And we know a name!
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I also have that problem… where to put my hat in a restaurant.
Simple: if there´s a wardrobe stand, it goes there. Popular is also to hang it on the top of your chair, but that requires a chair that allows it.
If nobody sits besides you, you can place it there.
Now, should you have a backpack, handbag or rucksack, place it on the stair and the hat on top.
Sometimes the hats have some chinstrap or cord or such (not sure what´s it called in english…) you can hang it on. Again, if the chair allows it, or the wardrobe stand.
She’s calming down,
making him laugh.
Lucky for her
that’s too easy by far.
The name is Near?
It’s truly unique.
Kaya will think
he’s being oblique.
A fun young lass,
out all on her own.
Lucky for her
Italian is ‘shown’…
Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Sorry for the delay, the last month has been a bit crazy.
I wonder if she has a sibling called Far.
Or a friend called Mello
I should have expected a comment like that but I still groaned. Good job!
If she does I wonder wherever they are.
I like her already; especially in panel 3.
Also; “Jazz Hannnds!”
Is that comment about charades from experience or something else?
i´d say its a reference to how italians can´t talk without gesticulating – as an old joke says: whats an italian with injured hands? mute!
my favorite (and i was raised in Europe) was “How do you gag an Italian? with handcuffs.”
but they are good at charades. and great people.
Wait, hold on a second Kai. Did you introduce yourself?
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. But he wouldn’t even need to because he’d charm her either way.
Charming her already and still probably doesn’t realize what he’s doing. Now if she’s from the US as well…. heh well Kai may just have a potential gf!
How soon until the others have a betting pool on when or whether Kai will notice? Put me down for not until after Near has departed to meet up with her family and someone teases him.
Kai makes a new friend, and seems to be getting along just fine.
Here’s hoping we get to see Near hanging out with the twins and Annabella later in the story arc. From what I’ve seen of her so far, I like her personality.
Nice to see Near doesn’t subscribe to the “nice = flirting” paradigm. No accusations, not flustered, making eye contact, not dropping hints blatant or otherwise, and her half of the conversation is about as inane as Kai’s is – all signs of friendliness rather than attraction.
Kai just being his normal, charming self. So our forest cat girl’s name is Near… Does she have a younger sibling named “Far?” Hopefully she doesn’t get made fun of for her name… It may lead to some confusing conversations, *cough* Who’s On First *cough*!
Near’s parents probably should’ve practiced speaking Italian with her and/or given her an English to Italian dictionary. Luckily, Near is mastering the other half of the Italian language, the body language. Kai better be careful, he may just get an admirer with a huge crush of the little dragon!
Why not invite her at their table, with his English speaking sister? Does Kai want to have free hand? Uh?
Perhaps he wants to protect her from Kaya’s jump attacks.
Or his cousin doesn’t speak English and this would make it awkward.
Or he thought the hat needs its own chait.
There’s also the possibility of Kaya effectively kidnapping Near’s holiday, to include her in their own.
Or Kai is flirting, as his cousin thinks.
There’s also the possibility that, by going around with them, everyone will assume she speaks Italian, and she’ll be in even less conversations than she would have been on her own.
I sense Kaya is going to break in soon anyway, unless Annabella stops her.
Give Kai(both of him) a minute or so; the conversation’s barely gotten started!
Panel 5: Add a comma to “ocean”.
You COULD put a comma there, and it would work. Not necessary, though.
Don’t you think you should try learning how grammar works before “correcting” others on a weekly basis? Or is this some kind of bot account harassing people with horribly incorrect grammar “corrections”?
Sometimes he’s right.
True. A lot of the time, though, it’s like today, where the correction is either questionable or not necessary.
In almost all cases, though, I’m finding it to be an irritation that @jprime doesn”t appear to contribute anything but this. It’s like all they’re here to do is pick apart the grammar of a perfectly good webpage.
Kai is probably talking too fast for the optional comma.
Kai is just so natural charming and friendly it almost hurts
And, shipping or not, those two have such great chemistry together
As opposed to his sister, who is just overwhelmingly friendly. LOL
I hope we get to see more of her after this arc
Near? Hmm. Not Exactly A Regular name.
We learned her name, but Kai still hasn’t introduced himself to her.
I believe that will be an issue after they go their separate ways. Getting back in touch without even a name.
I don’t know. How many other locals qualify for the “Male Dragon Hybrid” description?
I mean sure, definitely a good idea to introduce yourself, but if he stuffs that up it shouldn’t be too hard to ask…. about…..
Ah. Language barrier. Yeah, that’s still a thing….
It’s up to you Kai! Better give her your name before you forget…..
I think the normal reaction would be him also telling her his name in panel 1.
Perhaps he already told her off screen?
It’s nice to see that the chairs are Hybrid-compatible. It can sometimes be hard to find a place to put your tail in a restaurant!
Now that’s a name with possibilities.
“Where is Near?”
“Oh, around. Near is never far away.”
“You are always Near to me.”
Let’s hope there won’t be a Near-death experience though.
“Near, and dear to my heart!”
Suggestion for the next Gamer Dragons: Near Automata.
Space Marine 2 is also out. I can see the Twins potentially liking it. Wonder which Chapter they would choose tho? I’m thinking Salamanders for their green armour…..
Given that they were also known as “Dragon Warriors” I concur.
Ha!! I knew I saw this character before!!!
Good find! And according to this other post, she has a twin, too:
Good Catch! She looks incredible in that dress. According to the link, her name is Near Velscave, and she is owned by Korvahk. She’s a beauty.
“Caaaaaaaaan you feeeeeeeeeeel the loooooooove tonight…” – Elton John
Kai has an interest for sure! Good luck youngster.