Nice weather
Scarabath made the weather really nice
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Lightning strike and Thunder rumble,
when you take the stairs, don’t stumble.
The weather’s sparked and it’s pouring;
a washed out village is some sure thing.
The Dragon within comes without
as a prize gives a dream some clout.
What’s to be found, within that chest?
Perhaps leaving it would be best?
He’s left the boys, living it large,
playing with their little god charge.
Now, is the treasure real or fake?
Will Lilo’s kiss make him awake?
this is amazing! great job Welsh Rat.
Dragons love their treasure, sometimes more than they should
Quite. Dragons, even if they try their darndest, have an ingrained Greed personality that practically blinds them from logically thinking or foresight.
That’s mainly an aspect of European variants, Asiatic variants have their own special treasure they are unwilling to part with.
Well, Kai has a little less self-control in the dream it seems xD
A good thunderstorm is pretty soothing to listen to while reading a book, so yes, very nice weather ^^
But if this is “a tiny bit of rain”, I don’t want to know what Scarabath considers a storm o.O
Shh.. if she hears you she might start a Cat 6 Hurricane with F7 Tornados.
Ah, the sweet lullaby of a super cell
I so agree about the thunderstorm and reading!

I’ve also decided that the sound of rain-on-a-tin-roof that so many speak so fondly of, is even better on a canvas roof. Rain on a tin-roof has a very sharp, sudden “TING!” sound. On a canvas roof (tent, convertible car top, etc.) it’s a more soothing, muffled “thump” sound.
Just my personal opinion of course…
If Scarabath considers making a storm, you better have an ark ready xD
Love the profile for the new hybrid girl. She is just adorable and I can’t wait to see her in the comic.
You mean Dream Kaya? pretty sure shes not new just Kai’s Dream making her look different XD it would be pretty cool if she was there after Kai wakes up, that would cause some chaos for sure
He means the filler image for the voting incentive comic ^^
It’s in the sidebar to the right of the comic. Jesse’s Adventure. Last week I couldn’t make the time to have another page done there, so instead I uploaded a profile for a new hybrid that will appear in the comic in due time.
She’ll get to be at least part of another C&D story later on ^^
OOOOOH! New C&D arc confirmed! Looking forward to it!
The dog: Ehehehe (forgot his name sorry)
Technically his name’s Kon.
The Boys do both look a mite…conflicted about the honor Kai has bestowed upon them.
He was gonna punish them sooner or later after he realized them blocking the stairs wasn’t with Kaya’s consent. If they’re not excited, well, they can suck it up.
More like his outer guilty dog speaks xD
This dream is full of surprises, isn’t it?
I like the Jade dragons guarding the treasure room. Makes a nice accent.
Thanks. I enjoyed drawing the jade dragons ^^
Cue the appropriate “Legend of Zelda” music sting.
Oh yeah. If only the comic had sound xD
I know Kai is all dismayed about the thunderbolts and lightning, but I’d wager the villagers aren’t complaining now that it’s finally raining.
Making Kon and Khan sit there and tolerate Scarabath’s eagerness for a playmate is the sweetest payback I can imagine, and also an excellent way to not make Lilo dash down the temple stairs in the storm.
And… treasure? I know Kai’s getting all excited (and I would very much admire the use of sheet music for the Legend of Zelda opening-chest swell strung along the top panels of the next page), but given the fact that a Rubik’s Cube was a “godly artifact”, how do we know the treasure isn’t a Rupoor or a copy of Lustful Lali-Ho or a golden statue of Joker in a thong?
Best payback possible in this situation
Kai thinks he is just having a lucid dream, but if he is holding the treasure when he wakes up on the couch in his apartment, he may have to rethink that assumption. Perhaps as a dragon, he has more mystic power than he thinks?
Haha, wouldn’t that be something xD
I really like the Jade gardians outside the door! What species are they?
Something I made up on the spot, to be honest xD
You can name the species if you like ^^
Looks kinda like monitor lizards (like the komodo dragon) but you could probably see any well built reptilian in that design if you’re looking for it (in my case it fit since it’s a lizard guardian statue in a dragon’s castle, so a pun AND a play on words)
Its her so it has to be chocolate coins. The only chocolate treasure.
“I’m not using it” is not a thing Kaya would say about chocolate.
That *would* be a very Kaya treasure, but Rombo also makes a good point. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.
She would keep all chocolate, though xD
Another great page Robin! And yeah, I’d say a heavy rainstorm would be considered nice weather for those villagers considering the draught. Don’t worry Kai, Scara (mostly, somewhat, kind of) knows what she’s doing. It will be interesting though to see just what the treasure is. I’ve given up on trying to predict Robin’s thought process at this point, because every page is always a surprise. It’s part of what keeps me coming back to this comic every Monday! The twists and turns are so artfully woven into the plot and add both humor and originality every week. Still, if there is gold in that chest, even a small amount of it, then it will be interesting to see just how much the twins’ dragon DNA comes into play there. It could range anywhere from enthusiasm to straight up drooling over it and unable to look away. Only time will tell though. I keep repeating that phrase, so I think it’s time to end my commenting for the day. Keep up the good work Robin, and as always, stay awesome!
Thanks Alpha
Thanks for the many kind words. Now we just have to wait and see what the treasure is, huh? :p
Panel 5: There should be a comma at the end of “it”.
Jesse’s Adventure: “/On/ the one hand…”
I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree this time. Adding that comma would change how the sentence reads and make it look like text is missing after “anyway”.
You’re right about Jesse’s Adventure though!
Yeah, I guess that could be more grammatically correct, but my proof readers say it can be like this as well ^^
And yeah, made a mistake there for the filler. Thanks for spotting it
Does anyone know how to change the e-mail address that the newsletter gets sent to? I accidently signed on using an account that’s pretty bare-bones – it doesn’t like long messages that incorporate graphics.
You can either unsubscribe with the old email (I always include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter) and subscribe again with the other email address. Or you can send me a mail (Email also included in the newsletter ^^ ) and I can arrange it for you.
Thanks! I really appreciate your help. It means a lot to me
Also, I’m glad to see you feeling better!

Well, the villagers did need rain! Job well done Kai, now what kind of treasure are you going to get for your reward? Looking forward to that next week!
And rain they got
Kai’s “Dragon Inside” t-shirt would soooo apropos about now!

Oh yeah! Missed marketing opportunity xD
When Kai and Lilo comes back at the village , peoples aren’t happy because too much rain ^_^”
I bet there is Scarabath’s personal chess game in the chest , or the item for sunny weather XD
Probably! When you want rain for crops you generally want a slow steady soaking, not something that could cause flash flooding!
and no hot dry air blast right behind to shrivel the tender growth.
Imagine xD There’s too much rain now! go back and tell her to dial it down!
Oh no. This can´t be good. Kai, RUN. FAST. or wake up fast.
Nah, it’s gonna be okay xD
Wow, look at those lightnings :O

They were fun to do ^^
if its meds he is going to be SOOO pissed…..allso I wonder if its gunna be one of those” Oh it was all just a dream” things then wakes up with sed object in his hands or under his pillow making it not so clear it was REALLY only a dream things.
Maybe Kai will wake up and Kaya will bring him a “Get Well” present…and it’s the same thing that was in the treasure chest.
That way we’ll always wonder if it was just a coincidence…or not. 
Kind of like in Housepets! xD
it happened a few shows i seen over my life. Its rarely used trick but still intresting all the sane.
Congratulations, you have won “a conscience” and can now tell the difference between right and wrong, may you treasure this always,
I’m sure Kai already had a good idea of what is right or wrong :p
but does he treasure it?
I predict the treasure will be:
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep, …
A bomb?!? Sputnik?!?
…pssstt! Kai! In the vote incentive… “secretely” should be “secretly”.
quick question,would you be delighted to play with the weather goddess,or scared (View image 2, benji/kon’s face).
poor benji…
I think i noticed.
I bet, the treasure will be his IRL plushie!