Clementine in her influencer role. Let’s see how she does
Two more cameo’s in this page: Liam the hyena (Venetos) and Alexis the armored rat (Cheynas)
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Heh, how will Dinah avenge Larissa? Probably something similar to what Larissa had planned.
And now it’s time for Clem’s review! Here’s hoping she really likes Marco’s cooking!
Dinah will buy something, but not leave a tip
How fiendish!
Dinah goes there and ends up going full-blown Karen on the joint.
Daniel here. The scenario that came to my mind was something like Dinah shows up at the food truck, the team keeps an eye on her as she orders something and starts eating. Meanwhile Clem finishes/gets stuck into the same item, before asking a random person who is quite obviously enjoying the same thing she did/is (Dinah). Dinah is stunned at first then says the food is terrible in a robotic tone. Clem asks why did Dinah say that when she was obviously enjoying it, especially when (ingredients) were so well made, causing Dinah to “I know, right?”, joining Clem in a several minute back and forth girl talk over just how beautifully well made the meal was. Dinah realises she’s actually promoting the food truck, “uh, I gotta go…”, runs off, but comes back quickly to grab what’s left of her meal…
Something tells me Dinah’s not going to be putting a lot of effort into this whole ‘avenge Larissa’ thing.
don´t blame her, she´s being distracted by some very tasty churros!
Point. Good food is VERY distracting.
*Dinah arrives at Due Draghi*
Dinah: *thinking* Ok, here we go! Time to
Rex walks past with a plate of lasagna, the scent gently wafting to Dinah’s nose.
Dinah: Uuhh, t time to
Nate walks by with a heaping plate of Chicken Alfredo.
Dinah: *sweating* T to to uuuhh!
Rex walks by again, this time with a plate of Involtini di pesce spada (yes I looked up a fish one on purpose)
Dinah: Forget revenge! I’m getting lunch here!
Dinah’s revenge plan:
1. Eat Churros
2. ?
3. Revenge Meme related
Clem is going live! Let’s see what happens!
She does look good in that outfit, though. Basic attire, but refined.
She needs one of those little, hand-held electric fans.
Or an active cooling vest. They make them for medical use (usually people with cystic fibrosis or other thermoregulatory issues).
That sounds like the PERFECT sponsorship for Clementine. It’s something she can genuinely use, she probably qualifies for the medical purposes (fur meant for the cold should qualify as “thermoregulatory issues”), and she’ll be able to give a sincere assessment of its quality.
Doing this really live sounds like a potential problem.
And also great entertainment, with a live stream you get a first-hand view of unplanned occurrences. As it’s live, you may have mistakes occur or just frankly bizarre things happen that you can’t predict. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing, broadcasting things like spontaneous alien invasions, random foreign super villain attacks, wardrobe malfunctions, or even Kai successfully completing his Cup stacking this time without realizing he was being filmed. Or someone getting stage fright.
Well, look at that!
Just by ‘pure chance’
Clemmy’s right here,
leading the dance.
As Dinah thinks
(Which takes all day)
A Polar Bear’s
come out to play.
Come one, come all
Due Draghi’s stall
and try the best
before the rest.
I think Dinah was just along for the ride, she was more curious to see where things were going than anything. Notice her lack of any actual participation in Larissa’s scheme, and confusion on what the plan actually was? Dinah just wanted to have an experience, and she was more of an enabler before deciding to get a big bag of churros. Although to be fair, properly good churros are hard to come by and can be pretty distracting sometimes.
Dinah’s probably going to go looking for a drink and one of those giant soft pretzels when she’s done with the churros, then after her snack is over and done with, she’ll probably see about getting lunch. Dinah strikes me as one of those people that can really put their food away.
And now I want ba soft pretzel. The only place nearby that sold them closed months ago too.
“Dinah is definitely the brightest light bulb in existence.”
I wouldn’t go that far, she has a constant glazed look in her eyes. Still, while she’s pretty dumb, she does have enough cognitive ability to recognize the flaw in Larissa’s request to be avenged: namely, she wasn’t told how! Dinah probably should have asked if she could have Lala’s stuff after avenging the bald spotted girl’s “death.”
Clementine seems like she’s fired up (probably not very healthy for a skinny, polar bear girl like her in this weather) with staging a reenactment of her discovery of Due Draghi. Probably would have been more “authentic” to say it was recommended by a friend, but what would I know? I hope Zeke’s having fun channeling his inner Freddy Benson!
Also, it was missed out, that on who is she want to be that fate happen – the dragons, against the whole thing begun, or the bats and Nate, who ruined her original revenge plan?
Jesse’s Adventure: Move the comma from the end of “summoning” to the end of “and”.
Normally, you’d be absolutely correct but, in this case, the ‘and’ is actually part of the redundant bit – the bit which can be removed without breaking the sentence – so the comma’s in the correct place.
I bet dinah will finish by eating at the due draghi ………. ^_^”
Dinah is honestly starting to worry me. I mean, sure, she COULD just be kind of dim, but she’s disturbingly nonchalant about,,,EVERYTHING. Whether it’s assault, dumping rotten fish heads in someone’s food, a screaming argument, or even her friend getting escorted away by security, nothing seems to elicit more of a response from her than vague interest.
If Larissa were more competent, she could probably direct Dinah to do some serious damage xp
Clem is really playing to her audience, I see xp looking forward to seeing the results of Marco’s cooking, which we haven’t seen since pretty much the beginning of the comic.
*waves to alexis Cheynas , in the “rec” panel*
Hello , cutie mousie
_waves back from offscreen_
Greetings from a Rat.
After that exchange between Larissa and Dinah, the guards would be pretty dumb if they didn’t tell their colleagues to keep an eye on a chubby brunette in a blue dress. Dinah’s chances to cause any trouble should be pretty slim (if she can even come up with anything).
They say living well is the best revenge so maybe that applies to avenge as well. Dinah should avenge Larissa by enjoying the festival until it closes or she runs out of money. Maybe some Italian to start her avenging tour of good living?
Loyal friend… but lacking in the ideas department I think.
I’m almost wondering if Dinah is going to wander over there and end up being one of Clementine’s fans. As others have so aptly pointed out she doesn’t really seem to harbor any malice. She kinda just seems to roll with whatever life throws at her. I feel like her and Liz were probably actual friends with one another, and those two might actually have a chance of settling things with the main group. They might even have the potential to patch things up with Cleo, though I’m not sure if she’d want to take them back at this point. It just all depends on whether they realize following Larissa is only going to keep getting them into trouble and that she’s not exactly a positive influence. It will be interesting to see these characters and their relationships developed further. Keep up the good work Robin, and as always, stay awesome!
I can hear the sped-up voice: “Thefollowingmessageisapaidadvertisement.”
Jesse’s Adventure suggestion:
Jessie: “So, I guess that explains the giant pile of socks over there.”
Wendigo: Well, partially. You see for some reason none of those ever seem to leave. It’s like they’re stuck here.
Cut to a few minutes later…
Clem: “What do you mean, ‘Account Suspended?'”
Zeke: “Well, someone just threw a bunch of copyright claims against our account, claiming content and product IP’s!”
Clem: “This is ludicrous! We never used any content without permission or fair use! We have the paperwork, we can dispute these claims right now!”
Zeke: “Well, there’s just one problem, my signal dropped!”
Cut to just outside the festival grounds, Larissa holding a parabolic wi-fi dish pointing right at the Due Draghi trailer, cell phone in hand, grinning demonically.
Hah! If I can’t figure out how to do that, Larissa can’t figure out how to do that!
Well, Larissa could look up how on the internet, there are some interesting sites to google, and she might stumble onto something. Or, she could just try defamation…and since Clem is there, then by association…
Zeke: “Um…I got a text from your dad and it sounds like he’s really ticked off. Look at what he linked.”
Clem: “Let me see that…an OnlyFans account? I didn’t make an OnlyFans account! ‘Hot Bear…’ This is libel, not to mention ILLEGAL!”
Meanwhile, across the patio…
Cleo (on the phone): “Insider trading? Dad, that’s impossible, they can’t prosecute me for insider trading!” (pause) “Well, for one thing, I never bought or sold any stock!” (Pause) “Of course that game of Monopoly was cleared with the SEC!”
And at the food truck…
CPS worker: “We’re sorry to have bothered you, Mr. Romero. By law, we have to investigate claims of child labor violations, but I can close this case out as a false claim. Frankly, I’m amazed it was even actioned…”
Marco: “It happened way too often where we came from, the prudes in that town kept trying to nail me for ‘demonic influences.’ You know, having two fire-breathing kids…”
Sabrina: “I’m more concerned that my name ended up being attached to the report!”
Cut to Larissa with her smartphone, still grinning demonically, thumbs working away at the keyboard. And there’s Katsumi glaring at her with a murderous expression.
Just wondering is there sugar on the churros?
I don’t think the girl will avange her. She’s too focus on the food.
Clementine: “The weather is super hot today but I didn’t want to miss out on all the wonderful food stands here today.”
Note the second half of the statement. We know Clementine is doing this as a favor to Cleo but what if thanks to fan response she got roped into visiting several other vendors when all she wants to do is go back to her room and air conditioning!
You know, I know this is a day late, and a dollar short, but why didn’t Kaya advertise where she was going to be on her Utube page? Also, wouldn’t it be wise of her to sing at this festival to draw the crowd to her dad’s stand?