Heated argument
You really don’t want to get in between a heated argument between a dragon and a wolf. Luckily Kai is also a dragon, so he can do that. His diplomacy just went up.
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The calm mind cools the storm,
warm winds settling the water.
Placid waves now wash the lake
Diplomacy rather than slaughter.
Perhaps they’ll win it’s heart –
or Rex will just have to stake it –
Kaya claims a win in her way
and won’t let the Paladin break it.
They’re too alike, this pair,
destined for love or for hate;
the future’s secrets still are furled
but the revelation’s gonna be great!
Kudos to Kai – that’s using your smarts!
Calming a conflict by spending your darts.
Kaya and Rex were beginning to fight;
Compromise keeps them at bark and not bite.
First panel : i won’t bet on who bites the stronger between Kaya and Rex but the dragon girl spits fire too ^_^”
Second panel : Are you really ready to fire your brother , Kaya ? 0_o
Last panel : at least , Rex is giving up to loot and accepts intelligently all options to resolve the situation oppositely to Kaya (no , i don’t mean she’s stupid , but don’t repeat it to her) ………… When the griffin will be sedated , Kaya : good luck to carry him ^_^”
OH ! By the way , Rex : a griffin isn’t for loot but for XPs ^_^”
Well if it’s young enough for a good bit of training, and you have plenty of horsemeat handy…..
I can think of one zebra-girl in the comic who might take exception to that remark.

Yea -_-
Rex took one for the team and let Kaya have her way. I kinda wanted to show that Rex’s sense of leadership takes priority over his own stubborness at these kind of things. He is stubborn and will drive his way through if he really wants to, but if the party is better off just skipping the griffin loot and keeping their mage happy, then so be it :p
You did a good job showing Rex’s leadership skills there, Robin. I -almost- commented on that, but I don’t remember why I didn’t. Probably just forgot…
Nice, you really caught what it feals like to play DnD XD.
Also this is random but on your stream i asked a question but you were leaving soo you probably missed it. Well I just what to get your opinion on Vivziepop
Haha, thanks xD I’m glad I caught the real feeling.
I did miss your question, I would have answered otherwise. I like Vivziepop’s work, but I’m sad that she didn’t continue Zoophobia. I miss Damian, the little hellspawn that he is (quite literally) but I understand her decision and she did say she would return to it later when the time is right. Her new animation project seems to be interesting as well.
There is another webcomic similar to “Zoophobia” called “Afraid of Monsters”. Unfortunately it hasn’t updated since mid-January either!
I won’t go into details here (cause it’s still a secret) but for the project we talked about im taking alot of notes on her work too but it will by by far way under her work.
I’ll be interested to see what you come up with!
Things i see wrong with this plan
1 how are you gonna carry a horse size griffin I don’t think rexy is strong enough to do that
2 unless one of the characters changes to a bard and seduce the griffin it’s gonna be hard taming that thing
3 do they have a griffin saddle Even if you tame the thing it gonna be hard to ride it
In short you would have a better time training me to be a attack hawk and I’m a sloth who has a fashionable hat and monocle with a fabulous mustache
Well mounting would be easyer than you think for the cause of the griffen’s mane and that he seems huge (not large)
Rexy? Are you Nate in disquise xD
I’m sure Kaya will come up with something. Sedate first, ask questions later xD
I’m sorry , Robin : was checking old strips about Kaya’s shirt and noticed it :
https://www.twindragonscomic.com/comic/goody-two-shoes/ ………. It’s full blue in this strip , even the sleeves ^_^”
You are right, now that you mentioned I see it too. And looking closer, sometimes the order and number of stripes seem to change. Sometime the top of the sleeves is white, sometimes blue. Most of time there are four white stripes, sometimes there might be 5. It’s most noticable comparing panels 4 and 5 of https://www.twindragonscomic.com/comic/healer-power/ . In panel 5 the sleeve starts blue and has 4 white stripes, in panel 4 the sleeve starts white and the left sleve has 4 visible white stripes + another one outside the panel at the end of the sleeve (too many blue stipes too).
Maybe… maybe it’s a mood shirt? Changes color based on Kaya’s mood? (I’ve got nothing) ;;>_>
Maybe she has also a red version for her next undercover version to use the ‘where’s waldo’ effect.
Yeah, I need to fix those. I only noticed them after the fact, and I haven’t gone back in to make it right yet. Thanks for the detailed summary, that saves me some time to find the mistakes :p
Nooo, don’t Uncover my mistakes xD
To be honest, at that point I didn’t notice them myself. I’ve noticed them later on in the later strips but I didn’t go back to fix them yet. It will be done when I got some extra time to do so.
I think Kai needs to go up an entire LEVEL in diplomacy for that one. We almost ended up seeing just how flammable that bushy tail really is. Poor Rex. He’s just trying to get money to repair his magic Getting Over It Hammer. (Rage included!) I look forwards to seeing if Kaya ends up trying to bring the griffin with her somehow or just wants to sneak past without hurting it. I get the distinct impression that it’ll be the first one. Keep up the good work, Robin. Stay awesome.
Thanks Alpha ^^
Yeah, Kai should get some experience from that. Too bad it wasn’t an in-game event xD
Kai picks up a secondary job class, diplomat!
Or he could get the job mediator. This would also allow him to talk the griffin into joining the party.
Final Fantasy Tactics is a favorite of mine back from the PS1 days.
Kai, already multiclassing on his first game xD
Letting sleeping griffins lie
as opposed to letting them die
is a brilliant plan from kai
now let’s see if it will fly.
Let’s hope the griffin doesn’t fly :p
Especially if it’s a sleep-flyer
this comes to mind :p
Appropriate…. Well played, dragonforger.
Beware , Kaya and Rex …….. No one of you both knows it : persons who bark one against the other when young often finishes married in the future ^_^”
Haha, who knows :p Though Kai and Rex had more arguments before ^^”
Benji needs to get some better monsters, something big and mean, so there’s no mistake about needing to kill it. Something classic like a big mean fire breathing dragon… oh…wait…
I originally had a joke about a dragon npc in there, but I had to cut it since the chapter was becoming way too long :p
As long as it’s fun it’s not too long! (just MY opinion though. ;-))
Kaya had a flame come out of her mouth…she was maaaaad
Kaya, with her nose in the air: “Dogs go mad; I get angry!”
She was getting kind of angry, yeah :p
Yaaaaaaa why do I see this plan going to hell in a basket set on fire and filled with TnT bundles?
Now that’s an explosive basket :p
Wow! It would seem that Kaya has a WEE bit of a temper. LOL.
And a WEE bit of a foul mouth or is that just cross words that we can’t read?
I think that it’s better for us being “unable” to read the first panel ^_^”
juuuuust a little. She’s normally very laid-back, but if she has her mind set on something, she doesn’t back down easily :p
Benji: “Cleo? That’s a surprise. I didn’t think you would be interested.”

Cleo: “I’m not, but YOU try resisting Kaya when she wants you to come with her. I DARE you.”
She has her ways :p
Wow be carefull there rex, kaya is already getting mad and already have a little flame coming out of her mouth so better be carefull there
the fires are being stoked as we speak xD
That scrunched up muzzle on Rex is a nice touch.
Thanks, I had fun with the little details in their expressions ^^
Griffins are knock out tames, hope they have Allo kibble.
No kibble, they have to make do with the sedation darts :p
Gamer dragon future comic please be in ark!
I get it, it’s an Ark joke lol
This is really good and funny all the way through, Robin! I really like how you did this one!

Love the argument text in panel one! It is way different than what I usually see but looks good, especially combined with their expressions. The laid-back ears and squinty eyes are great. I like all the teeth showing too; just wish there were some little fangs there.
Panel two is how they both turn on the interrupter together. Kaya’s little flame is a big plus to the amusing factor!
Kai is all calm and innocent in panel three.
Panel four: “GRRRR… Well… Okayfine!”
A good winner and a good loser!
Aannndd.. For some reason I can’t ignore that bowl snacks, which I assume is potato-chips/crisps or some such thing. I keep wanting to see it as dry dog food!! That would actually probably be a good, healthy snack for Rex and Benji. Wonder what Kaya and Kai think of it.
Doubt if Cleo would care for it, but there’s probably also something there she’d like.

“”” Panel two is how they both turn on the interrupter together. Kaya’s little flame is a big plus to the amusing factor! “””
Rex being ready to bite , too ^_^
LOL! Yeah! I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out. …Both of them, actually.
I love the cute curve on his lips : very succeed ^_^
Thanks Iron-Ed, you always give me much insight of what I did well in the pages. I had a lot of fun with all the little details in their expressions. I’m glad it pays off ^^
Might I add for a paladin Rex is kinda bloodthirsty for that griffins life, especially since it didn’t attack them yet. So Kai and Kaya are on the right here. Seriously Rex, start thinking good and not evil. We wouldn’t want a dooomknight in the group yet.
If you got a Ranger or Druid with you, you could turn it into its pet, so you could bring along, and doesn’t kill your teammates (maybe not love them, but at least love its master, and cooperate the others, if find it inevitable for its master’s safety).
Last panel , Rex is thinking : “- Guts , this girl gives me a massive headache” ^_^”
It’s probably not a bad idea considering the fact that Rex’s hammer just had a tantrum and they don’t want to end up Griffin food this early in the game.
My mother says : “- The winner is the one knowing when to give up and stop” , Kaya
See your winning book when you’ll have to tug a sedated griffin with you . I doubt someone of the team will help you about it ? ^_^”
OH , and stop to spread you on the table XD
>>My mother says : “- The winner is the one knowing when to give up and stop” , Kaya
Which Mom probably said with a big sigh and a rolling of her eyes. She knows her Kaya and arguments.
Another solution is to bury Kaya’s muzzle in the pop-corn bowl ^_^”
Rex, you can get some serious bonus to you XP for good roleplaying. A bloodthirsty paladin not fit under that so well…
They’re not going to miss out on much loot that they wouldn’t otherwise get by killing it. They just need to pickpocket it. If the loot happens to be organs or tissues for spell components…that requires one helluva pickpocket roll.
Kai, the keeper of the peace.