Minor setback
You got to admit, he does know how to leave the scene.
Unfortunately, due to an extremely busy last week, I wasn’t able to make an update for Jesse’s adventure for today. I am sorry if you were looking forward to it, but I rather make sure it’s a decent update than quickly scribble something up just to meet the quota. Jesse’s adventure will return next week.
As always, if you like the comic, please consider donating on my patreon. Even one dollar goes a long way.
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A good villain never stays dead
in any horror film or comic.
Finding one that only dies once
would be quite the tonic.
Dungeon Pup Benji keeps him active
in case he’s needed next roleplay
At least he knows how he’s acted
and they know how to save the day.
He’s headed past his sleeping pet
who even snored through the quake
I bet he’ll slumber through their raid
but a squeaky shoe will make him wake.
Dungeon pup Benji is a keeper :p
hey also its evil_laughter.mp4
And now i’ll Make worst kaya ever heard of ponyfinder http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/125583/Ponyfinder–Campaign-Setting
Kaya doesn’t know about this yet, but she’s not all too crazy about ponies though. She likes kittens better :p
Welp my comment just blew up into pieces (well it’s not showing on my computer so) basically my comment was a joke about kaya learning of a game call ponyfinder I would link you to the store and Kickstarter but I don’t want this comment to blow up either
Are you serious well this comment is now useless
Sorry about that, my anti-spam puts comments in pending when it contains more than one link. I approved the comment probably right when you made the other comment. Oh well, no harm done
That happened once when I posted links to other comics on THIS site
I did approve those later :p
It’s a lesser of two evils though. When I decided to use the anti-spam this way the comment section was targetted by a bot spamming comments with two links in them. I grew tired of deleting ten comments every day so I got this solution instead. It’s a bit annoying if you have more than one link to share, but thankfully that doesn’t happen all that often.
Now , just go in the last room and hope there will be nothing in to stop the team to grab the crystal duck : and DUCK HUNT finished (but not on NES)
WAIT , WHAT ! OMG , the necro-ghost is gone where there is the sleeping griffin : what if he possesses his body ? ^_^”
It depends on if the necromancer is capable of possessing a beast with his ghost :p
“Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I’ll be back.”
And whom you gonna call?!
*Kaya shuts the window*
Kaya broke time, everybody! Well, it had a good run. see you last shmebuary!
“Dead is only a minor setback to a Necromancer.” Feels a bit off to me there, did you mean to say “Death is only a minor setback”?
But yeah, necromancers can be a pain to deal with, especially the high-level ones.
“Dead is only a minor setback to a Necromancer” …………. Better to say “for a necromancer” , no ?
Yeah, it’s probably death instead of dead. I always seem to confuse those.
I think “technically” dead might be barely only acceptable. However, in this case, I rather like it. I think it gives the comment an appealing ‘personality’ of its own. Kind of like listening to Miracle Max in “The Princess Bride”.
(I actually had another word planned instead of “personality”… but forgot what it was as I was typing. ;-))
Luckily , Kaia doesn’t want Drago as “pet” because he’s a cute ghost ………… XD
She doesn’t find everything cute xD
Maybe because she hasn’t checked how a ghost seems ………….. *looks at photos of Casper* XD
Great, now we have a Kel Thuzard and a Kael’thas mixed into one. Death is but a mere setback.
Things can get interesting :p
Where are the Ghostbusters when you need them?
Also, groan, reoccurring villain.
They are too busy remaking a movie :p
I want to know what that is snoozing “Behind Door #1.” Looks suspiciously like one of Cleo’s relatives! (“…ancestors”?)
And is the necromancer just showing off? Or, can he just not be bothered to use the already opened door?
I really like Kaya’s expressions in the first two panels, and the difference between her and Kai’s attitudes about the ending of this incident.
Kai’s nose/muzzle is looking good again today. It had been bothering me just a bit the last couple of strips, but I couldn’t figure why.
P.S. I think you have your top priority set on the correct comic, Robin!
I also look forward to Jesse’s adventure, but I can also wait, patiently, until you’re ready.
You mean the griffin sleeping there? … I just noticed I gave him the wrong colors… Welp, that’s an edit for later xD
What self-respecting necromancer in respawn-mode uses an already open door? He’d be the laughing stock of the necro club. Also, thanks, drawing their noses isn’t always easy xD It’s because of the stylization that it doesn’t always follow common sense so it needs some improvising sometimes :p
Twin Dragons will Always be the priority. Jesse and Jacky are great, but the main comic must go on! xD
Ah.. I thought they were going through -another- door and deeper into the dungeon.
Didn’t realize they were returning to the room with the sleeping gryphon.
They’ll have to go deeper : the crystal duck is in the next room https://www.twindragonscomic.com/comic/hammer-time/ first panel
1. Why is the necroghost’s face in the bottom left panel so disturbing to me? 0_o
2. Panel 5. Because no self-respecting villain uses the door. Especially if they know magic.
3. I… don’t really have a 3. It just felt weird to only have 2 bullet points. So uh… how is everyone?
*Clears throat.* A-Anyway, moving on, I like the unique take on the ghost having some of the bodily details of the hybrid character, but still kinda the standard “ghost tail”. The black and orange eyes are also an interesting (if somewhat nightmare-fuelish) touch. As always an amazing continuation of a wonderful comic. Stay awesome Robin!
Well, he’s a necromancer. He probably got good grades on his ‘scare’ class :p
Thanks Alpha, the unique take on the ghost came from me actually still wanting it to be a pretty recognizable ghost, but without clothes since those don’t come with the soul kinda thing :p
That necromancer is such a large ham. Only thing missing is some green eggs.
Well; he’s got the “green” part at least.
Undead ham, must taste pretty special :p
“Death…….is only the beginning.” —-Imhotep, The Mummy (1999)
Should be on the required watch list at Necromancer School.
Right under Nosferatu and Dracula xD
Third panel :
Wrong text , Dargo : it’s “-I’ll be back” ^_^”
and now he’s off to protect a little kid that will become the rebel leader one day.
If only he had the crystal duck, that would make it a lot easier (somehow) xD
A villain who doesn’t stay dead
isn’t something to necessarily dread.
if he’s stuck as a ghost,
he’s an annoyance at most
because his hands will pass through
everything- what to do?
Perhaps give up and float off into the blue.
….. if we’re lucky…..
which we probably won’t be
I imagine him sticking around just to spite them xD
“Just means we’re going to have to deal with him in the sequel.”
Season 2 confirmed xD
*Ghostbusters theme song start playing*
At first glance, it looks as if the green ghosty is going to enter the body of the sleeping Griffin behind the door.
Wouldn’t it be “Death is only a minor setback”?