Rising star
For someone that doesn’t know anything about sports, she sure does know a lot about the basketball club.
As always, if you like the comic, please consider donating on my patreon. Even one dollar goes a long way.
Also, I added two new buttons to the sidebar. One is for my weekly stream every Sunday at 3pm CEST. (Due to summer and winter hour here in Belgium, this could be an hour earlier or later depending on the season.) Come join the stream if you have time
The other one is for the Top Webcomics list. If you would help me get higher on the list by clicking it and voting for Twin Dragons, that would be very lovely!
edit: Thanks to Blue_Elite for mentioning I should include some more time zones for convenience. The streaming time in different zones would be:
These will be adjusted whenever my country switches from summer to winter hour and vice versa.
so what im hearing is that theres only one way to win…… TO CHEAT
But cheating wouldn’t get the point that Kai wants to make across now, would it :p
If he can cheat without getting caught, it might…
All he has to do is invent Flubber, easy peasy!
I know height is important in basketball, but the best guys in my high school were also some of the shortest. Also, I was the tallest and among the worst. (Caring about the sport goes a long way! My height was really an advantage only in Ultimate.)
Really, with Kai’s draconic super strength, I don’t think he’d have much trouble scoring from pretty much the opposite end of the court. There’s only so much you can do when your opponent can throw that far that accurately. Also, if he can jump like his sister his height shouldn’t be much of a problem.
I’d imagine shorter players can move and duck better, get under the oppositions defence.
While I don’t watch basketball, or play any sport, I occasionally watch my sister play netball, which, while a very different game, still requires getting a ball through a hoop. There are quite often shorter players as centres or wings, who are very good at quickly taking the ball and moving up the court. Even some of the goal shooters are short, and it doesn’t stop them.
My honest opinion, is that size is less important than skill…. Of course, Kai has neither at this point, and while he may have potential, this seems the kind of team who would prefer to recruit good players rather than train potentials from ground up.
Height is not an absolute factor in basketball, that’s true. It sure does help out for the right team role, since the fact that the goal hangs high, it gives you a natural advantage when you’re bigger.
If Kai can jump sufficiently high, then his height would not matter.
I seriously wonder whether he has hybrid-strength and that’s how he managed to do it. He’s going to be very pissed if the judges decide that an all-hybrid team would have an unfair advantage over non-hybrid teams.
I expect this to turn that Kai loses despite trying very hard and Rex putting him on the team anyway.
Well, since hybrids haven’t been around long enough to be sure of the impact on sports teams, and since they are readily available for sport teams to recrute, there are currently no rules against hybrids on sport events. I guess it will start with a race to acquire the best hybrids for the professional teams when they get old enough, followed by an evening out when all the teams have at least some hybrids.
I think these things would get adressed pretty quickly. Remember Oscar Pistorius participating (and getting good results) in sprint competitions for non-disabled people with two artificial legs? That resulted in a discussion and got resolved relatively quickly I think.
There’s nothing in the rulebook that says canines can’t play basketball!
OR fire-breathing dragons!

kai i’m starting to believe that your sister is more talented
Kai: How so?
well she is a singer i don’t know if her singing is good or as bad as a man balancing on a ball made of rusty nails while singing old McDonald while juggling screaming poisonous frogs while another man punches him in the crouch with porcupines strapped to his fist at least she uses her talent to entertain people and 202 people seems to like her music while you… um do origami i think maybe
Set the ball on fire
I still think this will be against the rules somehow :p
And if it isn’t it will be once someone does it in an official game…
But in the mean time it would be a funny way of stopping that wolf temporarily. When handling a flaming basket ball I’d like to believe that dragon hide fares better than wolf fur. And by the time the fiery ball has been put out the fire alarm should have triggered and people evacuated.
It wouldn’t win him any points with wolf boy, but it would be fun. Their parents might not be as amused when Kai is booted out of school for vandalism or arson…
Or sneezing.
I think the results wouldn’t be as spectacular like people think. Sure, basket ball may be more durable than a balloon, but they’re not all different, I think it’d just pop either while still in Kai’s hands or shortly after, leaving only smoldering remains that smell funny behind. Definitely wouldn’t get far enough to get into the basket even from 1 point distance.
Just thought I’d mention I love the stream picture. Kaya is very adorable and I almost feel bad she has to endure a tablet stylist to the face.
Thanks ^^ She will be fine, just putting some blush on those cheeks xD
You got that right Benji!
Benji: I know, right?
You know if this actually happened, Cleo isn’t so much a journalist as just somoene who paid attention. A mayor change like that is pretty big deal for a school.
Yeah, true. Cleo does pay attention sometimes.
Ah, yeah, there’s the problem. In my opinion, school clubs should be an extension of the schools attitude and reason for existing. That is, teaching students, being inclusive, teaching team play, cooperation, sportsmanship etc… We really don’t have school sport teams here in Australia, and even the local clubs are very involved in getting kids to have a go and get involved (though in these situations, the kids teams are less focused on winning, the good and dedicated players then go on to adult teams later).
Overseas, school sports focus much more on winning than giving kids a chance to learn, and here, the captain obviously sees it as HIS team, and will make sure only the best players are on it, regardless of who might miss out.
I have no idea how school clubs are other than from media, since we don’t have school clubs. I would figure there would be some club captains trying to filter who gets to join and who doesn’t. I agree that everyone should be able to join if they want. Participation is more important than winning in my opinion.
Hi. I found the ad for this comic on the TWC Favorites page–the one you see after voting–and thought I’d check it out. Great art, great story, great characters, and great commenters (one of which I recognize)–count me in.
Also count me in on voting, since I’ve been voting every day for a little over a week. I know what a decent TWC ranking can mean to a webcomic, so, yeah, everybody vote!
Thanks for the kind words and for voring! I’m glad you like the comic. Welcome to Twin Dragons
I think Cleo knows a bit more about the team’s Captain than about the team as a whole.
(…and I will be voting for ‘Twin Dragons’ regularly too!)
Ooooh, are you implying something here? :p
Why, @Iron Ed is implying that it’s vitally important to vote for Twin Dragons on TWC!
What else could it possibly be? ^^
@Delta-v – I am glad you…understand.
I doubt Cleo has particular interest in the guy. Her explenation about him is a bix between dispassionate recount and at best gruding admission of the guy’s ability.
Sorry for double post but had this thought afterwards: you could note in the post the times for other “common” time zones:
UTC does not observe Daylight Savings Time and so would have to be adjusted come Fall.
That’s true, thanks ^^
I will probably have to update it everytime my country switches hours. I hope I don’t forget.
The Warrior Wolf;
the lord of the ball.
Building his castle
in the gym hall.
All bow before him
on his way to the top.
Up to the big time
he’ll never stop.
Can Kai defeat him?
Has his chance come?
Or was the challenge
just exceedingly dumb?
I like how you answered your own question at the end xD
Rex is his name, he puts
Texas to shame:
a few hat tricks is all
and the Houston Mavericks fall;
and in shame,
they proclaim
he’s the King of Basketball!
Game after game,
he leads his troupe to fame
shooting hoops, doing loops
around all the teams he shames!
The crowds would scream out his name,
they roar it with passion, but
what’s more, they keep racking up
their score; the crowd’s floored
as his team goes to nationals!
They’re screaming his name,
and the sound of their cheers
drowned all else from their ears…
but there’s no time to stop and bow!
Race to the top! It’s here and now,
time to face the anthro race
(even toons from outer space)!
Larry Bird had no words
as the team took home third place!
So Rex led their way to bronze!
Did he go “aaayyy” like the Fonz?
From what we’re told, it’s the gold
that Rex had his heart set on!
He’d led them to a medal
and even still, he wouldn’t settle!
Rex would kill to get first,
any other place is worse!
All the cheers that he’d heard
sounded now like jeering words:
“That disgrace! Not first place?!
That stupid Rex steered them to third!”
Well, next year he’d show them all
he’s the king of basketball!
So now, Kai, it’s time to face
a man driven toward first place!
His ambition is his mission:
his rejection stems from views
that perfection is the only way
and any less than that, they’ll lose!
Got what it takes to win, braggin’
that you’ll beat him one-on-one?
There’s no backing out, twin dragon,
so learn quick! You must stick to your guns!
You were told you were too short…
show you’ll win gold in this sport!
So what game does Kai need to bring?
As if you need to ask at all…
He must pwn Rex for the throne — yes,
Kai needs to be the King of Basketball!
(writing ballads for webcomics is a total giveaway that I’m procrastinating an important project)
Sounds like a Worthy Endeavour to me!
I wonder if the dragon twins have ever read Bram Stoker’s Dracula or Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein.
Dracula was modeled after Vlad Tepes a cruel 15th century ruler who killed large numbers of people
by impalement.
Vlad Tepes is also national hero, regarded as patriot and just ruler. Apparently, most of those impaled were criminals or very unpopular enemies of Romania, most importantly Ottoman Turks. Stoker knew very little of the actual historical figure and probably didn’t care. Dracula might be modeled more after Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Bathory than Vlad Tepes.
However, I doubt the dragon twins knows this. They probably only know Dracula from movies.
It didn’t help that the first and second place teams were the Little Pigs and the Riding Hoods.
Dovahzul (Dragon-Tongue): Nunon rund daar yirtey ahrk nalkun etaak ulaan truk. Qiib dovah. xP Pah cuteness ireid to, Zu’u lorot tol tolro zok I’ve nep ko jok do do tiid. Studen, studen yirtey. Zu’u can’t saraan wah koraav fosro borii.
Cymraeg (Welsh): Dim ond dod o hyd i hyn comig ac eisoes yn darllen yr holl beth. dreigiau Cute. XP pob cuteness neilltu er, yr wyf yn meddwl mai dyna’r mwyaf rwyf wedi chwerthin yn y lleiaf am amser. Ardderchog, comic gwych. Alla i ddim aros i weld beth sydd nesaf.
Don’t understand the dracic languages? Here it is in English: Just found this comic and already read the whole thing. Cute dragons. xP All cuteness aside though, I think that that’s the most I’ve laughed in the least about of time. Excellent, excellent comic. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
I like how “cuteness” doesn’t translate.
That is true. Did you notice that “can’t” doesn’t either?
I also might as well add here, as this is the latest page, that I find the page “Shove Ro Da!” exceedingly amusing. However, it’s correctly spelled “dah”. It’s also interesting to note that “Fus Ro Dah” is Dovahzul for “Force Balance Push”. So “Shove Ro Dah!” means “Shove Balance Push!” Basically, you said that someone’s getting pushed in two different ways. Good work.
(“You” referring to the artist, not you Lucario. Sorry. xP)
Only got into this comic today, and already finished what’s here so far. Great job Robin! Also, I hope you’ll think about having a strip where Kai, Kaya, and Benji play Geometry Dash. I can already see 2 charred devices, and a 3rd with scratch marks on it.
I find it interesting how folks can get so hated up about sports. But I feel I’m with Cleo on this one.
Oh hey, that’s Nate, even though he’s out of frame for the rest of the chapter. He’s not in uniform but he is in the picture, I wonder what he does for the team.