Lala and the fish
Look who’s working at the fish market xD
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This is looking to be a veeerrrrry eeeenteresting chapter… ~
As much as I hate to sympathize with someone like Larissa, it is good to see that her hair is (mostly) regrown. Having lost some (body) hair to flame before, I’ve found the affected area much more sensitive until the hair regrew. Seeing the gap in Larissa’s hair earlier made me very uncomfortable.
On a more reasonable note, I want to assume that no one is so stupid as to pick a fight in the middle of a marketplace when they’re working, especially someone who already got in trouble for trying to start something in a busy location. But something tells me Larissa is not always working.
I’m actually not entirely sure I would have recognized who that was if not for the tiny bald spot~
when it comes to teenaged bullies, assuming the worst is usually the way to go….Larissa in particular hasn´t shown much brains so far, and she is currently extremely pi#ed off. her causing a scene is actually one of the better possible outcomes here – imagine the damage if she messed with marco´s fish in a way that makes the people eating it sick
She has poor impulse control and doesn’t consider the long-term or even short-term effects of her actions. She’s pretty much a low functioning sociopath.
Imagine her cutting the fish in a way that gets her hurt or end up cutting herself. Fileting knives (or fish-gutting knives in general) are very sharp, they are meant to cut through thick meat after all. Getting some blood on her face is easily a happier outcome.
A thought… What if Larissa does cut herself, rather badly, and the team of Cleo & Kaya come to her rescue? What would be her reaction??
My guess? #UngratefulBastard #ComplainingAboutRescuesTheyDontLike
And danger enters the day once more
with the worst of the dumb girl gang.
This could be the greatest food fest
even going off with a bang.
She has quite a wild temper here
and can’t be the one that’s to blame.
In the case of the sour bully,
the hiding from truth is the same.
It’s bad that she has heard Kaya;
and worse if she sees our Cleo.
She just might try and get revenge
without the rest of her trio*.
(*Now down to two, of course. Hakuna Matata!)
I’m guessing her uncle thought physical labor is better than sitting in a house and being scalded by parents. Not sure which is worse.
For her the path NOT chosen is always the better one, Tj.
Especially if Larissa does not get to do the choosing!
Oh, oh dear! Was not expecting to see her again this soon! Please tell me she leaves that big ol’ knife behind when she goes to see what’s going on! Seeing her here also leaves me worried that she may cause troubles for Marco having his fish supplied from here.
I’m starting to wonder how knife-resistant dragon hybrid scales are. Or snake hybrid scales.
Considering Kaya’s report on their vaccinations, I’m pretty sure dragon hybrid scales are pretty pierce-resistant. Slash-resistance might be a bit lower.
The “yowch” begs to differ. That might have more to do with dragon strength behind the sword(fish) stab though.
He might have a bruise. I doubt they would do anything likely to pierce skin (in this case scales.)
Looks like trouble is coming back. Maybe she might get a start to redemption? And it looks like wendigos are much smarter then we thought.
I wouldn’t go that far, she ticks off all the requirements for being a sociopath: lack of empathy to the point of viewing other people as things, very poor impulse control with a huge lack of foresight, incredibly selfish, and unable/unwilling to take responsibility for her own choices and actions. She’s like a less intelligent version of Lila Rossi or DIO Brando, without any of DIO’s redeeming qualities (which can be counted on one hand).
I to kinda doubt this is going to be a redemption arc for Larissa. More likely in my mind is that she is going to try for some sort of revenge against Kaya, one that may affect Marco’s attempts to use this fish market to help supply the food truck. We see that her temper has not improved at all and is still prone to acting recklessly chopping that fish head off so violently that she splattered herself. There’s good reason I’m concerned about whether or not she still has that knife on her when she goes to see what’s happening and that is Larissa going full psycho the moment she see’s Kaya! Unlikely I know given something like that would go past the intended rating of the comic but I can’t entirely dismiss that possibility given Larissa’s past behavior, especially when her temper flares up!
Regarding the Jesse’s adventure update…that is a very convenient ability that Wendigo child seems to have.
I mean sure, recite some magic verses you have absolutely no idea what they’re going to do.
Possibilities include:
– It’s actually the bull kid tricking Jackie into undoing the binding with the child herself. (I consider this one most likely, actually)
– The spell is going to cause everyone around going berserk, unleashing all kinds of mayhem on those ‘not clad in animal fur’. (Which might even be worse than the above)
“Don’t stab your brother while he’s distracted” seems like a wise parental advise.
My favorite line today!
Kai’s probably going to have a hole or two in his clothes from Kaya’s point/poke/stab. It’s too bad we weren’t able to see their sword(fish) skills/sword(fish)smanship/sword(fish) play, that would have been interesting. Probably for the best, they’d (mostly Kaya) probably cause a bit of collateral damage and hurt themselves… well, more than Kai has been so far (I wonder where Kaya stabbed him, if the attack cut the button or waist of his pants he may need to borrow a belt). Kaya’s a pretty good pirate, given how pragmatic that thrust was.
Panel 6: There should be a comma at the end of “You”.
Jesse’s Adventure, Panel 4: Ditto “Oh”.
TD: Disagree.
JA: Not necessarily. Can go either way, depending on how you want it to read.
Yeah, I can see this one coming like Omar Sharif in Lawrence of Arabia.
And thus hilarity shall ensue.
*Blinkblink* Larissa?
/Tim Allen Oh NO
Extremely selfish person in a bad mood spotting the people she’s blaming for her own actions…yeah, this is going to be uglier than what Rex did to that quest giver
Also, I suspect Uncle here may not actually know how to improve someone’s disposition, after all, she’s likely not being taught responsibility for her own actions.
I do wonder if this means Liz will return in the near future?
Well sending Larissa off to work/live with her uncle does have me concerned about Larissa’s parents. Were they unable or unwilling to put the effort in to straighten out their daughter themselves? Did they lack the resources (maybe both work full time to make ends meet)? This girl need counseling and guidance, not just being sent away to work. She’s got some real emotional and likely mental problems and just being sent off to work for a relative isn’t likely to help her deal with them.
Possibly Larissa’s parents are the cause of at least some of her problem.
She’s just going to dig herself in deeper, isn’t she?
Oh… it’s her…. with a knife and very angry….
Eh, it’ll be fine, not like it’s a vorpel blade.
She’s back
I’d almost forgotten about her. I hope she doesn’t start any trouble for the Romeo’s and Cleo. But, knowing what we’ve seen of Larissa in the past, something is going to happen.
I have yet to out-guess Robin, but here’s my thought…
Marco will buy from Uncle. Larissa will spoil Marco’s supplies. Uncle will find out and will come down on Larissa…hard.
On the other hand, Robin’s story-telling is much better than my guessing.

Larissa doesn’t seem like she has quite that level of long-term planning.
Revenge is a sweet candy …….. But here , it will be a fish ^_^”
Even when not on-screen, Kaya still manages to be a troublemaker!
Robin, I don’t know how often you get the chance to just do idle sketches or whether you let anyone influence them, but I don’t know where to commission you or how much you charge so this is my best bet.
I’m currently reading a Pokémon fanfic I discovered with (long story short) a pair of Dratini as minor characters who so far only appear together, and the author started referred to them as “the twins”.
And the first thing that came to mind was Kai and Kaya as the Dragonite line.
Your best bet is to catch him when he does his weekly streams on Sunday, starting at 9AM eastern~
The level of coincidence may be high in this city, but you have to admire the results it brings!
There is no such thing as coincidence; there is only inevitability.
Is Lala one of the School Bullies?
Yes. I believe the ringleader of the trio, the rock thrower.
“Lala and the fish” could be the title of a children’s show XD
Plot twist: Larissa there is a low-penetrance fish hybrid…only traits are gills near her rib cage. Of course that would make her less of a hybrid and closer to a Lovecraftian monstrosity…