Hear ye hear ye
Looks like they all have been waiting for a dragon to come fix their problems :p
Cameo’s on this page:
Shivanna (LetsddDraw)
Liam (VenetosInkognito)
Mathias (Lighthope)
Navic (NavicPanther)
Emilie (Lucario)
Yony (Rattlerabbit)
Darrel (Mr. Styx)
Shadow panther (BlackMothWitch)
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About to be mobbed by fans in 3… 2… 1….
Oh no xD
Oh Yeah!
So there is no sneaking around
in this village by the great sea.
It’s called from the loudest new voice;
Kai’s the only hero they see.
The chance to eat something that’s new
and not drawn from out the Ocean?
That really is quite the news here
and worthy of this commotion.
No-one brought him, he came along
quite willingly to save the day.
He’ll fight for you until he wins…
until he wakes up anyway.
Miss #CuteButCacophonic here has a very aesthetically pleasing design. Has she (or a waking-world counterpart) appeared in the comic before? I don’t quite recognize her, and I hope she’ll appear later on.
I was wondering that too.
She has! She’s Shivanna Tells, a cameo by LetsddDraw and she appeared at in previous chapters a couple times here and there. She usually dresses funny and has different kinds of headwear all the time. She appears on the last page of the museum chapter, for example.
She has! She’s Shivanna Tells, a cameo by LetsddDraw and she appeared at in previous chapters a couple times here and there. She usually dresses funny and has different kinds of headwear all the time. She appears on the last page of the museum chapter, for example.
So she does! I’m ashamed to admit that background characters usually don’t retain in my memory very well. Having a speaking role made me notice her properly.
The fact that I found the comic around the start of the hospital chapter and went on an #ArchiveBinge instead of taking it bit by bit probably didn’t help.
I like her character design.
Well, guess we get to see how Kai handles suddenly becoming Mr. Popular! XD
Hmmm, come to think of it, looks like Lilo was a little shocked by the shout too. Maybe she was planning a more gentle introduction of Kai to the villagers?
She was hoping for browny points from the village elders, probably xD
Well, given the flower girl yelled “Lilo found a dragon” rather than “a dragon appeared”, I think Lilo still gets the credit.
Kia: Don’t alt them find out, Don’t let them find out…
The Village: What’s his name?
Lilo: Sir Kai!
The Village: HELLO SIR KAI!
Kai: ARGHHH!!!
I think they found out xD
Jesse’s Adventure: You left off the “e” at the end of “everyone”.
Hey, Jp. Just so you know, I DO try and comment on ‘Fuzzy Princess’ too. But every comment I make vanishes. It’s frustrating.
Are you also entering your email address?
Yup. They go up, then vanish as soon as I change the page.
Contacted the creator. He sorted the problem. Spam filter was acting up. Posts are now ALL there. Including, I think, the one I posted about 17 times a few weeks back. Sorry about that one, Jp!
Aah! typo xD
I binged this on FA today and just caught up. Adorable!
Hey, welcome to the comic
Glad you enjoy it ^^
Sound the ceremonial drums!!!
Panel 3: Cleo/Lilo finally gets to smile!
Annndd Panel 4: Smile’s gone. aww..
Panel 4 is my favorite. Kai’s expression, perspective on the girl’s arm, and it looks like she’s wearing a fish on her head! LOL
This page makes me think of a family bbq situation where someone brings their new boyfriend. Lol just replace dragon with boyfriend.
Lilo: Welcome to The Village.
Kai: So what’s it’s name?
Lilo: Just the Village.
Kai: And what am I supposed to do?
Lilo: You are the new Number 6.
Kai: ….um….whut?
A Prisoner of his popularity?
That’d be interesting…how would a Rover handle fire?
I’m just going to say it now, Fever Dreams are weird. You have to keep in mind, this dream is being cooked up by Kai while in the midst of a cold. Things are making some sort of sense, for now, but that’s likely because Kai is usually the more rational of the twins.
The operative word there being usually. There are times where siblings will sort of swap roles, sometimes for the weirdest reasons, even to the siblings themselves, but siblings usually understand why they’re relinquishing their role to each other, even if everyone else probably doesn’t. Parents, regardless of a lot of factors, can usually read their children and know why things have been flipped around a bit, even when everyone else can’t.
That all said, I’m looking forward to Kaya’s eventual visit to Cleo’s home, and impending meeting with Cleo’s dad. After that happens, it would be nice to see Cleo’s parents and the parents of the twins have their own little meeting separate from the kids, maybe with the kids occupied with other matters or just away at school while the parents talk.
Psst, Robin! The ‘imaginate!’ is over in Housepets! They’re clearing up the cardboard and the pups are being reclaimed.
Forget to check in for a day and you get buried under the sea of comments. xD Sorry I missed your rounds, Robin! Hope you’ll still see this! Great work on the comic as always. Lots of unique expressions in this panel, and hopefully some new stickers in the making as such for our Discord-user pleasure. I love the whole giant announcement to the village, and expect we’ll be in for a rather amusing scene of people gathering around and Kai’s subsequent embarrassment within his own dream. I do have one question about the art, but it’s one of curiosity, not any sort of critique. I’ve noticed you still drew the eye over the hair. Some artists do it, some don’t. I’ve always thought without looked a bit more natural, but I wonder, is there a general rule for it? Or does it simply come down to art style and personal preference? I’d appreciate hearing your take on it if you have a minute at some point. Anyway, I’ve rambled on long enough. You did a great job this week Robin. Drawing so many unique characters and expressions takes some serious effort. Keep up the good work, and as always, stay awesome!
A dragon!
*Ponders things a moment*
Wait, I realize this is a dream, but haven’t they ever looked up at the title above the comic? Surely they aren’t *that* surprised to see a dragon.
I’m waiting for when they realize there should be -two- dragons.
You know, it IS possible to have a humorous story WITHOUT breaking the fourth wall. (And besides, if they don’t have the technology to get the salt out of the ocean water, I doubt they have internet to view the comic’s webpage with.)
I’ll be happy as well if someone would bring a dragon to my town. At least I really hope
“A Dragon! A dragon!
I swear I saw a dragon
A green and seething fire-breathing monster is in sight
With eyes of red, a lion’s head and wings as dark as night
Oh, he has a jaw of gleaming teeth
He’s 50 feet in height!” ~Pete’s Dragon 1977 This page made me instantly think of this old movie, only post the first verse but xD Can’t wait to see what comes next =3