On your marks
And they’re off!
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so i guess al isn´t mister popular….or he was so unbearably smug back when he was the reigning champion that everyone loves to see him loose
Perhaps it is just that he is the only one who takes it so seriously.
After all he was reigning champion seven years ago. 😛
My thoughts exactly. He’s probably the only one *willing* to take a hit from Kaya. It has nothing to do with popularity, but rather entertainment.
Maybe Allessandro’s little boy aversion to girls has gradually turned into an unrequited crush on Kaya and this is his way to be near her? LOL
Thunder feet and lower lances;
watch the teams take their chances.
Down on the beach, there’s no branches
to get in the way.
Charging hard at your foes;
Shoes protecting from sandy toes.
Kaya’s shouting loudly as she goes
to try and win the day.
Muscles charge over the sand;
a way of combat that they’ve planned
with soft ground to help them when they land
and they lose at play.
Who will win this mighty fight,
between the locals and the right,
and who will get beaten out of sight?
You know that I can’t say…
Diolch yn fawr iawn.
I love this format. Alternating back like that is a splendid style.
Allessandro looks determined; Kaya looks amused. Are we here, privileged to see Kaya’s downfall today?? I’d be on the cliff-top, with a camera and a long lens. 🙂
Really good layout today, Kai! The panels walk us through the scene nicely; the only words necessary are the details from Annabella. Excellent use of perspective in panels two and six. Now; how many of the kids will we meet? And, are any of them cameoes? 🙂
Unless Kai trips Al doesn’t stand a chance. Fact, Kai has demonstrated that he can easily lift a couch. Fact, Kai has demonstrated that he is extremely fast and agile, Fact, Kai stopped a Vespa with Kaya driving it and never moved. Fact Kai has a rather heavy but articulated tail that works as a counter balance. It is safe to assume Kaya also shares all of these traits. If anything they are going to have to hold back to keep from hurting the others.
She caught a heavy cart when its wheel broke during her physical exam at the hospital. She is none too weak or slow either.
Jousting at a dragon? Is this guy trying to reproduce the victory of St. George? I recall that jousting against dragons did not work out well for Don Quixote; those giants and dragons were only in his head.
Actually, St. George killed Nahfr with a sword. “Nahfr” translates to dragon and was a bandit leader.
This isn’t just an age old match of a dragon against a knight. It’s a duel between a dragon knight and a human knight, Dame Kaya versus Sir Allessandro!
Allessandro has some “great friends” there, only caring about watching Al get obliterated against Kaya. As much as I love the twins, part of me is rooting for Allessandro, so I hope it ends in a tie. I wonder how Kaya would feel about dueling someone capable of defeating her, would she feel more excited by the challenge? Or would she be frustrated by not having an easy win. In games like this, where’s the fun in having an easy victory with no challenge, no chance of defeat? I guess some of these questions will be answered next week, but for now, the mighty steeds charge across the sands!
In the words of black desert…”Turts, man … Turts.”
But it is a duel between a dragon knight mounted on a dragon and a human knight mounted on a human.
But wouldn’t it be funny if Allessandro wins and then Kai takes revenge while mounted on his sister.
Why is Kai wearing shoes in the sand? You would think that would be the first place they take them off.
More surface area to help with exerting force. You likely wouldn’t see anyone in bare feet on sand racing or playing tug of war.
That depends. My Saint Bernard had webbed toes, which meant that he would get on the sand and it was like running behind a snowmobile. If Kai and Kaya are suitably equipped, they would be unstoppable on the sand
So… who’s the jackass who told Allessandro that there’s something wrong with being the second-best at something?
There is nothing wrong, and no shame, with being second-best, but there is still the -desire- to be best. 😉
Kai can currently be described as a dragonmount – although that word means something very different in another context. 🙂
There seems to be an unusual concentration of blond and light brown hair in this town. Black and dark brown hues are otherwise predominant in southern Europe. I always thought Marco looked more Nordic than Italian, but I figured he’s just one man and might be atypical. Now we see a larger selection of the local population, and the proportion of black hair seems to be rather low.
Near’s tourist friends? Could be a school group from out of town? (Not necessarily -Near’s- school group.)
Two possible reasons:
1. They are in northern Italy. Hair colors are lighter there.
2. They are children, blond hairs are more common there.
Jousting on the sand
Al and Kaya are focused
How’s this gonna end?
Annabella talks
The knights and steeds are ready
Al! Look behind you!
I’m worried that most of next week’s page will be a field of flowers, with the caption ‘indescribable carnage’, and the second panel will be a close up of Annabella’s face, as she mumbles “Woah…” and then the week after that, we finally get to see what happened.
And so, they collided with enough speed to separate them into their component particles, confirming the existence of the Higgs boson.