Healer power
Kaya has her strategy all planned out.
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Does this game system include upgradable weapons? *Cleo upgrades shoehorn into crowbar!*
YES!!! The Crowbar – The only weapon more devastating than a nuke. (If you hand it to Dr. Gordon Freeman anyway)
While I don’t touch on any game mechanics (it’s more about their fantasy adventure and less about the game, really) I would think it has that. Now, the shoehorn was mostly to pry away Kaya, but I guess a crowbar would work for that as well :p
there is a spell clerics get called Holy weapon it can literally be anything as long as it’s blunt most famously Jester in Critical role has hers take the form of a giant Lolly pop
I can definitely see Kaya being the Leroy Jenkins type
I can’t imagine her as anything but.
Kaya Jenkins xD
Benji sees a beautiful healer
under the scales of his friend.
Drawing out the hero girl
in a way that’ll never end.
She’s noting now the clingy,
the obsessive fan of love,
the type there rain or shine
and after push has come to shove.
Keep them alive, oh sainted snake,
let your venom be a balm
and, when it comes to the fight…
try and keep Kaya calm.
OMG ! Are you serious , Cleo ? You hope to kill your enemies with mad loud laugh ? ^_^”
A cleric is a good choice , meanwhile : working in duo with the paladin ……………… Kaya , take a drink and eat some chocolates : it’s good to calm down excited dragoness XD
She’ll eat some chocolate alright. No guarantee for calmness though. xD
Panel 4: Never seen that exclamation spelled with an “e” before.
You mean ‘especially’?
I’m assuming he means, “Yey.” Typically it’s spelled, “Yay.” It’s virtually identical pronunciation (heck, the dictionary pronunciation guide even spells it, “yey”) so it’s not a big deal.
“What am I supposed to do? Heal them to death?!”
No, but you can use “Scathing words” on them to death. (Basically you lecture them to death.)
There comes a point where the enemy is so healthy, they will throw down their weapons and run a marathon instead of fighting you.
What about healing a high-hp boss so their health overflows to negative, killing them? (If you watch a few RPG speedruns, you’ll know what I mean.)
Great comic as always, Robin! Love how you
Unrelated, but I’d suggest you check out game called Staxel. I have a feeling that you’d enjoy it.
oh nuts. Just Noticed how it ate half of my post, lol. I meant to write “I love how you drew Cleo’s expressions.” in the first paragraph.
Thanks ^^ I’ll check out the game.
I’ll also hunt down the comment eating beast. It still lurks around these wordpress woods.
You can forget about it, Robin. There’s a greater chance of Gordon Ramsay finding the lamb sauce than of you finding me! Muhahaha!
War priest class might be more appealing to her.
She likes Kai so maybe dragon shaman?
A Busker could be entertaining.
Dragon shaman sounds like an awesome class to be honest
What god would have their followers use shoehorns?
Fharlanghn? (Greyhawk) The god of Travel?
Veiloaria? (PF third-party) The goddess of Adventurers?
Marthammor Duin (Forgotten Realms) Dwarven deity of Travel?
Nike? (Greek) Goddess of Victory?
Or just make up your own god/dess of cobblers to follow.
Sheogorath ? (TES) God of madness XD
Adi Dass, god of competitive footwear xD
technically, Adidas is the goddess of off brand shoes (see book 5 of heroes of olympus)
To quote Kaya herself, “fireball everything!”
the one true way!
too bad you can’t just use spells infinitely in the game xD
Time to teach the part the no. 1 rule. Protect the healer.
Let’s hope Cleo does not come to regret this, while important, the role of healer can be a thankless task.
She will be fiiiiiine… I think xD
I don’t know that weapon Cleo said is that some kind of staff or spears??
It’s a long, curved metal rod with a handle. You use it to help get your heel into a shoe if you can’t bend over.
The others explained it just as well as I could :p
Wow. This is a fun comments section. xD Great work as always Robin. I feel like healer is yet another perfect match between game class and player character. Great work on this so far. Not even into the game and we’re already loving it. This truly is a comic that will go down in internet history. While I can’t vouch that that will happen, I can vouch that it deserves to.
Wow, thanks
Cleric seemed like a good match for Cleo. Especially since she has no idea what to pick or how the game goes at all.
No seriously, healers work. Always have a healer ^^
Pretty sure you weren’t referencing this but reminded me of this anyway: http://www.housepetscomic.com/comic/2018/01/31/contengency-party/
reminds me of my days as a dm with new players
You would have loved to have Kaya as a player :p
I’ve never heard of taking War domain and then choosing weapon specialty: shoehorn. Not that it’ll help anyway; you aren’t going to be able to pry Kaya from you even if you had a powerjack Cleo.
I’m starting to wonder if maybe bear-zerker would have been a better choice for Kaya’s play style.
Kaya riding on the back of a bear surely would be an intimidating sight :p
“bearing” a flame-thrower?
She IS the flamethrower.
The group would be screwed if the enemy wielded kpingas (that’s a real weapon by the way) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kpinga
Never heard of Kpinga’s before. Thrown weapons, seems interesting.
and the party might be screwed against any type of enemy, who knows xD
They called it a Hunga Munga on Forged in Fire. You have got to be careful how many points you put on it.
So how long before Cleo is wanting to cast Inflict Light Wounds on her own party? Or start spanking her party’s mage while wear the Gauntlets of Ogre Strength?
Cleo: [ Reading the class outline for a cleric ] So what is Turn or Rebuke Undead?
Benji: It means if you run into undead, like animated skeletons or zombies, you can try to use your holy power to get them to run away from you and your party. See? It’s described at the bottom of the page.
Rex: For zombies, I guess that they will try shambling away from you. [ Continues reading the paladin outline ] Hey, I get to do that too. Wait, I can’t do it until fourth level?
Kai: As a paladin, you can’t do it unless you marry the lady first.
Kaya/Cleo: Kai!
Benji: Because a paladin also has superior fighting ability, he can do some things a cleric can do, but at a lower ability for a given level. You will be able to turn undead as if you were a cleric three levels lower than your paladin level.
Oh man, I caught up.
I had a blast binge reading these…
Keep it up! >_<
Nooo, i read the whole thing in one go. Oh i absolutely love the comic Robin, first class stuff
I’ve got it bookmarked and voted on TWC.
Keep up the awesome work.
Something I noticed is that most fantasy setting games fall into the pitfall of having Classes. I say this because they usually take place in a medieval setting, a setting known for having a class system for designating stations in society. I like to think of characters in RPGs, especially tabletop RPGs, as being characters that are free to choose how involved with the system they are, and as such are not entirely subject to the class system. Cleo seems to be most well informed on real-world stuff than the rest of the cast, maybe during the session, she could point this out as a way of getting back at Kya for dragging her along to the game.
I’m actually working on a Role Playing Game, and like the game they’re all playing, it works on a point allocation system instead of a Level Up system. The game has something akin to classes, but they’re not called that. Of course, I’m blending a bunch of different elements, and probably overextending myself with it all.
I think they are falling in lesbians
I don’t know, Cleo’s been showing signs of really liking Kai. Of course, he hasn’t noticed yet, not sure if the kid is oblivious or just doesn’t know how to read people.
Is it just me, or does Kaya seen to have a never ending supply out energy?