Work comes first, Kai :p
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The colored bubble effect to show another langage is a good catch.
Not only that, there’s also a little flag at the bottom of the speech bubble, too~
Have seen it, too. But the coloration was for me more important, because the visual impact.
I like it when people use coloured speech bubbles for special reasons. Pointing out who’s talking is what I usually see, but looks like it’s good for changing languages too. How would you make them work together tho? Coloured outside edges for who’s talking, inside colour for languages?
Some enclose the bits in another language in brackets, or use a different font.
I live and that a a surprise do the twins know any other language
She’s getting under his scales;
being interested by food
and her way, it seems, never fails;
I have to admit that she’s good.
She’s not a vacuous lady;
proving quite intelligent.
She’s up to nothing that’s shady
and a restaurant to frequent?
She remembers that Zeke is there;
she knows some of his desires.
She shows that she really does care
But will Kai really light her fires?
A dragon lighting fires ? Nice touch !
As long as Clem does not end up with a bald spot… 😉
Okay, I’m totally shipping Kai/Clementine now.
You and me both.
Well shucks. LET’S SHIP IT! 😀
But what about Zeke? Wonder what he’s thinking about this? Doesn’t he like her? Or is he used to her being a bit flirty like this?
I’m sure Clementine is really this nice and actually does think Kai’s a “cutie;” but, she may also be exaggerating a bit for the benefit of the camera and for the added boost to the fan interest in Duo Draghe if they hear The Famous Clementine pointing out the cute “chef” working there. 🙂
Of course she’s being honest, Kai is genuinely cute! She’s just stating the obvious in a kind (and somewhat flirtatious) way. Of course Kai’s adorable, is the sky usually blue? Is the Pope Catholic? Is (or will) the Space Pope reptilian? Is the art style of this comic full of absurdly cute character designs? Do bears-… Well, likely not miss Clementine LeBeau…
So their kids would look like Falkor? White furry wingless dragons.
Heh! And if they were oriental instead of Italian they might even be able to fly without wings! 😉
Nah; probably not; no magic in this world. (Kasumi’s not “magical”.)
I’m pretty sure Kaya tends to defy the laws of physics as we know them, magic tends to use the natural laws as guidelines more than unbreakable rules… Given that Hybrids started being born with no clue as to how for the previous in-universe 16 years, it’s either something supernatural (up to an act of God or gods) or the Kraang accidentally subjected humanity’s food and water supplies with an unsuccessful batch of mutagen that obviously didn’t work as intended.
You are at work Kai, no fun allowed!
Tell that to the Sea Sponge Hybrid working at the burger food truck a block away as he’s singing while slinging hash!
Is he singing “Living in the Sunlight” by Tiny Tim by any chance?
I think was being sincere with her compliments, and she even called him cute on her way from the window.
I adore the little flags and change in color for the word bubble to indicate they are speaking in a different language. Will we see other instances with other languages in future pages?
It could also be a combination thing. The color could indicate the accent where the flag could indicate the language. Of course that would make for one helluva color palette…New York alone would require a Pantone book.
Kai: “Dad was born and raised in Italy.”
Marco: “Should I have my Italian accent then, or should I sound more like I’m from Brooklyn? Accents change, but there’s stereotypes…oh crap, the spaghetti’s on fire. I’m going for carbonara, not carbonized…”
Kai: “Yeah speaking Italian is easy, just put the tiny flag on your dialogue, and make sure the color is right for the accent.”
Meanwhile, from a high vantage point…
Cleo (muttering): “Back off, Clem, I said I needed a favor, I wasn’t giving up the dragon…”
Katsumi: “How in Amaterasu’s name do you people keep finding my hiding places?!”
GLad to see I’m not the only KaiCleo shipper
What country is this set in, though?
U.S.A. I believe, although the writer/artist is in Belgium.
Its never been said, I assumed either USA or Canada.
1. All aboard the ClemenKai Ship, that’s comin’ aboard!!!
I love that they’ve made a common connection already at their first meeting.
2. I really like the color change and little flags to indicate a language change, it’s a great touch.
3. The twins are even cooler now, learning that they’re multilingual.
4. And of course it’s mandatory for parents to embarrass their kids every now and then.
Bilingual to be correct, but yes to all of that. Not only that point of #4, but Zeke the Dalmatian is RECORDING IT FOR THE INTERNET LIVE. So, the whole school just saw Kai’s dad embarrassed him live as well as seeing him basically “flirting”, as Italian is one of the Romance Languages, with a Famous Polar Bear Fur Dye Modeler.
“Kai-sanova?” 🙂
Get out.
Don Dragon? Draghi-nova? Bossanova? Chevy Nova?
I prefer the C3 corvettes, actually.
Being caught in bi-directional flirting with a celebrity is not going to hurt his street cred at all.
#4 – It’s a “teaching tool.” 😉
Kaya: “You two are going to be shipped so fast it’s going to put Amazon out of business.”
Clem: “The heck is wrong with you?!”
Flustered Kai is cute Kai! Like what you did to show they were speaking in italian!
Looked up the dish Clementine ordered real quick. Seems simple but I think I can understand why it might be tricky to get it just right. Still, I trust Marco knows what he’s doing.
Wait: “we spend a month a year in Italy to visit my grandparents.” Is that hinting at a future summer vacation arc?
I’m not telling…
But yes, that’s happening :p
YOU DID TELL!😵😵* That’s just like mentioning an event and saying “Let’s never speak of this again,” then immediately start explaining it! Just like Prof. Hubert Farnsworth… I look forward to seeing what the extended Romero family looks like!
*I wish there was a better jaw drop emoji…
A restaurant closing for a month or more especially when it hasn’t been open long isn’t a great idea when trying to encourage repeat customers. So that likely means hired staff running things for a while. Some new characters to be introduced then?
Perhaps, or maybe Marco doesn’t spend the whole month over there and comes back after about a week. Or maybe this next trip it’s just the Twins and their Mom while Marco stays behind to work.
Or Sabrina goes on vacation with the twins while Marco keeps the restaurant open. But Due Draghi will need hired staff anyway. Marco can’t be chef, waiter, cashier and janitor all at once. The kids need to go to school so they can only work on weekends at most.
Most restaurants have cooks to do actual cooking, once they grow big enough. Which means a 3rd language, Spanish, if we are going to be realistic.
They could get the place ready/almost ready to go, then go for their trip before actually opening the restaurant?
*Pokes first chapter again*
Their Dad used to work at someone else’s restaurant, so they probably used built up holiday time for the trip. Once their restaurant opens they might not be able to go for a month, gotta keep the place running, unless they hire someone to do that while they’re gone…
Alright, Daniel the Human thought most of that up, but I helped. And poked chapter 1…
Marco: “As I told you every year we go to Italy, I am not letting you drive a Lamborghini…until you get your license first!”
Kaya: “Wait, what about me?”
Kai: “You need to drive more like you’re playing Forza and less like you’re playing MarioKart.”
I LOVE THIS WHOLE REPRESENTATION OF ITALIANS! My Sister-in-Law’s Grandmother is an Italian immigrant to USA. So, this is very close to home.
Oh, I’m glad you like it then 😀
And I just like the fact that YOU’RE HERE!!!
Any chance you could provide a version with actual Italian?
One of Kai’s DA followers provided the actual Italian here:
That’s youth , Masrco ; i bet you can understand this ….. ^_^
Marco should get his son a “Bacia il cuoco*” apron colored like the Italian flag for occasions like this!
*I actually googled the Italian version of that phrase, you’ll have to look it up yourselves!
Well their aprons are already Italian Flag colours, permanent marker might be OK for now, but if they got that sewn in writing stuff done it would last a lot longer I think…
Now he’s blushing! It’s impressive that Kai and Kaya are fluent in two languages, I’m sure their paternal grandparents are proud. Speaking of which, I wonder what the extended Romero family is like and if the Twins Kai and Kaya have any cousins, maybe even baby Hybrid cousins… Well, time to get back to cooking, young Draghi-nova/Don Dragon, you’ve got a Polar Bear/Ice Bear Hybrid girl hungry for Aglio e Olio and a Dalmatian Hybrid boy craving the lasagna (isn’t he supposed to be half puppy dog, not half cat?), you can be flirted with on your break!
Man, cooks get ALL the chicks.
The fastest way to anybody’s heart is through the stomach.
Yes but it is so messy.
You need to go in under the rib cage, up through the diaphragm and avoid the lungs.
You need a strong blade for that, especially if want to go through the bone!
Kano disagrees.
The route S.A. and Steve recommended avoided all bones.
Kano’s a superhuman, so he doesn’t really count. Unless he uses a special weapon or tool that a normal person could use for giving an impromptu thoracotomy with just a punch.
My wife speaks 13 languages, for what it’s worth. And she’s originally from Moscow. Me, I only know English, lol.
I’m not so sure about the flirting. I have a hunch that it’s more her on-camera persona than deep interest. Not to say she doesn’t like Kai; I just think she’s laying it on thicker than she would off camera. Some influencers are pranksters; some give away cash; some flirt and try to get reactions. Regardless, I’m curious to see how she’ll behave in front of Kai AFTER the promo/favor is finished. Will she just laugh it off? Or will she go on a date with Kai? That’s what I’m looking forward to seeing answered.
For Jesse’s Adventure: Interesting way to clarify; I like it. It’s kinda too bad that wedding bells won’t be ringing just yet though, lol.
The ship of Ice and Fire sets float
…you may have just won the comment section (or at the very least, the stealth pun award)
What I wonder is whether he’ll be disappointed or relieved that what he’s seeing now she is doing for the camera as much as she is just doing it.
I don’t think she’s a hypocrite or anything like that, but it’s always important to remember that when people put themselves in front of a camera they are putting up a show. The camera kind of compels that and people that make streams and such are always putting up a show, it’s just a matter of how much artifice they add.
He’ll figure that out soon enough. But the artist did a really good job here. It really looks like she’s putting on a charm show. I see that her reputation is well deserved.
That’s a really useful talent for an actor.
questo è un bel fumetto
Interesting. That comment about going to Italy every summer really showcases how rare hybrids really are. That means every time they flew, they never encountered another hybrid in any airport, plane, or city. If Benji is the first hybrid they’ve ever met, we can see that Hybrid City is really exceptional. Also, for some reason, I can’t help but picture Kaya singing Mambo Italiano as Kai plays the piano behind her.
That is actually a very good point. Just goes to show how isolated too was that little town the twins were living in before moving to Hybrid City. Something seen or spoken about on the news, online videos, that sort of stuff.
Small fan theory of mine: Hybrid City was a pre-existing city that just got renamed and repurposed to serve as a community for hybrids. For one thing it seems to be a fair sized city and you don’t just build that much infrastructure and stuff in just 16 short years (especially in the U.S. with all our building codes, regulations, and just government red tape), less when you consider societies initial shock when Hybrids first started showing up and how much time it took to decide what to do about them. Hybrid City has probably only been Hybrid City for a little over a decade, long enough for it to attract a sizable Hybrid population along with their families but still be majority nonhybrid overall.
I completely agree with your theory. It makes far more sense than building a city from scratch. Any city that exists would have to be there to support an industry. Like shipping, agriculture, oil. Building a new city just to attract hybrids seems inefficient at the very least.
Yes, a lot of cities got started in areas that were prime for some kind of trade or just a good place to set up a community such as easy access to good water, nice location along trade routes, or maybe just easy to defend. One clue about which city it might be is that Hybrid City does seem to be in one of the coastal states. Remember the trip to the fish market just prior to the food festival? Lots of fresh fish and some were definitely ocean species, such as the sword fish the twins used to play/duel. The swordfish though don’t narrow it down too much because according to what I looked up they are found in most of the oceans favoring temperate to tropical climates. That could put them in any state along the east or west coast except for Alaska. We do see Marco holding what looks like a Rainbow Trout in the first fish market comic and those are native to the west coast, though again not definitive as they have been introduced in areas all across the United States. Still I favor west coast because of the mountains we see in the first fish market strip and parts of the Rockies do extend very close to the coast.
West coast does seem rather likely. Large Asian population for a dedicated Asian district. The town the twins were born in had a “Museum of Gold” and gold brought a lot of people to the west coast. Good spotting on all the fish. I forgot about those.
They would have had a lot less than 16 years to build “Hybrid City” from scratch too. First there would have to be enough hybrids born for them to realize a need for the city. Then Congress would have to argue about it for years before allocating any money. 😉
Daniel here. I heard Las Vegas was built as a location for legalised gambling and while I currently can’t find anything confirming or denying that, I did find a growth timeline that says it took decades to grow to a decent size. Can’t link it right now for some reason, bugger…
Either way, I agree with the “renamed city” theory. Take an “unknown” city of decent size with no other claims to fame, change the name, have a noteworthy Hybrid population born/move there, convince more parents of Hybrids to move there (“A safe haven for Hybrid children and their families, no ‘your child is TAINTED BY THE DEVIL’ loonies here”), change the name at some point, and it might be interesting trying to keep the infrastructure capable of handling the population growth. Construction companies will be doing well though…
Seems about right. “A safe haven” would be very attractive to many families. This has been proven throughout history by oppressed and marginalized peoples. Most notably by members of the Jewish community. All this would be to the advantage of a city with a suddenly failing industry that needed a way to attract new residents. Maybe they invested in their medical community to specifically study and service the hybrids. Lots to think about.
Daniel again. There was a whole chapter about them getting a check-up from the local Medical System, which apparently is an annual requirement, so the studying and specialising in Hybrid health concerns could very well have been a major investment for them. What good is a safe haven if they can’t tend to the health of those they are supposed to be protecting? I’m guessing local businesses also got a boost, redesigning things to accommodate the Hybrid children as they grew – chairs need tail holes, climbing children (claws, gecko grip, monkey grip) would need to be wrangled & rescued, and so on…
There is a -little- more about Las Vegas’ pre-gambling-mecca history here:
Basically, it says the valley was scouted in 1821 by Rafael Rivera and became part of The Old Spanish Trail from New Mexico to California, and the first settlement was made by the Mormons in 1855.
These are all really good points. I was fixated on the fact that their old hometown was rural, agricultural, and very religious. So I pinned it in part of the southern half of the bible belt and searched within half a day of highway travel from there.
Well it can’t be San Francisco. No mention of hills, probably no abandoned restaurants there. Some of the highest real estate in country.
Right. San Francisco is very distinctive. If I had to guess, I would put it in Southern California around San Luis Obispo. It’s just a guess though.
I did not expect my comment to spark a conversation quite this long, LOL.
But yes Screwball. That makes a great deal of sense. I remember that chapter, it’s what I based my comment on. In any case, I would expect very sophisticated laboratory facilities to be associated with the hospitals and a large scientific community in the city. I would also expect a major investment in the local college’s genetics and medical courses. Offering specialty products and services would also be a very good way to attract hybrid residents
Could just as well be east coastal as west. 🙂 In my particular area there are:
-at least two medical research hospitals attached to universities.
-two hospitals that, I believe, do at least a little research.
-multiple additional universities & hospitals
-two hours from the coast
-large asian community, though not all crowded into the same neighborhood/area.
-large population, with a variety of ethnic groups in the area
-high average income, in some areas
This interaction is just adorable
this now my favorite page