Relief cycle
Fire insurance can get expensive if you have two baby-flamethrowers running around the house…
Small correction from last week’s comic cameo’s: The blue boy is not a fox, but a ferret. ^^’
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Marco’s still gonna be here a while, isn’t he? Poor man
He’ll survive. He knows how to keep himself busy. He can keep two little dragons busy, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem xD
“Aaaaand, relief gone” I feel that every time I think my appointment is over and then the doctor walks back in to tell me more information especially if I was waiting an hour just to see said doctor
one hour? thats nothing. longest appointmend i ever had involved two follow-up examinations and lasted damn near 9(!!) hours…..forget about boredom, i was so hungry i was ready to *eat* those old magazines by the time they finaly let me go…..and they were really, REALLY old magazines, downright antique – one was honestly sporting the headline ‘charles cheating on diana – will that mean the end of their marriage?’
yeah, I can imagine xD
Their Dad has more fur than them,
at least for a short while.
He really did raise a laugh, then,
and got Kaya to smile.
Her tongue’s back to a normal pink,
it’s worked off the lolly.
Their tale of action makes dad think
their actions were a folly.
Is the incoming Doctor right on target,
with who he’s talking to?
Or will the reaction make him regret
he didn’t think it through?
And that’s when Marco knew that the nightmare had begun.
Yeah, that recurring nightmare where the insurance just keeps going up xD
I wonder what the going insurance rates is for “toddlers with built in flamethrowers” is nowadays.
My guess is the formula is something like [typical family insurance rate] + [typical fire insurance rate] – [combo deal to encourage buying both even if the specific parent only needs one] = [dragon family insurance rate], but that assumes a benevolent insurance provider.
(Disclaimer: I am not educated in insurance practices and have no idea whether ‘benevolent insurance provider’ is at thing or an oxymoron)
+ an increase for each claim or two. Probably.
I doubt that a “benevolent insurance provider” exists in any universe in the multiverse 😛
Mrs. Park?! Jack-Jack is doing something weird! Oh, and you are going to need to recharge both your fire extinguishers. Jack-Jack, you come down from the ceiling right now! Okay, Mrs. Park, I would really like it if you could call me back as soon as you can.
*Parr. Sorry to be that corrector.
+1. That’s what I get for writing things from memory after midnight.
It’s pretty high xD
Since flames go up, the curtains would be the most at risk, and they are commonly fire resistant.
Panel 3: There should be a comma at the end of “Apparently”.
Not in any English essay I’ve ever written. Apparently they can miss one when the word apparently is the first word in the sentence as, apparently, it’s not a change in the structure.
But you’re usually right.
Thanks for spotting that. In this case, I think I’m going to follow Welsh, though ^^
I do apologize to Jp for the tone of my answer, though. I read it through now and it seems a little sarcastic. It wasn’t really meant to be.
Insurance Agent: “Ah Mr. Romero, so good to see you again! Please have a seat.”
Marco: “Ah, heh…. Wish I could say the feelings mutual.”
Well looks like Doc Reiniger caught them before they got too far. Guess Marco gets to actually read some more of those magazines!
Yeah, the love-hate relation between Marco and the insurance company is quite real xD
“Vere are zey?? Oh! Yah! Zere you are you little monkeys!”
“DRAGONS!!!” “Sheesh, another one…”
😉 🙂
First bearded dragons, now monkeys xD
“Ov course, ze whole point ov dragons ist lost if you keep it a secret. Vy didn’t you tell ze vorld, eh?”
Because we like peace and quiet xD
Aaaaand, relief gone
yes, yes it is xD
If i was a betting man, and i am (i got a serious problem) lol dbza reference, i would say kai will be wearing the beard in the next upload. And the doctor is gonna get very in the twins personal space and their dad is gonna put the doctor in his place.
Not a bad guess. We’ll see what happens ^^
Kai: No, were are not new dragons. We’ve been dragons for 14 years.
Kaya: More, if you count our time inside Mom’s womb.
Kai: Oh, Kaya, gross!
Or even better (but this would grant more abilities to our already powerful characters):
Kaya: These are not the dragons you are looking for.
Dr. Reiniger: Yes, these are not the dragons I am looking for.
Kaya: You can move along.
Dr. Roiniger: You can move along.
Some people have said that Kaya has a forceful personality. Oops, I speeled the good doctor’s name incorrectly the second time.
Kaya with the force… I think some things should just not be xD
Kaya with Force lightning would be less dark side and more Pikachu cosplay.
And the doctor shows up looking like a TF2 medic.
He needs a towering pile of hats xD
Novelty shops are fun. And it seems ze lab doctor found ze twins.
Your commentary of “two baby-flamethrowers running around the house” got a good chuckle out of me.
Glad it did 😀
Yeah, novelty items can be quite fun ^^
Baby flame throwers sounds very cute.
I’m interested in who and how the twins got classified as dragons in the first place.
And why those records were not consulted and checked before the hospital tried to reclassify them as lizards.
My guess is because the classification was registered by the doctor near Zealotville, and the medical professionals in Hybrid City hate the people who see hybrids as devilspawn as much as the twins do. Would you take anything Pastor Exorcise-the-Hybrids said at face value?
I think their parents were the ones to declare them as dragons, the nurse was probably just as used to the usual “dragons” the hospital saw. A simple jump to conclusions
Sorry, ambiguous. Of course their parents -declared- them dragons; what I mean is that (I suspect) the actual registration that was alluded to in was done by the doctor near their old town, who didn’t question the parents’ declaration because the superstitious theories of the community meant they were less likely to refuse ‘dragon’ on the same grounds as the hospital.
It sounds very cute until your house is on fire every half hour xD
That just gave me a mental image of the twins toddling around breathing fire, with the parents in hot persuit with fire extinguishers, and “Yakkety.Sax” as the soundtrack.
“National Geographic would never have set one of their chases to Yackety Sax.”
And it’s not like they’re in California, so they can’t say “what, AGAIN?” And just get the fire extinguisher. And them as babies must have been hazardous…especially at changing time, if they used baby powder, which is mostly cornstarch. Fine powder in the air plus fire equals EXPLOSION. (We’ve known about this since the middle ages…flour mills couldn’t operate at night because one candle made a mill into a bomb.)
Ironically if they had done more damage as babies, the twins might have made the family some money. Firefighters investigating sites of house fires where babies were being raised found that wet diapers seemed to be unscathed. They took the superabsorbent polymer, added a venturi-style mixer that could be fitted to a garden hose or fire hose, and hosed the resulting goop on a test house before exposing it to fire. It resisted 2000 degrees of heat for several hours. You can find the kit today under the trade name of Thermogel. Home versions will cover the outside of a house prior to evac.
His reaction in the last panel says he expected this sort of thing, and possibly worse
I think he’s experienced by now :p
He probably has gotten to the point he worries when there’s not a fire extinguisher in almost every room.
On something a bit unrelated
Did you check out the link regarding the Arabian Sand Boa I left in the comments of a prior page? Looking at the Arabian Sand Boa’s coloration, its colors are pretty similar to Cleo’s, they also happen to be small snakes, although one aspect of their biology does make them seem like their adaption took a turn into a kindergarten art class at some point.
I think the fire fighters hate them cause as soon as they get a call they be saying “let me guess it’s the twins again isn’t it”
So far, I’m sure the parents have been able to handle it themselves :p
Someone probably asked this last week, but, is that doc the one from their old town?
Reiniger? No, he hasn’t seen them before and he certainly has no relation to their old town ^^
Oh God, it’s like that scene from Finding Nemo. “Good feeling gone.” xD I love this panel in the comic, and am eager for the next. I really want to know just what our new friend wants to say to the twins. Not to mention that baby flamethrowers line. I’m certainly not the first to say it, but that was hilarious. Overall this page and the last both gave me a good laugh, and that’s something I think we can all appreciate in light of this virus; a spark of happiness in the world. You’re providing an amazing service at this time Robin. Keep up the good work. Keep bringing joy into people’s lives. And as always, stay awesome!
Once again, I reference something without knowing it xD I must admit I never saw Finding Nemo in full. I’ve seen bits and pieces of it when it was on tv. I know about the seagulls, for example :p
I’m glad the baby flamethrowers are well received xD
Thanks, Alpha. I try my best ^^ I’m glad to know that my efforts do make a difference in these times. I actually got a reply over on webtoons from someone working at the ER, saying that the comic helped lift everyone’s spirit there. I was pretty taken aback while reading that, but it’s awesome to know that I helped keep morale up for them 😀
Nothing happened! Barely any hair got burned!
Hang on, hang on…
The NEW Dragons?
That would imply he knows of other Dragons…
Given that Franklin’s had lizard hybrids who tried to proclaim themselves dragons by roaring for an hour, Reiniger might just be another skeptic.
Or accepts all mythical hybrid claims untill proven otherwise. I believe he would hope all long shots of a potential mythical hybrid are true and will happily test all of them.
“We only demonstrated! Nothing happened!”
Kaya owes you for that one, Kai. In hindsight, it’s ironic how Kai’s “stand back while I’m bring a flamethrower” demonstration didn’t hurt Dr. Franklin, but Kaya’s “little flame between my hands” caught Dr. Fern’s hair on fire.
Well, Marco will have a great collection of fake-beards ;P
So somethinv i have been wondering for a while. Are the hybrids born hybrids or do the animalistic traits develop post birth?
As the very first page indicates, they’re born hybrids.
“Congratulations, Ma’am. It’s a Prius.”
This is sorta random, but I came across an animal that I almost want to upgrade my patron level to get a cameo for. Anyone heard of the binturong? Commonly known as the bear cat, it kinda looks like a monotone raccoon with a monkey like tail and it apparently naturally smells like popcorn.
If mythical hybrids dont have wings – how do you tell a nornal horse from a pegasus?
I may be mistaken, but I do believe Robin has earlier stated that winged hybrids do exist, and it’s simply a matter of -dragons- not having wings. Or even possibly just the -twins- not having wings, given what Franklin said about variability in hybrid physiology. So if pegasus hybrids exist, presumably they -would- have wings.
Differential expression of HOX genes. It’s possible. Even if Robin changed his mind about the twins having wings (and that is an “IF,” this is purely hypothetical), it would take years for development and growth to occur.
At a guess, I would have to say hybrids are still human, but variations based on new genetic expressions of old and existing genes. But that’s a guess based on molecular biology, and if we go too far into the weeds there, we’ll never have a story!
I’m pretty sure a wingless pegasus is just a horse since a winged horse is a pegasus 😛
So a mythical hybrid not showing wings like those dragons could be missed easily.
Hey Robin,can you check out my comment on your valentine cards? I accidentley commented on the wrong one.XD
Haha, that happens, no worries :p
About your comment. Sure, you can make whatever comic you want. Just because there are similarities doesn’t make it a rip-off or a copy. Go absolutely ahead with making your comic 😀
Also,I REALLY did not want to repeat my comment.)X IT’S TOO LONG!!!lolXD
Wow I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to leave a comment, and right when it was getting interesting( in my opinion). Sadly there’s not much left I can see to say that already hasn’t been said so I’ll move on to my usual unrelated question. Are there any mythical hybrids for things like spirits? At first it seemed like there should be to me, but now it seems they would have to break too many rules to be correctly identified unless they were of an extremely specific type of spirit. Sorry if this is too late. I’ll ask again next week if so
I think Kai needs a shirt with a photo of him breathing fire on the front.
I’m trying to think of something like his “Dragon Inside” t-shirt… Maybe the logo of a local fire extinguisher company with a “Flamethrower Inside!” logo? 🙂