Archive for comic
Watch the Kaya show! It’s 140% awesomeness and some more! Also, let’s play a game. What band am I referring to with that Pearl Jelly poster?
You probably never expected Kaya to have all this tech stuff. She doesn’t know the first thing about technology, but she knows how to handle music recording.
We learn something about Kai today. He’s very very strong. Just look at him lifting that sofa. We also learn that his dad has an Hawaiian shirt.
movie night ends with a sleepover on the couch it seems. Kaya shows her dominance by putting her feet in Kai’s face.
We learn something about the family today. First is that their dad likes silly movies. Second is that the twins share his taste. Third is that their mother doesn’t XD
When a cook has too much time on his hands~ they usually don’t cook, since they’ve been doing that all week already, but this one is a little different XD