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They could have labeled it ‘fire in a bottle’ as well :p
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Taking weights and measures
at their Doctor’s pleasures,
the guys get on with the test,
doing well, they’re the best.
What is the weight of the tail?
Will it make the scales fail?
Standing tall, against the wall,
five foot, too close to call.
Not measured to the ear tip,
Kaya’s fave has quite the grip,
taking down her bro’s height
as the two put up no fight.
The tests run on, through the hour,
as the Doc’s find their power.
Will the clinic come through
or will Kaya immolate that too../ (Nah)
They do have amazing tails, and those floppy ears probably adds some weight ^^
Doubtful the ears weight that much. The tail though has to be pure muscle given what they are able to do with it.
Same with the ears, just look at Kaya, she can flap them at mach speed
Eh, no, that is not how it works. The ear flapping is done by the muscles connecting the ear to the head, similar to how some people can wiggle their own ears. Kaya basically does the same thing, she just has a greater range of motion due to her physiology. The ears themselves should be cartilage covered by skin and/or scales, or is a thick membrane. In order for the ear to move itself independent from the rest of the head’s musculature, it would need its own bones and accompanying muscle, and would be something that is readily visible to the naked eye.
You must be extremely fun at parties, no humor whatsoever, does it hurt being born without humor?
Barely, the ears are pretty light xD
But they do add several inches in height!
True, but I think they would default to measuring the top of the head for height instead. It’s a little more standardized that way xD
If they went by ears then any rabbit hybrid would be recordd as really tall. Lol.
I wonder if they shed their scales? Or more specifically, how they shed their scales?
like a reptile, i´d imagine….however, do they constantly shed some small patches (lizards+goanna), or a big, whole-body shedding like twice a year
(snake)? and then there´s the hair on their tail – constantly a bit like humans, or shedding season like an animal (or benji) ?
Exactly my point. Not all reptiles shed their scales in one go like snakes. Also, their is the Hybrid factor as well, which has the potential to cause more deviation than normal. It also brings up the interesting question as to whether they are just externally fire-proof, or generally heat resistant. Since their scales are obviously fireproof, does it also translate to the flesh underneath? Do they process heat as a reptile, or as a human?
If they would be coldblooded – I mean ectotherm – it would already appear. They didn’t show any problem doing stuff at night, for example.
Kai & Kaya, and all other hybrids, are primarily-human-. All draconic/animalistic characteristics are secondary. Their bybrid “gifts” may be functional, but overall they are human.
– Warmblooded
– Heat -resistant, NOT fire-proof-
– Eat human type foods.
– No; they will never grow wings.
I don’t remember what, if anything, Robin has had to say about their scale shedding; but, now you’ve made me wonder… When they visit the barber for a haircut, do they also have to trim the hair on their tails??
The hair on their tail tends to stay the same length. It does grow back when cut :p
Fun fact: they have the same stripe of hair run all the way over their back as well. A stripe in the middle of their back, just like their tail :p
Maybe they just shed like us a few thousand cells at time
Kai and Kaya don’t tend to shed. Their skin is pretty close to humans, but with scales woven in.
You know… I really love this scene. Both doctors working together to get more data on the twin dragons. I have no idea how this would work in the real world. But I just love it!!
Good work, I love this webcomic!!
In the real world, it would probably be a lot more boring and way less teamwork xD
Imagine the fun note for the lab tech attached to those samples: WARNING: Highly Flammable Real Dragon Fluid, handle with care and get back to us ASAP about what it’s actually made of!
I’d call that fairly normal measurements for a boy Kai’s age, maybe even slightly on the small side. Then again like the doc said, huge tail which is probably taking a fair amount of the resources for growth. And looking at the last panel again I’m gonna say doc is just a little over 6ft given the size difference between him and Kai.
Rex DID call Kai a shrimp a few chapters back.
Four samples – one from each tube. If he took the first, damaged sample from both tubes, than we can plausibly assume hypergolic rather than pyrophoric. That would be much safer. A pyrophoric chemical would be dangerous under almost any abnormal condition, much like white phosphorus. Hypergolic chemicals are dangerous only when mixed.
Or flammable at any rate.
Imagine the lab personal that reads said note xD
His height is about average, but that weight is definitely above average xD
Yeah his weight is definitely above average and yes that big tail likely is a factor. I should have been a bit more clear in my post that I was just referring to his height as being average to maybe slightly small. Knew plenty of guys when I was growing up who were a fair bit taller than that by age 14.
Well , these doctors doesn’t know about the team work : one had to deal with Kai for the size when the other was with Kaya for the weight , and switch
Measurements are fun!
Panel 3 made me laugh in the way they posed and the way they said “measurements!” It’s as if our lovable twins won a prize.
“I’ll take what’s behind door number two, please!”
Open the box
Now, for Kaya’s weight… I doubt she’d be scared to talk about it like most women, but who knows.
Kaya is a big mystery to anyone, so who knows, indeed xD
Careful with that “big” word; you are involved in a conversation about a woman’s -weight-!!
I’m amazed you did English system in-comic and metric as a footnote (instead of the other way around).
Also will we learn Kaya’s weight or will the lady’s secret be kept?
In universe they are in US.
To be fair, though, in the US, much of the physical diagnostics are done in US units, but when we do inpatient stuff, we do conversions to metric. It’s easier to calculate doses for body weight that way.
My brain is weird when it comes to measurements. Am I in a flight simulator? I cruise at 30,000 feet. Am I in a spaceflight simulator? Minimum altitude for a stable orbit is 60km, 100 to be on the safe side. Looking at a house blueprint? Feet and inches. Looking at an engineering diagram? Millimeters.
It made sense to do it that way. The story takes place in a location in the US, so they would be using imperial system. I add the metric system because it’s annoying if you’re reading a comic and you need to go look up what sizes we’re talking about xD
I imagine that fleshy, muscled tails do add a bit of weight. Maybe they need to calculate their density instead, mass divided by volume.
Though I do wonder if the twins are denser already, due to their increased strength.
Have either of these doctors worked as gameshow models?
Those are all pretty good questions. Hopefully between the comic and the comments Robin will provide all the answers.
It’s entirely possible. If either of the twins needs surgery in the future (likely appendectomy or tonsillitis, if anything), they’ll probably have to do a CT scan to establish body fat percentage. That kind of thing is important for the anesthesiologist to know.
Looking online for averages for 14 year old males
112.0 lb (50.8 kg)
64.5″ (163.8 cm)
So Kai is about 4 inches shorter and 36 lbs heavier than average.
From other episodes, I would assume they both have a higher muscle mass and possibly a denser skeleton.
I do see several scans in the near future.
Both for better understanding of the fire breathing but also for the differences in the skeleton, muscles, muscle attachments and nervous systems.
Especially as the tail appears to be at least semi-prehensile (Movie night outcome).
If they have some physical tests like strength, the hard part will be getting them NOT to show off, as they know that they are stronger than their parents.
they haven’t worked at a gameshow, why do you ask? xD
Problem is that weighing an individual body part is hard. I don’t think it’s impossible, but even with calculations and stuff, it’s not going to be as accurate as a scale, I assume. Even if you use the archimedes method of water displacement to get the exact volume of the tail, I’m not sure you can calculate accurately the body mass to weight.
Shouldn’t those vials be in a flammables container? Don’t want fires near any oxygen tanks, and most hospitals have those. Maybe they just haven’t transferred them yet. And 148 pounds isn’t actually that abnormal. Especially for someone with a massive tail. Interestingly enough Kai is only an inch and a half shorter than me and I weigh 114. That actually seems like a pretty logical weight to me with that tail. I disagree with some of the other commenters though. Kaya doesn’t really seem like the kind of girl to get embarrassed about much of anything, including weight. I could be wrong though. Should be interesting to see. I do like the “game show” pose on the scales; it’s almost TOO well done. The doctors fit so well. Keep up the good work Robin! As always, stay awesome!
It’s a little tricky to get a flammables container, and there are ignition sources routinely used in hospitals (namely electrocautery, argon spray ablation, defib kits, and lasers). There are fire precautions taken routinely. So routinely, in fact, that we barely think about them and they still get applied as long as we follow standards of care.
It’s also a misconception that oxygen burns. No, but it makes other things burn. High concentrations of oxidizer make inert things combustible, combustible things flammable, and flammable things explosive. An oxygen tent can make bed linens into a bomb.
Yeah, that’s what I was referring to. You are correct in saying that oxygen itself isn’t flammable.
Thanks Alpha
I did do my research on this one pretty thoroughly, with average height and weight charts and everything :p I still had to guesstimate how much the tail would add, but seeing as how big it is, I think I made a good guess :p
Kaya really doesn’t seem like a girl to care about her weight being known, huh? xD
The lab is probably going to be skeptical, then switch to having a field day with everything
In about an hour, over the PA system: “Code Red, Lab 2. Code Red, Lab 2.” Code Red in a hospital = Fire/Smoke.
Yeah, at least with the first set of samples
Probably best that they don’t have wings.
“Ms. Romero, please stop that, we know you don’t weigh eight ounces.”
I imagine when kaya weight is about to be announced she will shout over the number, that seems like a kaya thing to do. Lol
Kind of begs the question of how much the tail weighs on its own.
I would say more than one leg, but i agree, it´s hard to judge.
whenever in a story or a comic there’s a scene where a character is getting measured/weighed/etc. I get these weird shivers (don’t know why)
So apparently I’ve had this comic in my “maybe get around to looking at” pile for….I don’t even know how long. Years, at least. Happy to see it’s still here! (And active! Seriously sometimes things just vanish off of the internet and it’s very sad.)
The main problem with reading through it….is that it only took like an hour or two. (Both times. And sometimes everybody seems a little too easygoing but…eh, not here to be serious.)
Still! Looking forward to seeing more! (Especially how they plan on understanding some of the other quirks, like how they’re strong as an ox and jump like a cat.)
On a completely different note, not that anyone in universe would know yet: hybrid children. Would the species be at all hereditary, or could two hybrids have an ordinary human kid? Is it at least make it likely that they’ll be similar to their parents? Or is it just going to be completely random lottery like it apparently was for this generation? (I’m assuming it also wouldn’t make their lifespan significantly shorter, but would particular species be inclined to longer lifespan? Crap, starting to think about any of these questions was bad, need to stop before I get carried away further….)
The oldest known hybrid in universe is 16 so the reproductive effects aren’t known yet. Still a few years.
Also, don’t worry about being carried away by the questions, you’re in good company here (granted there’s a few readers that think the theorizers and speculators are taking it too seriously)
I like easy-going slice of life stories, so that’s what I’m writing :p As for the length, I’m only one artist with bills to pay, so a good chunk of my time goes to commissions and stuff. Still, it’s great to know that people want more comics
Thanks for checking out the comic ^^
About the reproduction questions. I’ve talked that over with someone who knows a fair bit about genetics. It would be possible for a hybrid couple to still get a regular human child. Odds are low, but it’s genetically possible. As for species, I’m making the rule that one of both parents genes become dominant and that’s the species they end up with in that kid. If both species are compatible, there’s a chance for a mix, but this is rare, once again. There are no impossible mixes like dragon-wolfs or anything like that. Mostly single species hybrids.
Interesting! But dang. I mean, makes sense, but no chance that in a hundred generations or so there might be a dragon-wolf-penguin-horse mix and a snake-unicorn-cat-mouse mix….having a ‘pure human’ child. (….I’m sure the reactions would be good, but I’d rather see the betting pool on what their kid was going to end up…..) But there could in theory be some kind of lizard/dragon mix.
Hmm. What would qualify as “compatible”, then? Like, dog/wolf, or just different dog breeds?
What’s compatible in real animals could end up being compatible in hybrids.
A betting pool on the species of hybrid for the newborn would be funny xD
Maybe I shouldn’t, but measurements? 28A, I’m guessing?
I don’t have a great knowledge of cup sizes, so I can’t accurately tell you Kaya’s size :p
The number (28, for example) is the chest size, not including the breasts. (Usually measured under them.) The letter represents the “difference” between chest size and breast size. So, A is 1 inch larger than the chest, B is 2 inches larger than the chest, and so on. (Depending on which system is being used, or which company is making the bra. Some companies use AA, A, B, C, D, DD, DDD, E, F… And some companies just use simple A, B, C, D…)
I know because I researched for my fiancé’s wedding dress, so I needed to know what size to buy. Then I found out that dresses are sized differently, anyway.
A friend is a professional dressmaker.
Through him I met another friend, she works in one of the high end stores in London.
She is a seamstress and also a qualified bra fitter, yes that is a real job.
According to her, about 90% of women wear the wrong size bra.
His center of mass looks like it’s behind his feet
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