Little guardian
Kaya’s already distracted by a ‘side quest’.
She never completed Skyrim either xD
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Did you base Jin off a character by any chance? Because he reminds me a lot of Ryou Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh!
I dont see it
He’s very polite, doesn’t have many friends (?), Japanese, so far we only know he has a dad, white hair, cute and innocent. :3
He seems like the kind of kid who’d have a SUPER overprotective big brother.
No, I didn’t base him off of any character. Still, thanks for thinking I did. Means I did a good job
Given Kai’s comment in panel 2, I’m going to assume their parents never made them participate in whatever religious practices they might be part of. Now I’m envious. As the only non-churchgoer in my EXTENDED family, I had to put up with early-morning Sundays in elementary school and still can’t attend a family gathering without having to sit through a prayer before the meal.
On a happier note: I don’t know what they’re building with, but I’ve never done anything with LEGO like Kaya’s doing. Looks like Absolution Tower meets Rainbow Road.
Seem trivial with lego, since they lock. Now with wooden blocks …
With non-interlocking blocks this gets called Jenga. Avalanche!
To be fair, until recently they were living in a small town whose priest kept on trying to exorcize the two of them…
And as their parents did not participate, I can assume that they were not part of -that- religion. But that doesn’t rule out the possibility that they were part of a different one, and the fact that they didn’t insist on Kai and Kaya joining them in that religion still has me envious.
It MIGHT have something to do with their hometown reaction to the hybrids …
Well, the priest in their town wasn’t a good influence anyway, so why go to church there? xD
I used to build towers all the time :p
Oh, building a tower is simple enough (especially if you have one of those nice base sheets instead of building directly on the floor), but building a tower of THAT scale? Especially if it was in the time it took Kai to build as much as he did? Kaya deserves some kind of award.
A Kaya at play
is going to stay
wherever you can find her.
Jin finds a way,
working in play,
to let her show she’s a blinder.
Kai builds the flat,
showing that’s that
and how western Dragons survive.
He’s got it pat,
his habitat;
the place where both of them thrive.
Thank you yet again.
Do you think Kaya might have ADHD?
(I have it myself, so I don’t necessarily consider it a bad thing.)
It may be a possibility, but personally I think all the things she does that might point towards that are pretty normal. Actually if you compare her to most of the kids her age I know she may be one of the calm ones, other than her reaction to cuteness.
Both a deffenetivly very well behaved
But they still in their end teens. Would fit the description of people that are very happy in life and havnt gotten hit by taxes yet ;p
I would say not really ADD type, too happy all the time most ADHD come across as anxious.
I do wish I knew what her disorder is because we used to have several with it in my classes at school, and have noticed similar behaviour in many groups. Unlike ADD they have a complete disregard for others, they do have co-ordination, but seem to have the self-involvement on par with aspergers but without the communication/social barrier difficult. They can’t focus like the hyper ADHD and social awareness at same.
Incredibly annoying, and unlike ADHD, utterly convinced they the center of the world, hyper as, and really annoying.
And almost never come in a male variety
No offense, but I’m not sure how your second paragraph really relates to Kaya.
She’s certainly impulsive, but she doesn’t seem self-centered in the least.
She doesn’t have ADHD, she’s just a very happy-go-lucky person :p
Looks like they’re getting along great. And we get to learn a bit more about Jin.
Wow, Kaya’s quite the builder, isn’t she?
Dunno if she can make great looking buildings, but towers? The tallest ones xD
AH Legos the toy that EVERYONE loves to play with and Kaya thinks that’s impressive I once made two cubes joined at the corners looked rather cool. Then again I don’t think they have access to a few thousand Legos ether so.
Believe it or not exactly half of my friend group doesn’t understand why the other half loves Lego
As a complete aside.
Due to the strength of a lego brick, a tower would have to be 3.5km high before the bricks would crush themselves due to the combinded weight.
Lego’s are amazing like that
Kaya needs Fallout 4 with expanded settlements and unlimited settlement budget mods ^^
Oh no xD
Ofc she does, ask her, she will agree with me
is Jin missing some front teeth or does he have very large teeth in the back? Also how old is he? I’d guess ten, but its hard to tell.
I was honestly surprised to see something I actually remembered from the few times I watched your live stream in the teaser, and now It’s more exiting cause I have a real reason to be curious about it.
I know most of these will probably be know, but I want to know a few general things hybridization might be able to affect(even if only minorly or in special cases) like: rate of aging,chances of twins,triplets ect.(since several species have many at once), things they can stomach easily, and brain structure. Again, I know the answers will probably all be no or only slightly, but I’m curious so I want to know about the only slightlies if there are any.
wow three other comments while i was typing that.
second and last pannel shows front teeth, think the angle made him look like he was missing em, though he deffenetivly has a fang game going on
I guessed about 10 or so a couple comics back as well. Definitely hasn’t started puberty yet.
Honestly yeah most changes with hybridization aren’t going to be all that extreme, appearance mostly it seems. That the twins can breath fire represents one of the most extreme of changes from basic human norms that has been discovered! Something like that, as well as mythical hybrids, is likely to remain something that is extremely rare.
He’s 10 years old, you’re right on the mark
He’s not missing any teeth, but his fangs stand out a lot.
All the hybridization seems to affect is appearance and some things like strength. Remember that human anatomy isn’t changed drastically, and that the twins are quite special because they are of the mythical variety.
Kaya: heh, who hasn’t done that with a Lego brick building! Including it being multicolor!
But yeah, so far so good! Kai especially seems to be doing a good job of getting Jin to open up and talk.
… I’m pretty sure I didn’t ever built anything so big because I hadn’t enough bricks …
I know I certainly did xD
I have completed skyrim once, took hundreds of hours and a huge checklist but eventually I got it done
I think the “Kaya never completed Skyrim” comment was more “she got distracted by sidequests and never finished the main story” than “she didn’t have the patience for 100% completion”. Completionists are a breed all their own.
Very true. The only game I’ve ever 100% completed was nights of pen and paper 2, and I’ve never met anyone who’s completed more than one of anything to that degree without all of them just being a small part of their life for a hugely unnecessary amount of time.
In fairness, 100% completion is a highly variable achievement that depends on the size, age, and genre of the game you’re playing, whether you might be inclined to attempt it is just as differing. Achieving 100% completion in a Mario platformer is a simple affair. Achieving 100% completion in a Pokémon game means you’ve played every previous game since Generation III and have successfully nabbed all the events.
You mean, like, 100% complete? Wow xD
Waffles: “This magic system makes it so that magic is essentially /a/ tradable resource.”
Also, a couple paragraphs down, there should be a comma at the end of “powerful”.
thank you ^^
Is Kaya building a tower or setting up to play the most epic game of Jenga ever?
I’ve played with much taller towers. Though I do regret going that tall with much younger children near by.
Why not both? xD
A one-track mind, Kaya certainly does not have. xD It’s great to see the twins and Jin hitting it off so well. I know that it’s a comic and Robin is in full control here, but still. The interactions and personalities make it feel so real. Robin is amazing at making things seem natural and interacting with the reader on a subconscious level. This comic truly does show how a talented artist and storyteller can “breathe life” into their characters. As enjoyable and genuinely breathtaking to read as always Robin. It’s an honor. Thank you for sharing this amazing comic with the world, and continuing to treat us to new pages on such a consistent weekly basis. We all appreciate your efforts. As always, stay awesome!
There are many tracks in Kaya’s mind. Some of them so bizarre not even Kai can fully understand them xD
Thanks for the kind words again, Alpha ^^ I’ll try my best to keep it up
Seems legit. I’d probably do something like that as well, mimicking reality is boring, why replicate when you can create.
Kaya does seem the person who starts a quest then “ohh, shiny”.
Ohh, shiny, is a good way of putting it xD
Although she can concentrate on the task at hand really well if she wants to :p
Kaya, Reverse Jenga master!
She’s putting blocks ‘into’ the tower at random places xD
Haha Kaya is so me! I love building tall towers outta blocks like jenga and dominoes xd Oh I’d like to compete with her >:3 My towers are often taller than myself hehe
I assume you have a footstool or such set up in advance so you can continue? Or do you peak out at arm’s reach?
I’m sure she would take your challenge xD
Well, Kaya is still a bit random. Kai is a bit better at keeping on task
Yeah, Kaya just comes up with something and does it xD
Love the way Kaya’s hair flows over her back and shoulders and between her face and ears like water. What did you use as a reference?
Nothing in this case. I’ve used many references in the past to learn how hair behaves, somewhat, so I can generally draw that without references ^^
As a Christian with a little time sunk into studying world religions, I’d have to say the similarity between shinto and Christianity depends on the denomination you are talking about. As a descendant of Dutch immigrants now in America, (with a few generations in France) I appreciate that the Dutch were some of the first traders allowed to visit the Japanese and experience their culture. As a fan of the comic, all I can say is great character and I hope we see more of him and his family in the future!
I think Jin’s comment was more that Kai understood the general idea of practicing religion rather than claiming ajy real similarity between Shinto and Christian practices.
Oh, I do want him to appear more, in later chapters ^^
yae!!! im finally caught up!!!
Glad you like the comic ^^
Thanks for making such a great comic! When is the next page coming out?
Tho Robin? Nice way to stereotype priests in the second comic
I Christian
im also from a different time period right now its like 1:50
actually to be exact I am exactly 4 hrs. back from the time period this is in
First reaction, when I saw this page:
“What a… Jin has TWO faces?”
Jin is really Janus!
I still need to practice on these kind of ‘fast movement’ poses xD
I like the first panel! When I opened the comic today I got a quick flash of it in the corner of my eye. The lower curl in Jin’s tail looked like a question mark on top of Kaya’s head.
the question mark might be appropriate xD
kaya just don’t kill yourself when that comes down. you are WAY too cute to die
p.s. kaya can hug you? you so adorable
Oh, don’t worry. As a dragon, she’s naturally resistant to towers xD
Also, Kaya hugs all xD
Hi yy’all! I’m back!
welcome back :p
Really Robin?
Srsly tho y u bully me
Kaya is quite the high riser XD
so is her tower xD
So I looked at what the doctor said to Kai and I thought that I could try to calculate the wight of Kai’s tail and this is what I came up with.
First we assume kai’s tail is a perfect cone if we assume that ,then We can figure out the volume of his tail, so we know it’s 5’ 3’’ and I estimated that it was 1/2 foot across at the base so with these two numbers we can find the volume which is 0.34 cubic feet which is equal to 10,760 cubic centimeters.
Ok so why is this important, well the density of the human body is (1gram per 1cm^3).
If the volume of kai’s tail is 10,760 cm^3 then his tail Weighs 10,760 grams or 10.7 kilograms which is 23.5 pounds.
So that’s it Kai’s tail Weighs 23.5 pounds?
Yes, IF his tail is 6 inches wide at its base and.
IF his tail is a perfect cylinder and.
IF his tail has the same density as the human body.
Then yes, kai’s tail weighs 23.5 pounds.
IF his tail is a perfect cone.
I just realized, SOMEone’s eyelashes appear to be missing in the last panel.
Yeah; I’m sometimes slow on the uptake.
Aren’t most ppl’s eyelashes missing in most panels?
Usually only the boys.
Yee yee
I think I have a profile photo now
Oh yes!!! That’s my dog!
I just started reading gamer dragons xD
Are you gonna continue gamer dragons?
I want more C&D!!!
counting down the minutes for the next page