Jousting Queen
I bet you didn’t see THIS coming xD
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So now we know;
she needs her horse.
The strongest steed
is Kai, of course.
The battle rules
were made as kids;
when all logic
was on the skids.
The friends we make,
when we’re young,
are often deep
yet undersung…
Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Well, Robin is right: I did not see that coming. Really, beach jousting?
“A horse is a horse; a horse of course,
Unless the horse is a dragon of course…” 😉 🙂
You have the right of it, Mr. Ed.
Also, much belatedly, Welsh Rat: I particularly enjoyed the brisk tempo of this poem. Diolch yn fawr iawn once more.
Hopefully Game of Kings was a lot tamer than most of Game of Thrones. Otherwise, I have serious doubts about the parenting skills of theose kids when they were eight.
You expect eight-year-olds to have parenting skills? :-Þ (Yes I know what you meant.)
Best description for Game of Thrones.
It’s the English War of the Roses with more dragon but much less sex and violence.
Yes. Game of Thrones are known for excessive violence and sex, but that still can’t compare to reality.
OOH OOh, random sex and violence happened in random local spots today, so obviously that is a perfect reason to make sure it happens as entertainment in as many households we can! That is just about the dumbest argument for something I’ve ever heard, and I’m a retired High School teacher. smh. Next you’ll tell me we should let kindergarteners read porn magazines,
I hope so. I was kidding about “family friendly porn!”
“Fortunately, we also agreed that unlike the scenes we saw in that show, we would be jousting with our pants ON.”
Okay, this was not what I was expecting.
Actual lances?!?! WHAT?!?!?! How and where did they get those?! (Asking for a friend)
Internet. Ren-fair shops. Carpenters. This word has many nerds who need such things for their geek-cred.
Looks like they could be brooms to me, pillow wrapped around the sweeping end, evolving over time, maybe card or paper for the cone part, fabric wrapping around the grip? Or someone could have custom made them for the kids…
Either way, looks like fun…. 🙂
Oookay. And the reason why they do that on the beach is of course that the sand is somewhat soft when they fall.
I guess their helmets are modified to make room for dragon snouts.
That explains why she needs Kai’s help.
Both as a team and likely the only one who can carry her (insert chocolate joke here).
This look like fun, but considering how I was built back when I was 15, I’d probably be the “horse” every time. Rode my bike a lot hitting 30-40kph on a mountain bike, didn’t realise I had a decent running speed, everyone thought my schoolbag weights a ton, and yet I honestly never realised how strong I was back then. Got nicknamed Tank at 1 point there cause I was so solid. Don’t know if anyone would have been able to carry me… 😛
I was always the one who was asked to open the jam jars. 😀
And Kai could never have been the Jousting King, not only because he would need to take the crown from Kaya, but also because Kaya, as a “horse”, moves too unpredictably for Kai to aim. When she doesn’t trip on the sand.
That said, the twins have an unfair advantage. Not only can their tails help them stay upright, but also it has been revealed that they’re REALLY strong for their size.
yeah, but if al´s ‘horse’ is taller than kai, that could give al a jousting-advantage….and lets be real, what kind of non-dragon teenager is strong enough to carry a guy their own age on their shoulders, while running towards the ‘enemy’ to boot?odds are its someone bigger+stronger, like an older brother or something
For lack of better wording, I could of back then, but then again I was also strong enough to pick people up and throw them. Literally. Had bullies try and come after me my entire school life, not unusual for it to become physical, and I wasn’t known for loosing…
Definitely had the strength to be the “horse”, used to grab my Little Sister’s hand and take off running, her struggling to keep on her feet thanks to riding my mountain bike everywhere, so I had some speed too…
Thinking the sand itself might have actually been an important factor, can really slow you down and shift in ways you don’t want it to if you’re not careful….
And no, Robin, I didn’t see that coming.
Interesting beach sport! XD. Good luck defending your title Kaya!
Did Kaya wait until they were at the beach before finishing her sentence?
Finally! We get to see what the challenge is! I was not expecting a joust, though I now see why Kai was required, he’s one of the few people who can carry Kaya’s weight on his shoulders. I wonder if the next page will feature a flashback to how this all started, maybe we’ll get to see little Kai and Kaya? Also, what is Game of Kings? If it’s their version of Game of Thrones, then Allessandro and his friends should not have watched it when they were 8.
Near gets to see her boyfriend show off his muscles once again, carrying the great green mass that is his twin sister. Those helmets seem uncomfortable on the twins’ heads, their ears seem to be squished together. I wonder if they can hear anything with those helmets…
Idk what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this… this is amazing
Love the scene transition. It made this pop into my head:
Title text: Add a comma to “No”.
That was an unexpected twist.
And a mythical being in a yellow motorcycle helmet with black visor? Now I want them to get helmets similar to Celty’s helmet (from Durarara), but with dragon ears.
Look upon Near’s face in panel 2, when she is realizing the majesty of her boyfriend in all his dragony glory
I wonder if there’s a possible flamethrowing component to this contest.
Interesting. I wonder if they took turns as “horse” and “rider”? Going back to when they got weighed at the Doctor’s appointment – and the page after – the Twins do seem to be noticeably heavier than most their age so I doubt most other kids would be able to carry them long if at all, but they would be able to carry others easily. Wonder if using their tails for balance would be considered cheating? Maybe if they use it to push against the ground to prevent falling?
Looking forward to this….
I am not sure how much help Kaya will get from her tail. It might push her center toward the back.
Though Kai’s balance will be fine.
I’m showing my age. A Knight’s Tale would have been the go to jousting reference when I was young.
I’m nearly 65, I can’t remember the movie I seen it on. I hear you, we did it on bikes… NO helmets too, with old fashioned rag mops, wet of course… made a satisfying “splat” when you got a hit. It’s also how I got bruised ribs and a broken bike. We would pedal hard to build up speed, then try to knock each other down. I stupidly tried to go faster to beat the big kid, and he got me before I was ready.
Oh, and I hate to do this, but @Robin…
I was going through the archives after digging up the page I needed above when I got to the end of the Dinner Dash Pt1 when I noticed 2 newer comments basically linking to……… adult items supposedly, or more likely scams of some sort. The 1st was in Japanese I think, but the 2nd was in English, comic posted in 2022 but both comments were from 2023…
And to anyone who is considering following the link or going to the page & checking them out, DON’T!! I’ve had friends get viruses on their computers, their data hacked and money stolen. ALWAYS stay away from sites like that, they aren’t any good at all… 🙁
Thanks for the heads up! Taken care of 😀
No problems. They might be on other pages too by the looks of it, but I was too far into Autopilot Mode to fully register them….
The “joys” of modern technology….
You are the jousting queen
Young and sweet, only fifteen
Jousting queen
Feel the beat from your charger’s feet, oh yeah
You can ride, you look shife
Having the joust of your life
Ooh, see that girl, watch that scene
Digging the jousting queen
I see this as being nothing but good for the Near x Kai relationship.
I was waiting for someone to filk “Dancing Queen”.
I was not dissappointed~
And how many comment threads did we go through before someone made the reference?
Only seventeen.
……actually, this checks out. There’s nothing quite like doing dumb kid activities that you’re really too old for, just because you’re on summer vacation at Grandma’s house. Bonus if cousins and/or neighborhood kids are involved. Me and my cousins never managed to come up with anything quite as crazy as beach jousting though : P
“quite” as crazy? 🙂
It’s good that they are taking precautions. Not enthusiastic about the pillow bit, but hopefully something other than a point under it.
Europe lost several kings to Jousting. One in France, at least one in England. Henry the VIII should be counted, he was mentally damaged jousting, should have spent the rest of his life in a sanitarium. I know at least one English king was outright killed. Ditto an above average French King.