Kaya in the shadows
Looks like Kaya is unexpectedly good at spying. They haven’t notices her at all.
Who would have thought.
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Looks like Kaya is unexpectedly good at spying. They haven’t notices her at all.
Who would have thought.
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I think a good
is required now
All good spies need added dramatic effect
Spying that’s not in the Snake Plissen class
more in the style of a pain in the grass
Kaya easily tracks the Dumb girl three
Is Cleo with them? She will soon see.
With or without her grass bush hat,
watching the trio get Cleo to buy such tat
watching them fill their stomachs with cash,
if Kaya doesn’t watch out the driver’ll crash.
Is this a case of the dumb leading the blind?
Does Cleo know she’s there? Does she mind?
What action is there that Kaya can or will take?
And will she break cover for a Black Forest cake?
I honestly think ‘Dumb girls three’ is a good name for that group. Cleo not counted.
Oh yeah, pretty good name for those girls :p
Blackmail? Probably.
Hmm, maybe :p
Obviously, Cleo’s paying for everything because she has oodles of money.
Not that that answers Kaya’s actual question, which is why she needs to be more specific. Because otherwise I can can and will give nonanswers that technically answer tbe question, and THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME! Mwahahahaha!
Technically correct answers for the win xD
You gonna do something about it? xD
Like a poor F2P game pay 2 play or in this case have friends
Wow, better not give EA any ideas, they might start selling the friends system in their games in DLC :p
Some people don’t mind having to pay for friends, the question is, is it a fair exchange?
I love panel 1 where Kaya is holding back her tail.
Do long tailed hybrids often have trouble with their tails? I imagine they learn quickly to watch out for slamming doors.
Oh yeah, tails and doors aren’t great friends. It becomes an automatic respons to tuck that tail out of the way of doors.
I am amused by the people walking by and wondering what Kaya is up to.
It’s interesting seeing Kaya’s “hat” come and go. She has very expressive eyes too, especially the first couple of panels.
Hey Ed. Methinks Ihave seen that name around other websites. That right? Correct me if I’m wrong.
Hi, Smitty! Several; though I’m sorry to say I do not recognize your handle. Apologies. Cute avatar though!
Thanks ^^ She improvised another hat when she saw the opportunity :p
i kinda figure that they using her tovget stuff
Yay for broken space bar
Yeah, they really aren’t the greatest friends
Buying friendship never works, as soon as her so called friends find another richer person to sponge off of they’ll dump Cleo like a hot potato. Feel sorry for Cleo being taken advantage of, but she’ll learn the hard way and who knows maybe Kaya will become her friend when she finally discovers her mistake.
from her expressions, I suspect Cleo already regrets whatever put her with these jerks.
Yeah, she’s not very happy at the moment
Spying on people in the name of FRIENDSHIP! Also, one would think that it should be hard to conceal a bright green person with big ears.
Haha, yeah, she doesn’t have the right color for stealth, unless it’s in bright green nature xD
Is I’m the only one that can hear her tail swish in that last panel?
Don’t know if it’s in common dragon lore but I can’t help imagining her swishing that tail like a pissed off cat. Now unlike most cats there’s some heft to Kaya’s tail (not that I’d dare call her tail fat, that’s something only Kai might dare say, and then only when it’s obvious it’s a jest) so I imagine that there’s been quite a few accidental tail sweeps in the Romero home…
Yea, it’s only my head canon afaik, but still I think it makes her even cuter. Don’t know why thinking of Kay swishing his tail doesn’t give me the same warm and fuzzy feeling though. Still I’d think it was cute if he was six or seven years old, but not so much when he’s more like fourteen or fifteen years old. Weird, huh?
Aaand there I go posting something apparently without proofreading it first.
I just checked back here to see if I could close this particular tab and the first thing I see is “Is I’m…”
WFT? How did I manage to miss that? And naturally it’s in a post that I can’t edit.
So… That first sentence should have been: “Am I the only one that can hear her tail swish in that last panel?”
I’ll stop just there. If I managed to botch the first sentence that badly then the rest is likely to be a horrible mess, and I don’t need to see that right now….
Don’t worry, mistakes happen ^^
Their tails don’t really sway that much, since it’s big and firmly attached. They can move their tail freely though, and mostly the tip is used for swishing angrily xD
I hear the tip of Kaya’s tail agitatedly tapping on the roof of that guy’s car.
Haha, I imagine that’s how he knew she was there. xD
And then she’s watching them from inside the coffee pot, under their table, inside their sandwich…
I like the random woman staring at Kaya in panel 2. Really underscores how the people she’s following are about the only ones who haven’t spotted her.
Kinda what I figured. She is just there as the portable ATM…
I feel sorry for Cleo, it’s like she’s being forced into paying somehow. It does no good to anyone taking advantage of someone.
I love Kaya’s spy binoculars. Where did she get those, I wonder?