the offending parts.
The fig leaves are a fun way to ‘censor’ the statues :p
Doing some research, I found that anyone over the age of 14 who commits an “assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury” can be tried as an adult.
At least in California.
*prepares a stack to burn larissa witch* ^_^”
But “does she weigh more than a duck?”
Iron Ed, i bet kaya would say “Tis but a scratch!” if she got hit
“She’s made of wood?”
“Only her head.”
Well, lets hope it doesn’t have to come to that. :p
*Yoink!* Is it the master hand?
I don’t know if it’s the master hand, but it certainly is a friendly hand :p
The Master Hand wears a glove. And, before you say it, so does Crazy Hand.
Now , lightly afraid larissa and the brown haired girl jumps both on Nate (yes , i think strongly that’s him) to get back the stoneball . They can overcome him …………
…but NOT before the others get there to rescue him!
In strength, but if it really is Nate, he wouldn’t get caught by them :p
The most frightening thing in this strip is larissa saying “this one” …………. Planned to throw another ?
Maybe Larissa really is trying to kill?!?
Seeing this strip , i say more about “want to” more than “try to” …………… This girl will finish in street gangs
It just goes to show how much she actually hates Kaya at this point.
Calling them ‘ladies’ is obviously false, since the last thing they are is ladies given how they behave.
definitely, but a gentleman will be polite in all cases. At least at first :p
Attempted murder? Right in jail!
The Buddhist temple isn’t a bad idea for this bully.
Forced to attend the buddhist temple until she finds inner peace :p
Depending on which period in history that statue came from…it could be a primitive grenade.