Self Defense
Kaya’s definition of self defense might be a teeny tiny bit different from that of the principal.
Happy New Year everyone! Check out the illustration I did for New Year below.
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Whoops, Kaya, don’t be so much a hot head next time
don’t you mean ‘hot-breathed’ xD
Maybe those bully should stop being so hot headed so that there hair mite not catch fire
It was only a little flame, and their hair just bursted into flames, honest xD
Obviously it not her fault if those girls put so much chemicals in their hair that a stray spark or two will start a blaze. Chemicals that Cleo paid for no less!
She won the fight with power and grace
But turned the tables with her ire;
Hurting the girls to get them off her space
And then setting them on fire.
Someone had to see, someone had to tell,
Someone had to get her in trouble by the bell.
The second day there and up before the head.
Being here too often will kill her school life dead.
You can’t deny the headmaster, Kaya,
You can’t really defend an assault.
The one thing you can hold ,if it goes higher,
Is that none of this was really your fault.
Nice poem, like always ^^
I bet the last one had been an incident, right?
Let’s go with that ^^
Want to see that image where she burns them ^^
It’s classified information xD
Maybe I’ll draw it as an extra later…
Not her fault they use so much hair spray.
True, hair spray is such a safety hazard :p
Also that they made the most basic of tactical mistakes in any confrontation. Not knowing your opponent, making uninformed assumtions about your opponent, and undestimating. In which case, what you don’t know can and will land you on the pavement, and in this case, with hair on fire. Then again, school bullies, not tacticians.
Fire is one of a dragon’s basic attacks, in self defence, you use whatever basic attacks you have. Not Kaya’s fault that the bullies were flammable.
I just hope that Cleo isn’t scared of her now.
Surprised, yes.
Scared, I don’t think so, who doesn’t want a dragon bodyguard that spits fire xD
Oppsie indeed
Wow, I must have been tired. I actually managed to misspell one out of two words. Go me ( ._.)
Achievement unlocked xD
1000 Oppsie points earned
AAAAAAAND that is why she wouldn’t have to worry about where the snack has been :3 just means a crunchy snack hehehehehehehehe and yes I have a very morbid sense oh humour.
Reminds me of a old text file I had of fantasy sayings. Do no mess with dragons for you are crunchy and taste good in milk.
meat in milk? I have some doubts :p
I think the full version goes: “Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and taste good with ketchup”.
My teacher has that in the wall above her desk 🙂
Never eaten liver with milk before, does that really go together?
Still, she has to stay hygienic and don’t eat snacks that have been who knows where :p
But the Larissa over at “Sandra and Woo” LIKES fire.
This one just developed a new phobia :p
Larissa at Sandra and Woo would almost turn gay for Kaya.
Actually, Larissa would just date Kai.
Don’t forget: that Larissa is now a succubus; I think it’s in her contact that she’d have to seduce both of them. ;-p
The trick is to regularly use a flammable moisturiser of some kind so that you can show exactly how dangerous you can be without harming them and getting into trouble. (I assume dragon hybrids are fireproof…)
They are somewhat fireproof, but they can’t keep their hands in a fire or something, it still gets too hot like that.
It is actually possible to safely set yourself on fire. Apparently if you’ve got the right flamable liquid, carefully applied, the evaporation wicks the heat away from your skin and it’s actualy the vapors that burn. It doesn’t last long, but it’d definitely be enough time to light your palm on fire, let people see it and then put it out (dramatically?). And if the twins are sligtly fireproof they could get away with a less careful application…
Don’t quote me on any of that, it’s something I read in a comment about the Larisa from Sandra & Woo – but as far as I can see the science works out.
I believe they do that for film stunts, so it definitely works, I just wouldn’t try it at home without expert supervision and a team of firemen present xD
This is fun! The expressions are great all through, but I particularly enjoy the 2nd and last panels.
That tail is so happy in the first panel. In the last panel, Kaya’s ears-down and blush tell me the “oopsie”
is honest and not sarcastic. 🙂
Her tail was so happy that I thought it was wagging a couple of times. Despite the fact that I’d checked properly in-between.
Kaya’s happy tail is way too happy xD
It sure is honest ^^
Thanks 🙂
Principal: “No, Kaya, you do not have the right to self-defense. Unless you are popular, wealthy, or both, you are simply a punching bag for the stronger and more popular students. And don’t dare bleed on your assailants, either.”
Kaya: “Sir, I have a hard time taking you seriously when you look like a headless used car salesman.”
Principal: “Don’t get fresh with me, young lady, or I will have you use your lunch money to make a down payment on this 1987 Yugo.”
Wow, what kinda school is that xD
Well, minus the headless used car salesman, pretty much my elementary school years.
All the way through high school for me. Most of my would be bullies walked away, ran away, or crawled away. The latter two categories covered in bruises. They always got off scot free. (aside from said bruises)
Meanwhile I was in trouble for fighting back.
Principal; “Now hand over whatever lighter or matches you used.”
Kaya; “Err… About that.”
Imagine his face xD
He should know about it though, since it’s in their file.
Kaya, a lesson learned from a somewhat turbulent adolescence of my own: you can often get away with a diminished or minimal punishment if you can manage to at least *look* remorseful the whole time the teacher or administrator is attempting to chastise you. ;-p
Great tip! Will keep that in mind.
a) don’t get caught, or
b) leave no witnesses.
Both of these options are no good for Kaya. She WILL get caught, and there were too many witnesses to take care of xD
“Fighting is never the solution”, said Chamberlain to Hitler.
It certainly solved one of the issues here though :p
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.
“Violence accomplishes nothing.” What a contemptible lie! Raw, naked
violence has settled more issues throughout history than any other method
ever employed. Perhaps the city fathers of Carthage could debate the
issue, with Hitler and Alexander as judges?
Oh yeah, Kaya in Starship Troopers, after hearing about “naked violence.”
“Miss Romero, that is NOT what I meant, stop disrobing this instant!”
Not a particularly applicable comparison; I’d say this case would be more Dr. King or Gandhi. If someone’s coming at you with mayhem in mind that’s one thing, but a petty move like what happened here isn’t worth reciprocating. Walk off, and if they try something again let them explain how they shouldn’t be in trouble for jumping you from behind.
The headless headman
Does not count your principles
With hair-fire involved!
Maxim 6 : If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.
I guess their opinions on what counts as self defense just differ in PRINCIPLE
Kaya: “How could I have possibly set her hair on fire, I don’t have matches or a lighter! I’m innocent of all wrongdoing!”
Under her breath: “That girl totally deserved it.”
Principal: “What was that?”
Kaya: “Nothing, nothing.”
Pretty sure fighting IS the answer when someone attacks you, yet some seem to think you’re not allowed to defend yourself until you’re a legal adult and if you do defend yourself you’re in the wrong not the person attacking you.
My goodness, this subject matter has become topical in 2022.
Was gonna say, just pushing that hard was not a good idea- regardless of who starts it escalating like that is a good way to get in a lot of hot water afterwards. And then I saw she set someone’s hair on fire…
Love the moxie kid, but there’s a time and a place. And a junior high shoving match is definitely not a place where you want the other side to come away singed.