Throwback to an earlier Gamer Dragons (which will return soon!):
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Don’t forget to vote for Twin Dragons at Topwebcomics!
Thanks for voting!
I am First
wait am i second or 11th
Looks like 15th to me!
(I -was- going to say Roman numeral 2nd.
Hello, First!
I am Robin
There are subtle ways to eat lunch
and then there’s Kaya’s way.
It’s safe to say I have a hunch,
this girl just wants to play.
Nate and Rex are on the prowl
hunting out the custom.
Rex will have to cool his scowl,
showing his light spectrum.
Cleo learns that joint businesses
are often run by two
and, when it comes to experiences,
she should have thought that through…
The Kaya way of eating lunch is superior! xD
Mark my words, Thunderpants will come to regret that nickname.
(It might take a few years, but still…)
Older Nate has to avoid them beans!
For now, he still enjoys it xD
Love the cross-comic #CallBack with the rock-paper-scissors tail.
I knew people would like to see that one ^^
Can Kaya do ANYTHING without being hammy about it? She’s eating that sandwich like a maniac with a potato chip.
Death Note reference, nice
Is that where that guy is from? I’ve just seen it quoted in a few places.
It’s definitely worth a watch if you haven’t. It’s on my golden list of shows I’d recommend to anyone.
She can, but that’s way less fun xD
Is Kaya incapable of eating her food like a normal dragon?
It’s probably best that she doesn’t try. I don’t think a normal dragon has hands to hold its food with.
I was assuming THIS is how normal dragons (as opposed to normal humans) eat …
She can eat normally. This is more fun, though xD
Didn’t the twins play rock-paper-tails to see who would get to use their version of a DS, way back when? If memory serves me correctly, I think it was Kaya that pulled it, then. So, I say is fair that Kai got it this round
Yeah, they did
I linked to the page in the description ^^
What will the food car be called? The business i mean. Draco Pasta?
Why would they call it that? The company belongs to Cleo Portas and Marco Romero. It has little to do with Dragons. (Unless they become the mascots(!))
Good question. I think Marco will still have to come up with a name xD
Kaya seems relieved to not have had scissors applied to her tail.
I would be relieved as well xD
Given the durability of their scales, I have my reasons to doubt any common household scissors would do any more than cut the hair off her tail. Now, if their mom happens have a serious pair of utility scissors sitting around, that’s another story.
Dad’s a professional chef. I expect there is at least one pair of heavy-duty dismembering scissors around the kitchen.
Kaya’s look of concern(?) in the last panel, while she holds her tail to watch it “fwip-fwip” back and forth. Almost like she’s making sure it’s still properly functional and Kai didn’t actually do something to sabotage it for rock-paper-tail.
Just remember when waiting tables Rex: no tail wagging while near dishes & customers no matter how nice they are or well they tip!
Cleo handing out flyers: chance to work on her personal interaction skills. Having Kaya along will help. I also suspect Cleo wants to check out the competition herself and take notes about what they are doing. See what works and what does not.
Kai helping out in the kitchen: Now I’m just waiting for a customer to ask for a dish served flambe! That or maybe a customer wanting their meal reheated!
Customer: Let’s see. I’ll have the flame-grilled burger with mustard, onions, tomato, lettuce and pickles, and fries and ginger ale.
Rex: Sure. Do you want the fresh onions or the caramelized onions?
Customer: Caramelized onions please.
Rex: Caramelized it is. That will be $10. [ The customer hands him a $20 bill ] Thank you. [ Looks through his stash in his fanny pack and then hands back a $10 bill. ] I’ll be right back with your food. [ Walks over to the truck. ] Hey, Kai, roast a burger and onions. Fries and drink. [ Sticks the slip on the order track. ]
Kai picks up a patty from the the fridge and takes a deep breath.
Marco’s making an ITALIAN restaurant, with appropriate dishes being served out of the food truck. I don’t think hamburgers and fries are Italian cuisine.
Another good reason for Kai helping in the food truck: his tail may be long but the rest of him is a little on the small side. Space is limited inside the truck so size of those working in them is a consideration. Plus Kai is fairly adept at controlling his tail so I’m sure he’ll be able to keep it out of the way.
Good points and advice to them
Kai’s in the kitchen!
My plan (from the previous page) is still on-track!
( … insert “Maniacal Mad Scientist Laughter” here … )
i eat just like kaya.
Amazing xD
That’s the main “drama” of anthros : traitorous tails XD
Cleo has all planned , but it can’t be so perfect : what will be the grain of sand ?
as well as getting their tail stuck in a door xD
Given what their dad does, and what their old town was like, it makes sense the twins would get taught how to do some tasks in the kitchen to help him out, and possibly cook for themselves when their parents weren’t home for whatever reason.
Yeah, but it’s mostly because their dad wanted to teach them since they were curious from a young age
Not that I’m complaining, but did you mean to post the full working resolution of the JA vote incentive (which looks awesome, by the way) ? ~
Yeah, it’s kind of an Easter present thing, so I figured the full resolution was fine ^^
Love Cleo’s pose and expression in panel 3. Kaya’s tail seems to have a mind of its own in panel 6!
Cleo can’t take the credit for the pose; that’s Kaya’s hand on her right shoulder.
But, unlike last time Kaya did that, Cleo’s smiling.
It’s just Kaya. Nothing is predictable xD
I love the fact that she’s enjoying the attention. Cleo *desperately* needed real friends.
To be honest, I’d be disappointed if they weren’t better cooks than your average adult.
They sure know what they’re doing in the kitchen ^^
I caught that throwback! The real question now is what beat Tail? Has Kai convinced Kaya of the scissors theory? Even still, it’s a bit hard not to side with her looking at that sad face in the last panel. I would make a terrible parent to the Twins. I could never say no to them once they figured out I have a weak spot for expressions like that. The comic looks amazing as always Robin. Once again well-drawn, well-written, and well-illuminated. Not to mention the sticker/emoji-ready expressions on Kaya between that chomp and that sad face. Keep up the good work, and as always, stay awesome!
parents beat tail xD
Oh, if you can’t resist these kind of faces, you wouldn’t last a day with the twins xD Thanks for the nice words again, Alpha ^^
Parent beats tail. Tail beats fire. Fire beats parent.
(Assuming that dragon tails are heat-resistant, while parents are not.)
Love panel 3! Theirs is such a beautiful friendship!
Yeah, that’s a great panel. You can see how much Cleo appreciates Kaya’s loyalty and energy.
Best friends ^^
Oh, the good ol’ rock-paper-tail game, it brings back the memories
Kaya: “Tail doesn’t always win…”
Kai: “That’s because rock crushes lizard.”
Myohmy i feel sorry for kaya…