How to wake up Kaya
The Kaya handbook mentions chocolate bait as one of the more effective ways of waking her up.
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Fishing for green Piranhas,
whilst using Chocolate bait;
Kai takes danger in hand,
armoured only by the date.
I note our hero’s fully dressed
to make his first delivery,
like a Knight of olden times;
clothed in his finest livery.
Now, as he stands there,
looking fine and trim,
one thought takes all his mind:
What has Kaya gotten HIM?
This comic has been up for 16 minutes, and I’m already 9 minutes too late to beat you – What’s your secret?
I don’t plan anything.
I’ve noticed that this comic tends to update at noon on the button where I live (east cost of the United states). Hope that helps.
If chocolate is the quickest way to wake Kaya up, what would be the quickest way to wake other characters up?
Maybe for their dad it would be something like pasta or something
Now I’m curious damn it
I know for Daniel the Human, water to the face is pretty much THE only sure way to wake him up! Everything else he can pretty much shake off or sleep through! Loud alarms? Zzzzzzzzzz. His dog climbing on him? She falls asleep too. Shaking him? Few seconds of movement, before returning to sleep. Even back in high school, his Dad got his Little Sister or their family puppy to actually jump all over him to wake him up…
He literally rolled over, grabbed them, pulled them in, rolled back over & kept sleeping!! I have heard of him waking to “Daddy, make him let goooo” or the puppy’s scared whining, both unable to escape…
He can still do that too! Do NOT want to get stuck like THAT again…
that would be me. you got the name right and everything!
its the sound of breaking spaghetti in half
That would probably wake up Mr. Marco if he hasn’t slept well, alongside his precious Dragon Babies.
Marco, Kai, and Kaya: “I chop-ah you up! Stramengge!”*
*See the Simpsons ” Guess Who’s Coming to Criticize Dinner.”
Rex: Wolves howling…but you have to be careful to not be within swatting distance.
Cleo: The “MO-NEY” doorbell sound from Tiny Toon Adventures
Benji: Tickling his ear?
I have some extra suggestions:
Cleo: the opening line to “Baby Got Back,” playing a snake charmer’s tune;
Rex: playing “Hungry Like the Wolf,” lightly blowing a dog whistle, saying “Doggy!” in his room, stating that Trixie Hamilton is visiting;
Benji: squeezing a squeaky toy, lightly blowing a dog whistle (same as Rex), whistling for him, calling for him like a dog, rubbing his belly.
Yeah, I finally got done binge-reading the comic from the beginning, and this is the first strip I’m commenting on! 😃 Now that I’m done, I have a few questions, probably with more to follow:
1) Which one of the twins is older, and by how many minutes and seconds?
2) Does the school’s locker room showers have special adaptations to keep the drains from getting clogged from all the excess fur, or does the janitor have a really “fun” weekly job?
3) Are there people making a fuss about Rex and other hybrids competing in sports against regular humans, particularly anyone named Karen on the school board of a competing all-human school, maybe in a district that includes the twin’s old home town?
4) How much of the twin’s old town wants to Make America “Great” Again?
5) Does Jin ever play fetch with Katsumi, and is the stick a physical object or a psychically generated invisible construct?
I’ll probably have more questions that I’ll think of later, but these are the ones I have for now.
i can totally picture nr.3, maybe even demanding that rex wears a muzzle to ensure that ‘the feral beast’ doesn´t bite…..prejudices are stupid like that
Daniel here. To be honest, I can see #3 being taken much further that that, with some people not even recognizing Hybrids as Human 🙁 . I mean, there are people who don’t recognize HUMANS as Humans… TT_TT
But I don’t see TOO much of that getting into this comic, would completely shift the tone into something much darker…
That said, my OCs from here had a brush with that kind of hatred from an unexpected place, but came out of it with a very powerful friendship and cleared up a lot of the discrimination against Hybrids in the area…
I would assume such behaviour would be more common OUTSIDE the city famous for big hybrid population. In fact, the place Kaya and Kai came from was considerably less tolerant to them …
Yeah, 1 of my Twin Dragons OC team spends about half the year in Hybrid City, the other in his “other/main” home in Australia, where the rest of the team live. Won’t give too many details (age ratings here?) but some people weren’t happy about Hybrids, especially 3 Demon Mythical Types in 1 place. Someone took a bus full of both Normals and Hybrids, including them to see what makes the Hybrids tick, Normals couldn’t be released so they became control group, but the 3 Demon Hybrids plus the Normal best friend broke everyone out and became local heroes…
Public opinion of Hybrids quickly improved after that, their identities were suppressed for safety, someone made a movie of course, and debate about whether the gathered data should be used or not still goes on…
Yeah, given the current fuss that’s being made about transgender student athletes, I figured that I’d ask #3 now.
It could also be compared to the earlier racist fight over integrating Athletes of Color into Professional Sports. When it came to Student Athletes of Color way back then, It probably would have gone hand-in-hand with the racist fight over integration of schools in general.
Of course, the Twin’s old home town is probably still stuck in that era in many ways when it comes to just humans versus humans, not just humans versus hybrids.
Okay, just a few more questions:
6) How do the Twin’s scales work on the palms of their hands and soles of their feet? How can they get a good grip on objects they handle, and also not slip & slide around when barefoot on smooth floors? Is it anything like a gecko, and if so, could they do a Spiderman wall climb if they wanted?
7) Why is the newest non-comic post on the main page from Valentine’s Day of 2019? Have there literally been absolutely no non-comic posts for over 3.5 years, or is there something wrong with the website? Or did the COVID-19 Pandemic have something to do with the lack of non-comic posts?
8) Did the COVID-19 Pandemic affect production of the comic in any way? I didn’t notice much of anything regarding it down in the comments, but then again I didn’t take the time to read every single comment under every single page/post/strip.
9) Will there be a Bonus Comic centered around Zuri the Zebra? How many more Bonus Comics are left to make?
10) Will there be a comic involving the Twins visiting their grandparents in Italy during summer break? Will any of their friends accompany them? Kaya may insist on Cleo not spending money on her and Kai directly, but there’s no reason why she couldn’t pay for herself and the rest of their friends to join them on a grand Italian vacation. That would be a really fun comic, at least in my opinion.
Pro tip: When applying a possessive to a subject that ends with an “s”, “x” or “z”, put the apostrophe, and only the apostrophe, after the letter in question.
Yeah, I realized that just a few minutes before your post. I worked hard to SPaG Check my posts before making them, and yet I still made an amateur mistake like that, multiple times. It sucks that I can’t edit my posts.
Of course, it probably doesn’t help that I’m currently sleep-deprived from watching the Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. Not only am I making obvious SPaG mistakes, but I’m probably also bringing up controversial issues in the comment section that I probably shouldn’t be in such a light-hearted comic.
At least a flame war didn’t erupt this time.
Where can we get a copy of this Kaya handbook?
Fishing: it’s always important to know what kind of bait to use! XD
Hmmm, thought we would have got one more page of setup, perhaps of Cleo meeting with the planner but looks like we’re switching to the twins. How will their day go until it’s party time?
A one-page meeting with the planner would likely be boring, both to draw and to read, and would not advance the plot much, if at all. Now if you wanted to stretch things out for a few more weeks… 🙂
The twins have some amusing quirks, but most them are in a good way
I lol-ed at the chocolate lure.
Yay, the date has arrived! I can hardly wait to see what this day will bring, besides the cute start, of course.
Kaya is going to have a good birthday party
I don’t know what “flying in reverse” on the poster refers to, but that in combination with dragons reminds me of a simultaneously gruesome and hilarious scene in Vredesverk by the Swedish author Erik Granström. A dragon spews fire so forcefully that it functions like a rocket motor, causing him to start flying backwards.
Flying in Reverse I believe may be a reference to the band Falling in Reverse, seeing as it’s a poster that’s likely what they’re going for but that’s just my guess.
Yeah, in the TwinDragonverse (?), there are plenty of bands that are renamed versions of our bands, just with slightly different names. Linkin Plaza, Green Week and Walk DMC are 3 examples I remember easily cause 1; Daniel the Human & I like Linkin Park and 2; they’re on this artwork 😛
A band called Falling In Reverse out here, a poster for “Flying In Reverse” there? Yeah, pretty sure they’re the same band…
Terry prattchet wrote about rather interesting swamp dragons. They could do that or modify their internal plumbing to fly forwards. Or accidently explode.
Well ; can we “tame” Kaya to be a good girl , by this way ? ^_^”
Last panel : you’re right , Kai XD
And ruin the comic?!? 🙂
Pfffff, taking some inspiration from the “shark twins” design there Robin? Or just decided to go dragon fishing? Either way I appreciate that this page implies that Kaya attempting to eat the chocolate was a reflex response before she was even fully awake. Kaya once again proves that she doesn’t just like chocolate, she’s a true chocolate fanatic. A pleasure to read as always Robin, I can’t wait to see just what Cleo has managed to put together for the twins, and how much of a surprise it will be or if Kaya knew her friend would be planning something. Keep up the good work, and as always, stay awesome!
Finally… The Great Kai and Kaya Dragon Drought is over! We have Dragony goodness once more!
From 0 to wide awake in 2.5 seconds, it seems birthdays and other special days are the ultimate stimulant for Kaya. Will she pass out again after opening her present? She even tries to eat chocolate while she’s asleep…😅 She really loves chocolate if she tries to reflexively eat it while asleep… That chocolate bar may survive, but any cake shall be devoured like cattle in the fangs of Dragons of old!
Now the Twins Romero are fifteen years old, they don’t look or sound like it. Best not to mention that to them, they may be sensitive to how young they look… I wonder what present is inside that Animal Crossing style box and wrapping, a new plushie? Some trendy clothes? Musical instruments? Underwear with a funny, flamboyant, creative, or childish print? Chocolate? What did Kaya get her twin? Anything like the stuff I previously mentioned? What should we get them? Maybe I could give Kai a pair of carrot print boxer briefs as a gag gift…
… I suspect you wouldn’t be able to deliver any gift to Kai or Kaya …
Yeah, not unless I draw it and Robin likes it…
World Guide, paragraph 1: Add a hyphen to “paw”, but keep the succeeding space. Also, add a comma to “rare”.
Header 2: Notable /example/:
Paragraph 2: “These are in /addition/ to the more common…” Also, the comma at the end of “species” should be a period or semicolon.
para one. No and optional. In that order
Others? Correct. the ‘species’ one would, probably, be better as a full stop.
Kaya looks super cute in panel three.
Wondering how long it will take Kaya to realize that she forgot to get a gift for Kai….
At the party, will all of her friends be capable of eating chocolate? Regular canines cannot. Ditto several other species.
I imagine one of the cool things with being as hybrid is they get to eat all the cool things humans eat.
Time to set a world record on waking Kaya up.
“There’s no real (E)nglish translation for it, but it’s a similar kind of dough that’s rolled in a ball and then deep fried.”
We have something similar, but it uses cornmeal dough, called “Hush-puppies”.
yum yum
Apparently, there used to be a shoe brand in Australia called Hush Puppies. They made leather shoes I think…
I don’t think they would taste very good, most shoes don’t…
>> “I don’t think they would taste very good, most shoes don’t…”
Personally, I’ve never tasted “shoe.” Which brands taste best? 😉 🙂
Not very many at all actually. Don’t know what dogs see in them. The metal in steel-toe boots taste good to me, but not all that leather, plastic & foam…
Sole food?
Fact: You can’t smell things when you’re asleep.
Unless it’s some kind of enhanced dragon sense or something.
I feel like Kaya simply has a built in chocolate alarm in their brain somewhere. (or they simply broke logic for a few seconds.)
Wait, then how do smelling salts work? I’ll have to look that up…
I guess this counts as smelling sugars/smelling cacao/smelling chocolates.
There’s a Steve Irwin joke buried somewhere in there but I ain’t gonna be the one to fish it out.
Kaya does have a rather pointy tail; but, unless you are a chocolate bunny, I don’t think you’d have to worry much. 😉
That fishing rod is fantastic and hilarious.
That is all.
Daniel here with a quick question for our highly capable artist and host…
I’ve noticed the vote incentive hybridisation class info is now on Class 2, I’m wondering if these will be available somewhere at some point? Maybe once all of the series has been posted in the vote incentive? Wouldn’t mind collecting some world building information so I can remember later…
My guess is for Kay the bait is just gold. Though mayde a little expensive,
KayaOS ran overclocked this AM.
Not even Christmas?
…I see the Falling In Reverse shout-out. Well played. Completely blindsided me, as someone unused to seeing my special interest in the wild.