Off to a good start
Kaya’s method of making friends involves a lot of talking and bad judgement on her part of wether or not she’s talking too much or not enough.
On another note, this is a special day. Today marks ONE YEAR of Twin Dragons! I can’t believe the comic is one year old already. I would like to thank all you readers for sticking with me for a full year. It’s your support that made this worthwhile and kept me going. You guys are awesome. Here’s to another year of Twin Dragons
If you enjoy the comic, please consider donating on my patreon
I’m just like kaya, I see a person, I think ‘neat’ and I’m friends with them, although they don’t always see it the same way
I guess you can’t be friends with everyone.
Wouldn’t it be “I guess not everyone can be friends with you”?
I meant that you can’t befriend everyone you meet :p
I’m a rally friendly person and I always end up chatting with some people
Awesome, I usually don’t go around chatting to people that I don’t know, unless we have something in common.
Kaya the hunter. Hunting involves stalking, right?
“She’s gonna be friends with me whether she likes it or not!”
well then cleo will now have nightmares
Hehe, seems like Kaya got the image of a stalker now xD
Or a creeper.
“Hi, I’m Kaya, I…” **BOOM!** “Aw geez, not again.”
Benji can see the lie in the ointment,
The rising hiss in the discontent
Of the targeted young serpent;
But Kaya Can’t.
Working on the plan of non-stop talking
Doesn’t work and has the target walking
A defeat is what most would be chalking
But Kaya Won’t.
She’s not succeeding against reptile breeding
The hopes of friendship are now receding
Resentment means defeat should be conceding
But Kaya doesn’t
Her brother’s standing and slightly mocking;
Her utter failure he’s been clocking
Some others the truth would be socking
But Kai won’t.
Once again a nice poem ^^
Happy birthday Twin Dragons comic!
as a little trivia, yesterday was mine 
And by the way, I never brought it up again after getting the textless pic, but look… I made the avatar i wanted
Cheers for another 9 years, and for the love of powers of 10.
Happy B-Day
Happy birthday ^^
Also, that’s a great looking avatar you made with it.
Ah, the old, ‘hang around till you grow on them’ strategy. A proven tactic.
And happy B-day to Twin Dragons.
Thanks ^^
Yeah, proven tactics are the best xD
Whoot! Happy 1st year! Here’s for *insert number here* more!
Thanks ^^
Well happy birthday to Twin Dragons, hope for more years, just love this comic.
Thank you ^^
I will try to get you popular
Much appreciated ^^
Happy Anniversary!
Well, better late than never I guess, so: Happy anniversary! Didn’t know that so much time has passed already, but it really does fly by, doesn’t it? Off to many more years of entertainment – keep ’em coming!
Thank you ^^
Yeah, it really flew by it seems :p
well, they never had time to learn this, living where they get exorcised…
That’s actually something that doesn’t quite add up: you would think that the two would be more shy while living in a town that largely feared and rejected them.
Considering how they repaid the years of bigotry from the town, you’d think they would be a bit less friendly to people who obviously don’t like them.
Also, I just realized something. If the townsfolk are the sort of superstitious bigots who would blame hybrids for everything that went wrong, why did none of them realize the one time that they actually were responsible? Especially given that it was one day before they skipped town. I would expect that half of them would assume the twins used foul magic and the other half would just assume that they were ill-behaved hooligans.
The general impression was that it was a superstitious town to begin, so they assumed everything. Or no one really suspected the twins and if they did, they had no evidence. Police usually have better things to do than chase people causing crop circles.
Who’s saying noone assumed? It’s not like they would be running after them saying “we know what you did”.
Question: Why does the snake hybrid have scales whereas Kai and Kaya do not?
I like Kaya’s optimism.
Never underestimate the power of denial.