Moral choices
Looks like Rex and Kaya aren’t agreeing on the next course of action.
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The team wonders on how to best
the vicious beast that’s surely no Dove.
Rex wants to play whack-a-nugget
and Kaya believes in the power of love.
The team splits down the middle,
fighting in front of the pilgrims’ hat.
Warring factions are forming here;
Benji hoping it stays at the level of chat.
Will the guys win the upcoming fighting
or will they face an ignoble defeat?
But, if they do make it their House pet,
PLEASE don’t go and call it Pete…
Instead of seeing this beast’s end,
Kaya seeks a griffin friend,
With trouble around every bend,
what does the guard defend?
If this griffin could ever dream
of joining an adventurer’s team
than truly then it’s fate would seem
to help this party gain steam.
Above this post there wrote a rat
(from across the Atlantic sea at that!)
Whose poems got me trying to
write to be seen by all of you.
Our beloved host mentioned a guild?
What an excellent thing that we shall build
Although I am far from skilled
I can learn if it is so willed…
A friendly rivalry! Just like the strip.
The fight against a friend,
both hotheads breathing fire.
No wonder some ship them;
a fact to raise their ire.
They’re alike, this pair,
erratic and destructive,
calso capable of love
if they want to be creative.
Benji wonders who will lose,
his captain or his friend.
Which side is he to choose?
Who is he to defend?
The party has spotted a griffin;
its presence has started a tiff in
their ranks: Rex calls “Fire
away!”–“But,” says Kaya,
“to tame it would simply be spiffin’!”
(A ridiculous amount of enjambment for a limerick, but “griffin” isn’t the easiest rhyme to work with…)
Bonk! Bonk, on the head!
The Paladin has said
For I would see what I could see
Once my little hammer’s fed!
Nay! No bonks! the green mage cries
Our Love shalt be the key!
For Love can soothe, and then provide
A friend we need not flee.
And so the fateful die is cast
It rolls and no one breathes
Is our party stopped at last?
Or will they get to see?
Gold or Wisdom? Something more??
Behind the Gryffindor!
I get it. Why do you think I went with beast?
A new member of the Bards Guild! Now there’s a Bardershop quartet!
A saurian never forgets
and always pays off their debts
and my debt to you
for creativity true
will make a friendship true blue
A son of Wisconsin soil
whose forefathers with strength did toil
now plays at the bard
it can be a bit hard
but perhaps he has found the right foil?
like rattrap and dinobot of old
our tale has yet to be told
perhaps this poetry trade
has us made in the shade
if this young reptile could be so bold?
I think something has started…. I think, from now on, one poem per person per strip.
Robin, it’s your fault for being inspirational!
So you ‘get’ my last two lines then?
All your poem is good , but i react just to the two last lines because it makes me to think about this ^_^
whats with all the poetry guys?
your good i give you that!
but still.
Public site : they’re free to comment with poem ^_^
I don’t think a griffin that looks like a koala would be dangerous unless it had the body of macho man randy savage
…In its beak.
That is the look of a creature who will only kill you because it’s got nothing better to do in a cave. It won’t remember you stepping in after a day passes- you are like a TV show rerun the fifth time around to it. Yikes…
Koala’s can be nasty. Do not under-estimate the cute little guy. Definitely, do not under-estimate the big cute guy.
These 4 creeps are invading my burrow! Well, I do like it when my meals come to me.
Koalas are just drop bears that decided to quit being imaginary and be killers for real. That’s why they are so sleepy all the time- their energy goes toward keeping them on this plane.
Danm that randy savage got me good
That’s one strange image I got in my head right now xD
Huey Lewis or Cline Dion?
Hmm, honestly don’t know :p
Seen Celine’s latest? ‘Ashes’ from Deadpool 2. And he’s dancing in the video. In high heels.
She made the third-worst video of 1996.
So cute griffin on your tablet , Kaya : but it’s a BABY . Here is a young adult , it’s lightly different ^_^”
Things would be awfully different with a full adult
The good question is from Cleo (again) but it will be a pain in the a*s to fight , seeing Kaya’s mind about the griffin ……… Maybe Benji needs to draw how the griffin seems , in the game ?
Seeing how this griffin looks, I doubt it would change Kaya’s mind. He’s kind of grumpy-cute :p
Pretty sure the answer to Cleo’s question would be Charisma. Maybe a cross between Charisma and Persuasion. Either way Kaya is not normally one to be overruled. Let’s see how this goes. I mean, some high level mages can learn mind control spells, but Kaya seems to want more of a pet than a servant. All of this detracts from the main point of course, which is that I’m a nerd and need to stop talking about D&D now. xD Excellent as ever, Robin. The art you manage to accomplish in a week never ceases to amaze me, nor does the in-depth personality of each character and the hilarity that sometimes ensues as a result of such a diverse and realistic mix. Never stop being awesome.
Kaya is a “cute things” victim ^_^”
Maybe Kaya will roll a ranger next time so she can get an animal companion.
Spend 24 hours casting “Find Familiar”. Just watch, she gets a cat, orange, fat, loves lasagna and kicking puppies off tables. Of course, in her mind, she is expecting a pseudo-dragon or the griffin, but with her luck she gets a pyrophobic rat.
Animal cohort feat? I hope she’s a good handle animal skill stat to try to tame / train it.
Thanks Alpha ^^
Kaya definitely is thinking about a pet, not a servant. Rex is clearly only thinking about the loot :p
The mind of a Dragon is sharp indeed,
When Love or Profits it’s driving need,
And so this group Kai’s advise should heed,
To evade Benji’s trap to make them bleed,
And thereby plant a glorious seed,
Where flying on Griffon’s is their creed.
Soon , there will be more poetic comments than “classic” ones XD
Who says they can’t be both?
amen, my rodent friend
They can ^_^
….yah, I don’t think Kaya really gets the whole ‘dungeon crawl’ thing.
You kill EVERYTHING for the XP and loots. Even the cockroaches.
……ESPECIALLY the cockroaches.
Not everything. Sometimes you want to save the creatures that have dialogue options. I mean Paarthurnax isn’t exactly cute, but he’s worth saving.
The nice thing about a tabletop rpg is that you can go in a totally different direction, like Kaya is doing ^^
So in a sense, she got the idea pretty well and is practicing her freedom in the game.
The first think I thought of from this reply: “Free-Doom!”
Methinks a certain dragon plays a wee bit too much Pokemon…. hope she never gets into something like Dark Souls or Bloodborne…… I don’t think she would take being forced to fight a certain wolf in Dark Souls too well…
She would have some trouble at that part ^^’
Kaya’s reluctance to fight semi-cute monsters has come up before.
And the last panel is why you don’t play this kind of game with a girl like Kaya. She’s just too tenderhearted. LOL. (But, her idea will probably work, if I know games.)
It makes things interesting though, wouldn’t you agree? :p
Huh, I wondered if a griffin would roar or chirp. Guess we have the answer now.
And dang, Benji’s hat looks so stylish. Did it come with the ear holes or did he make them? It’s a nice touch either way.
“chirp” <<– I love it!
…but Cleo seems to have her doubts.
He had to make the holes himself, but he’s pretty handy with those kind of things.
To be honest, trying to reason with the dungeon boss isn’t the worst idea. Characters with a heap of charismas, persuasion, bluff skills and the like may be able to talk themselves out of a battle. And some DMs will make that an option with intriguing implications for the rest of the campaign. Here is probably not the case, but I would like to see them try.
I wonder if there are any griffin hybrids. There are dragons, so griffins are a possibility, and if so, can they fly? Are there any bird hybrids who can fly.
The Griffin hybrid in her reality is probably what Kaya was looking up on her phone. As for flying, not yet. The little guy has to mature a little more before that.
Griffin hybrids are possible, but rare, just like dragons (Kai and Kaya are the only two known dragons).
As for flying, there are no hybrids with full wings, more like feathery arms. Also their bone density is too high for flight.
In my first DnD game ever we were fighting a buffed out on magic dire Tiger that was actualy really smart but still a wild animal. I tried to tame it and was actualy achieving it. All my team was down exept for 1 barbarian who tried to charge him. Rolled 1 … rolled 1 again for confirmed … rolled 20 for hit accuracy … and tried to save it with a 25% dbl or nothing but still got it. Yeah i was a full hp tank … no i didn’t even get the chance to fall unconscious
I’m sure it proved to be a great ally :3
nah we all hated that DM because honestly he was a terrible DM even thoo he knew the rules.
I managed to successfully tame it but the DM being the a real @$$ decided it was a shapeshifting fairy all along and then proceeded to just do all his possible to ruin our fun (even thoo we were following his story path and not destroying everything)
Well he was also a terrible planner and he wanted to end the campaign in making us get cured to protect a mountain but didn’t count the fact that most of us knew the game more than him and broke his curse and half of us became gods XD
honestly I was a warforged forgemaster and was only gonna une the dire tiger as a mount to transport my tools. still like i said we all hated him
Is Benji aware about what he has caused ? ^_^”
He’s aware, and waiting it out :p
Well that was unexpected, i expected a dragon or something like it, what a suprise dont you think
It can be anything when the doors are closed , and when you open it ………….. you regret or not ^_^”
Schroedinger’s dragon?
Yea ^_^
That’s entirely why I didn’t go for a dragon. It was too obvious and I like having some surprises here and there :p
Well you did a good job in that
What about a hydra? All the fun of a dragon, but it only gets better up ahead!
A cute dragon , for Kaya :
I like how deadpan Cleo is through all of this. I’m going to laugh, loud and hard, if Kya or Cleo somehow manages to tame the griffin.
Cleo is keeping a level head at all times. At least that’s what it looks like :p
Okay…”power of love” requires a charisma roll, but if Kaya made a mage, her primary stat should be INT. If the Gryphon can speak (since they don’t have a ranger or druid in the party), they might have a chance there with diplomacy.
If not…Kaya, remember that spell that you used on the rats?
Kaya: Nooo, we’re not doing the explosion spell on my griffin!!!
The griffin : “- Chirp chirp chiiirp chirrrp cherp chirppp chirp cherp” (it doesn’t bother all of you that i’m waiting ?)”
Alt translation: I will feast on the dragon’s soul and become a griffin dovahkiin!
Good and funny ^_^
Damnit i caught up, cant wait to read what happens next, great webcomic Robin
Kaya might not let the game master live if he trys to force them to kill it.
i was hoping that the cristl duck wound up being the monster and the treasure.
SO meny bad joke opportunity’s down the drain.
it would of all so fit with the luck they been having form the start!
Kaya, in this game of C & D, it’s kill or be killed. You can’t save every furry little creature you see, no matter how the they may seem.
Also, I’m loving the poem battle in the comments. ^.^
Are griffins real in their world? How Kaya talks about them make me think it seems so.