Cleo isn’t just spouting business lingo to impress people. She’s getting proper education from her dad
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Re: Jesse’s Adventure –
Happy (belated) Birthday, Robin! (Sorry I haven’t been in the streams; I think my PC is just too old to cope with streaming anymore~)
Cleo sure is buisness-savvy. And so are you, Robin! Japanese culture is pretty amazing, but I never would have thought to research that level of detail!
It makes sense, though. Western culture used calling cards throughout the 19th century & well into the 20th.
“Cleo Portas, CEO-in-training”. Considering she’s going full entrepreneur as of late, I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a whole deck of business cards at least at home, if not in her wallet already. Can’t wait to see how Jin reacts to the business prop.
And, a birthday, I presume? A late Happy Birthday, Robin!
Scorpion Kaya says ‘Get over here’
as she introduces Cleo to Jin,
then let’s the lady take over the talk
so negotiations can, then, begin.
Her dad prepared her for the working world
and showed her how to win at making friends
and she shows Kaya that, no matter what
true learning is something that never ends.
It seems she’s made a partner for right now
and a friend is what may well be coming
as, I feel, if she gets him on their team,
the Cuisinearts will hit the ground running
(Did anyone else, just for a second, think ‘hm?’ meant ‘Robin Dassan’ in Japanese?)
Happy birthday to him;
Happy birthday to him;
Happy birthday and I don’t mean Jin
Happy Birthday to him!
Well, it’s been 2 hours already. I guess Robin’s just speechless.
I really like panels 2 & 3, especially 2. I expect Jin, and his father, will be quite impressed with Cleo!
I’m pretty sure Robin’s a woman, though either of us could be wrong.
You would be. If you check his DA it clearly says “He / Him” ~
Well, I’m definitely a man :p
But my name wouldn’t give that away, since it’s used for both genders xD
Mentioned you yesterday – with regards things Japanese – over as ‘Little Fried Chicken & Sushi.’. The creator, Khalid Birdsong – already knows of you and is impressed.
So you can see…
Over ON ‘Little Fried Chicken & Sushi’
Classically, “Robyn” is the female version of that name.
Cleo has been taught on a lot of business practices, it’s clear her dad has plans for her to take over his business at some point, or at least find new ways to be expanded.
I look forward to when we get a peek at Cleo’s home life, also Kaya meeting Cleo’s dad will probably be interesting.
It wasn’t the cake, it was the anchovies on the pizza.
Happy Birthday, Wendel! er… Robin!!
Meishi is important in Japan for a good reason: Because of how various Japanese characters can be read differently, the cards allow the receiver to know how the card-giver would prefer you read the characters used in their name.
Daniel here. From what little I know about Japanese writing, this sounds about right. Pretty sure you can write the same name in Japanese in several different ways…
…Wonder how many ways you could write Daniel, or its equivalent. Screwball might be interesting too…
For example: there are “no hawks” (Kotori-Asobi) where there are “little birds playing” (Takanashi).
Ah, Cleo… Always quick to start business.
Well, good start to introductions between Cleo & Jin, hope that continues. Her dad’s definitely prepped her well. Also happy birthday Robin!
Placeholder, preamble: “…so I /spent/ most of last week working on it.”
I always have a hard time with that two-handed delivery. It means you can’t actually hand over the card until after you put your wallet back in your pocket! The recipient has to stand there mentally twiddling their thumbs all that time.
Fun fact: The Japanese learned “arigatou” from the Portugese who came to invade them back in the empire-building days. (I learned this when I visited Portugal and asked why they said “thank you” in Japanese.
Wiktionary disagrees with you:
And about “obrigado”:
Apparently that’s an example of a false cognate. Kinda like the word typhoon sounds like it originally came from the giant Typhon, but he’s from a hemisphere that doesn’t actually experience typhoons. Could have sworn there was a word for this other than “false cognate” but I can’t seem to find it.
I like Cleo’s character more and more. Seeing her taking a first meeting like this so seriously and showing respect tells me how serious she is about this. I’m glad she has none of the typical “rich teen girl” troupes about her.
She acts more like a second generation. Still grounded in reality.
A proper formal greeting, as expected of Cleo. Wonderful to see you put just as much detail into researching customs as you do in your art and bringing characters to life. You’re a master of your craft Robin, and I sincerely hope you never lose that spark of passion that is apparent in each new panel of this project. It’s an honor to be here for it. I love the design of Cleo’s business card. It seems very fitting of her. (And the little snake on it is greatly appreciated. It’s so cute!) Thank you for the smile and I hope you enjoy the rest of your week. As always, stay awesome!
Note to sell, buy or make some business cards
Just noticed the spelling mistake. Meant to type note to self. Dang autocorrect
Just make sure to check your spelling before you hit print
Update; Business/contact cards have been made, and spelling double checked.
Waoo, It is so cool that Cleo is familiar with Japanese culture. Moreover, I love how Robin is aware of details such as the Japanese are always give and take these cards while holding them with both hands
While Cleo learned a lot about business, she still has some stuff to learn… you dont look away when exchanging the business card
Most exchanges don’t involve a Kaya.
Congratulations on your web comic becoming a Netflix show
(yes I know Robin didn’t invent the hybrid but he was what I immediately thought of when I saw a commercial for the show and that was good enough for me)
PS the show is called “Sweet Tooth”
Just got back from the trailer and it looks like Robin might get some extra readers from search overlap. Also looks I wasn’t the only one who thought Colorado would be the most likely place for a hybrid city. (Granted my guess was based on geography and demographics, not sure how they came to the same conclusion)
I assume you have seen this?
Jin: “Why does it say you’re publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange?”
Cleo: “What? Oh crap, those are the old ones!”