Sir Haggis
Dad saves the day!
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Oooo, an added challenge!
Plans never survive the first encounter
especially when a dad’s in the way.
Commanding his Princess behind him;
sending her free to run away.
He’ll block the evil White Wolf
from targetting his noble kin.
She didn’t plan for this twist;
she never factored her father in.
The noblest of Scottish Haggi’s
stands resolute on the stairs.
If they’re going to get past him
perhaps they’ll break into pairs?
This is my dream. This is literally my dream. To own a store like this and encourage all customers to get into character whenever the mood strikes. And to join in on fun stuff like this!
Never underestimate your parents! You most likely dont have it from strangers
Well , no more game if an unplanned thing happens . Surely Astrid wasn’t expecting such ?
Oh Amy, don’t fret – or can you think of anything more terrifying than haggis? Admittedly I’ve never really encountered haggis, but based on all I’ve heard and read about it that’s fine with me.
There are many terrors. Lutefisk, durian, Hákarl, gomutra, Casu Marzu, in no particular order. There are so many things that are more terrifying than haggis. Am I saying that haggis is not terrifying? Absolutely not, it most definitely is. But the culinary horrors our species has created are plenty of evidence that we are the worst thing imaginable… I mean, we eat all of this stuff, as well as a much longer list of things I didn’t care to mention and some I didn’t even go through.
It’s great when parents get in on the fun in a respectful manner
They seem to be a fun-loving family.
Aww, head pats and ear scratches! Mr. Fielders, I mean Sir Haggis knows how to calm down bunnies and his little bunny daughter. Sorry to say this, Amy the Blackpaw, but you really need him to buy you time. You’re unathletic and Kai and Rexy can out run you easily. Plus, you’ll go catatonic if Rex touches you again.
I wonder how Kai and friends will get past Sir Haggis of fields… Perhaps Kai can get Sir Haggis to stand down by unleashing his adorable, dragony puppy dog eyes? Is Mr. Fielders Scottish? He looks that way with that full head beard and alias…
Does make you wonder how often D&D night happens in that household doesn’t it?
Often. Very often xD
No, it makes me wonder if ever D&D night does not happen in this household.
I mean, probably sometimes. Like if everybody’s sick… actually, that’s zombie night. But there are probably *some* occasions that call for no D&D. But apart from that, are there regular nights when it doesn’t happen?
Indeed. It is most likely a rare night that there isn’t a game of D&D or some other game. Whether another fantasy rpg like Chivalry & Sorcery or Mausritter or a science fiction RPG like Hardwired Island or Albedo, perhaps a supers game like Mutants & Masterminds or Truth & Justice (the RPG accurate to the comics in that a villain can punch Spiderman in his relationship with Mary Jane). Or board games like Catan or card games like Munchkin or Fluxx. But those dice skills shown earlier are not a sign of someone who rarely plays games. (Or then again maybe games night is in fact rare but Amy is really into slight of hand. Once this is over someone should ask her if she knows the Cups and Balls)
I suspect that, assuming Amy’s luck is real, Dear Old Dad & Mom would try to steer family game night to such games that minimize the use of dice and other things which rely heavily on luck.
Panel 5: Why aren’t the second and third word balloons connected?
I must have moved a part of them at the last moment and forgot to connect them. I’ll fix that later. Thanks for spotting that.
Hmmm, I think Rex is going to keep daddy, er Sir Haggis, occupied while Kai demonstrates for those watching just how good he is at jumping.
Sir haggis plays distract, roll to see if successful
Sir Haggis has made a mistake, probably out of overconfidence. He went all the way down to the floor, giving up the advantage of the high ground. Will Sir Kai and his two squires manage to take advantage of the blunder?
*points to my comment above*
Regardless of which gets around Sir Haggis I think either Rex or Kai will catch up to Amy quickly. Then it may just be an issue of if her incredible luck extends itself to games such as tag for either one of them catching Amy.
Oh yeah! Let’s not be forgetting Benji. Perhaps while Rex keeps Sir Haggis busy Benji will slip out the back door and intercept Amy while Kai catches up to her from behind.
Find out, on the next exciting episode! OF DRAGON BAAAAALLLLL ZEE!
As Belvarius pointed out, Kai is really good at jumping. Going all the way down the stairs, Haggis left himself vulnerable to that, so long as someone keeps him busy.
This could be intentional: Knowing how his daughter feels, Haggis is making sure those feelings don’t let Rex cheese the challenge a second time. It’s supposed to be Kai’s challenge.
That is a good point about Rex not cheesing the challenge again. And really so long as Rex does keep Sir Haggis busy Kai doesn’t have to jump all the way to the top of the stairs (though that would be great to see), the gaps in that banister on the stairs are more than big enough for someone Kai’s size to slip though quick.
This got some nice lols out of me.
I love the contrast between the in-character fantasticness and the OOC everyday, mundane stuff, and how casually they switch between the two.
You’re right! I like the whole dialog switching around between Sir Haggis and Lady Alexandra, especially the last two panels. Apparently Dad is as much a gamer as daughter. (Well; he does own a game-store now doesn’t he? :-))

– Are Rex & Kai quick enough for Kai to boost Rex onto the stairs above Sir. Haggis?
– Is Sir Haggis actually secretly part of the plot, unbeknownst to Lady Alexandra??
Tune in next week..! Same dragon time! Same dragon channel!
I like the perspective switches between panels – they take an otherwise static page and make it much more fun to read.
FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE(the small kind that doesn’t actually hurt anyone), FIRE, FIRE, FIRE,
World Guide, paragraph 2: “..resulting /in/ less hair loss.”
Paragraph 3: “…regular cleaning is /advised/ even more so than normal.”
I’d be kinda annoyed in this situation, if I was standing in Kai’s shoes. First the DM runs away; then my good friend stands up for me, only to get blocked while some new guy steps in, literally, and blocks the path.
My gods, that man has incredible facial hair.
will we see a Crimson
King ?
Mom could be the Crimson Queen?
Ahhhh, haggis.
Sheeps’ guts stuffed with meat.
Yes, it’s disgusting.
Interesting description!
Most people make haggis sound awful; you make it sound like normal sausage. LOL
Going by “Sheeps’ guts stuffed with meat” makes me want to try it.
Head scritches <3
(Mike Meyers Scottish voice) “My body’s like a planetoid! Haggis! I WON’T MOVE!”