Paper plane
Jin is good at english, but he still makes mistakes every now and then ^^
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Ahhhh, shy boy doesn’t want to spend too much time in the crowd. I understand that mentality well enough. Still, with some good friends at his side, it shouldn’t be TOO troublesome… as long as they let him take breaks when he needs them. And he gets a good meal from the food truck.
A nice ice cream, perhaps
Also, Jin’s confusion about flyers reminds me of this entertaining little French/English mix-up that happened up here in Canada; in French, stamps are call -timbres-, so you can imagine the momentary befuddlement that occurred when a Quebecois visited an English-speaking post office looking for postage.
So when you have a tall pile of boxes full of stamps, and the pile is about to fall over, you shout a warning: “Timbre!”
(It should preferably be shouted in a musical voice.)
That is such a lame joke. I love it.
I made a similar mistake at a similar age when I first heard about flyers being distributed somewhere.
I don’t have any of Jin’s excuses, unless Jin is also on the autism spectrum.
Oh, I can imagine the confusion xD
Well, it’s a good thing Jin will be paired with someone else when going about. Also, Jin will be able to meet the twins’ dad and experience some of his cooking
Also, Jin’s grandfather being the master of the dojo helps explain why Jin is so skilled at the style.
Oh yeah, they wouldn’t let Jin go on his own.
Don’t worry, little Jin,
Kaya will steer you right.
Even when enthused
she’ll help you shine so bright.
Terminology’s strange
but friends will help you through;
even those like Alan,
who know what you can do.
And now? Meet grandfather;
who you might have asked first.
You’ve seen Jin at his best,
he’s seen him at his worst…
Kaya steering? And we don’t have to worry? xD
Well, she won’t get HIM hurt… They may, however be a collateral amount of damage…
I still hope we get Jin riding piggyback on Rex’s shoulder. Shoulder help him feel safer and less likely to be knocked around.
Katsumi’s reaction to that would be great.
Considering Rex’s fondness for small fluffy things and Jin’s impressive martial talent I think it’s inevitable. At least if Jin doesn’t flip him first, he does look intimidating.
Not to mention he would have a higher point of view
Ah granddad, not dad. That makes sense, guy looked a bit old when we first saw him. I can understand Jin being a bit shy given his age and what he’s gone through in life. Shouldn’t be too worried though, he’ll have either Cleo or Benji with him at all times. Who knows, maybe one of the guys here from the dojo will also volunteer to help.
The group will make sure he’s safe ^^
How come you gave the definition of “jiisan”, nut not “hai”? I know it seems obvious, but still.
Also, in panel 2, I imagine he puts the accent on the “ri”, rather than the “ga”, like you’re supposed to.
Ah, good point. I probably should add that in as well, just in case. I thought it would be obvious, but you are right.
Darn, now I’ve got that Status Quo song stuck in my head.
you’re welcome xD
Is it just me, or do Jin’s hands seem oddly proportioned? Like they are bigger then his size suggests they should be?
It could just be part of his hybrid nature. I can’t speak for the traits of mythical beings, but I’ve had a few four-footed friends over the years, and their paws would sometimes appear larger than the width of their legs would suggest.
(Another thought I just had is that since he only has fur on his lower arms and legs, they might poof out more and seem larger in comparison to the rest of his body.)
His hands are a little bit bigger than normal, that’s true ^^
It’s because of his hybridization.
Also; a lot of puppies (Jin is ‘only’ 9) have big paws. Seems to be one of the fastest growing parts of a pup.
Mom used to say my German Shepherd pup was all “paws, ears, and tongue!”)
Awwww, I forgot just how shy Jin was. Hopefully in the presence of friends he should be alright at the festival, though I’m not quite sure how Katsumi will handle a crowd. You really do a good job of making these characters seem like real people with real struggles Robin. It creates genuine curiosity and concern about approaching scenes, and often leaves me wondering what comes next. I should think though that if Jin is able to help with the festival without getting overwhelmed it will be quite beneficial for him. I’m as eager as always to see where this goes. Keep up the good work, and as always, stay awesome!
Katsumi can handle the crowd just fine. She’s not afraid of numerical superiority of opponents. She can defeat them all.
Thanks Alpha
Katsumi will just have to deal with it, I’m afraid xD
It will be a good experience for Jin, that’s for sure ^^
I’m loving Jin more and more. He’s such an innocent soul, which to me makes his character so endearing. So, we finally meet his guardian.
I’m glad Jin is so loved
Fun fact: I spent a long time designing him. On and off trying things out over 2 years xD
And if your info sheet is printed on a round piece of paper, then it’s no longer a flyer, but a circular.
It becomes a flying disc (trademarked name: Frisbee) so it can be both a circular and a flyer.
Why not a frisbee? xD
Does Jin have a bottle of jin? Lol
No, he doesn’t xD
Now if Jin was a Djinn you could have a bottle of Jin.
…or Djinn. …or Djinn-Jin. 
Ok yes that makes more sense
I’m loving Jin so much. Cute, in both appearance and personality, and able to kick some serious butt.
Have to ask, was Jin born in Japan and moved over, or was he just raised with Japanese as his first language?
Jin is so adorable
Also, using paper planes is not a bad idea.
Just make sure that they are not sharp at the nose XD 
Now, I would be all smiles if Rex was able to see Ka-chan. Though that is just me, but really Jin is such a sweetheart and kind soul. Ka-chan is… Fluffy, protective, fluffy.
I agree. I think it would be funny if Rex was the ONLY one who could see Ka-chan. (other than Jin and Grandfather of course.)
Could easily do both
Spread the word around with flying flyers
Anyone else wondering if TopWebcomics will be back up in time to catch JA. XD;
in emotional damage alan didn’t seem to pleased to see the dragons
Although I could see Kaya employing the idea of literal fliers…flying fliers…
Note to self: never let Kaya near a 3d printer.