Hammer time
Rex on the offensive!
There’s also a new update for Jesse’s adventure this week. Head on over to topwebcomics to see it
A little announcement for everyone, one of the readers, Sherouken, has taken the time to make an Amino hangout for Twin Dragons! He put a lot of care and time in to make it and asked me to tell everyone. It’s supposed to be a fan driven community where you can talk about the comic and post fanart and stuff. I will check it regularly as well, but Sherouken is the admin for now. Take a look over here:
Check it out at the very least, people. Show Sherouken some recognition for his efforts
As always, if you like the comic, please consider donating on my patreon. Even one dollar goes a long way.
Don’t forget that I stream every Sunday! You are more than welcome to join in on the fun.
The stream is hold at the following hour:
Don’t forget to vote for Twin Dragons at Topwebcomics!
Thanks for voting!
The next battle has begun
and the dead rise from the floor.
This is likely gonna hurt
and Rex shows he’s no Thor.
His gym-mate dodged his throw
and brings friends from the ground.
Without opposing weapons
it’s our heroes that they’ll pound.
It’s time for a Kaya move,
it’s really quite emotive.
She’ll send them back to ash
with her stolen firework explosive.
Love the work done by this Rat
Ain’t nothing stoping him go
Now if only there was a place for that
He’d be free to channel that flow
When I’ve made my group you were in mind
Curator is what waiting for your arts
If you joined you’d be one of a kind
Don’t be shy as we won’t throw darts
This may be my first attempt in this
But I’m sure you’d like it there
It may be amaturestic and that’s no dis
But as long as you are can bear
Don’t let up your work
Now it’s time to end
Soo let’s shake unlike any orc
Cause you will always be our friend
Danm remove “are” on the 12th line. This is my first attemp in this and welsh, you’d make an amayzing member for this Amino but it’s all up to you and i wish you a great day my profound rodent
Can’t join. I don’t have a smartphone, just a laptop and it’s not Android based.
Never mind. Went via facebook. Not a clue what I’m doing, mind.
Did you manage to find it? If soo you can PM me on the group. Im using the same name
“The villain ducks your
Paladin’s luck, so now Rex
Go ‘fetch’ your hammer!”
Rex living the most crucial problem in DnD history. Not enough hammers.
Also thanks hor the shoutout
As the reply icon isn’t on the last reply to me, I’ll do it here. Can’t PM you. You need the ap for that. And I don’t have a smartphone.
Sorry changed gmail between those two messages but if you do eventually manage then you are always welcomed. As of now we are hardly 5 members soo nothing special is happening.
No problem, Sherouken ^^
There will always be a shortage of hammers xD
‘S okay, Rex. You made him duck! (and show his face) Gave him an awkward end to his monologueing too.
Uh-oh; apparently Rex’s hammer does not return on command either.
Cleo’s not impressed by much is she?
Last panel: I like the “bowl of porridge” with the moth flying out in the foreground, and the surprised-looking …thing trapped on top of one zombie’s head. I really like it when you include odd little details like this, Robin!
Thanks Ed. I like putting in some details, makes it even more fun
Yes, Cleo can be hard to impress in some ways :p
You missed but it was short , Rex . Now that we see closer , i think this necro-outfit fits fine on you , Drago ………. Just i don’t know if he’ll be happy to learn he’s been used as necromancer in a Benji’s RPG ? ^_^”
I think i know how the team (especially Kaya) will resolve this “undead mob problem” X3
Drago doesn’t need to know :p
Oh, you might know the method, but not HOW they will deal with it. You might be surprised :p
That’s a challenge ? I’m very imaginative ^_^
I’ve never played D&D, so there’s a lot which will probably go over my head. For example, since he got a 12, shouldn’t that count as a hit? 12/20 is over the halfway mark. I wouldn’t think it’d be a K/O, but something?
Well for 3.5e and 5e (the two main gens players use)
In DnD you have AC that is you dodge and armor.(othrr things too but these are the mains)
You also have a Base attack bonus which is your accuracy.
You have to roll a d20 and add your Selected ability for the attack (soo Dex on a throw) then add your BaB if you are proficient in that action.
Don’t know how Rex’s character is built but paladins dont usualy have alot of Dex nor any feats to help them do that.
Soo for him he only uses the roll here and maybe a +1 for dex soo 13. Any mage that knows how to build will have 13 at minimum. So he doesnt beat the AC hence not hitting
Don’t make us explain THAC0, boy. DO NOT.
Actually, I think that 12 was not for trying to hit the target. It’s labeled “Initiative”, so I think it’s the roll to see who acts first, not his attack.
Then that must be a mistake on kai’s (artisi) part cause in situations like these the first attack goes before the initiative roll. Or maybe he just failed that attack and then it shows his initiative roll but it makes it confusing for DnD players like that
I am so sorry for not actually having played D&D before and making a mistake xDD
Nah, thanks for clearing that up. I’m not that familiar with the rules and I’m kinda making up some stuff as well, since it’s the Twin Dragons universe’s version of it, I think I can get away with it xD
There’s a free phone app called “5e complete reference guide” you can get (icon is a green dragon with a 5 in front of it) not as complete as it let’s on since wizards of the coast keep a lid on some of their stuff unless you buy the official rule books (mostly missing class and race stuff) but it does have a pretty easy to navigate rules section. S’how I learned the basics.
Having a searchable rescource is good to for finding info during a dispute. Don’t know if you really need it but it might help
Well if you’d like I’m running a discord game that you could join.
2 of my players had to leave soo we need more. All of the players have eather never played 3.5 or DnD in general soo if you join you woudnt be out. As for the game rules i accept most homebrews and the campain im useing enbraces op or cheapshoting builds. And trust me in 3.5 most simple builds are ball punchingly cheap
There is such a thing as a surprise attack. They’ve existed for years before 5e took surprise rounds out of the game.
I see it has been nicely explained by Sherouken already. Let me just add that I don’t really play strictly by the rules for this chapter. It’s more fun to bend the rules to my will when I need it for the story xD
Plus the fact that I still don’t think Benji likes Rex that much so, if he can bend things away from Rex a little he might?
I’ll put this here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P-3GOo_nWoc
Love it xD
I can’t help but wonder where the necromancer got all those tiny human skulls. Maybe Hot Topic?
He bought it to the goth shop of the next street ………… X3
the local necromancer shop of course xD
Umm…k-kaya, i think its a good time to use those fireworks you picked up back in the other room
Maybe, but maybe you want to save it for the real hard boss fight! (me in every video game, and then I end up with 50 unused items when the credits roll xD)
True, you never know when something you have is going to be very usefull
Guess I was right about the wizard being a Necromancer. And may I just point out just how many zombies he’s been pulling up in this cave? What, is this cave also the cemetery for all the villages surrounding it? Either way he seems to have chosen a good place to set up. As for Rex, this is a classic move. Always thinking with his hammer in this game. xD We should have been expecting that. Great work as always Robin, and I love the use of the one person who seemingly annoys Rex the most as the dungeon boss. That is pure comedic gold. Also, thanks again for accepting my proposal of archiving the old voting incentives. It’ll be nice to be able to view them. Stay awesome, my friend. Stay awesome.
It would be hard to say that Drago isn’t a necromancer , when we see his collar and crown ^_^
Thanks Alpha ^^ He does seem to have picked a great place to set up camp.
No problem, I’ll get to uploading them this week. I didn’t get to it last week like I said I would. Had a deadline looming over my head that needed to be adressed promptly. Since I’m free of that one now, I can take the time to start uploading and organising them (since I didn’t want to just dump them in there and be done with it xD )
Yay! Next page tomorrow! xP Looking forwards to reading it Robin! Hope that the sorting process for the old Voting Incentives hasn’t been too soul-sucking?
Almost time for the next page :p
Nah, it wasn’t so bad. I just uploaded them. Or rather, I figured that since I got them uploaded on the deviantart stash that I could link there. Works just as well. I also found out I don’t have a lot of voting incentives before Jesse’s adventure xD
So it wasn’t the workload I imagined it would be. Lucky for me xD You can find them under the Extra tab now.
When you have a hammer, every problem looks like a nnail
I prefer a M-60 , but it’s hard to get one in an heroic ages RPG ^_^”
Meet my two girls. Dez and Troy -Thor ragnarok
Where did he get all that ammo he uses?
My roommate is in the military and he wouldn’t shut up about that “he’d be out of ammo after five seconds!” “Why hasn’t he reloaded!?”
and rightfully so xD
As long as you don’t “slide” in Kung Fury world XD
Well on the plus side, they have two characters that can learn Turn Undead. The problem, that usually tends to be a mid-level spell and they’re all starting-level characters. Wait a moment, healing spells do damage to undead type monsters, they have two characters with access to healing spells.
But maybe Benji doesn’t tell them this yet and wants to see them struggle a little before helping :p
makes sense, all the players are newbies and he’s getting a feel for their playstyles. But chances are after they’ve gotten their first campaign out of the way, which could take some time, he’ll probably change gears to the kind of Game Master (GM) he usually is.
A hammer thrown
at a helm of bone
impacts uselessly on the stone
our heroes best be in the zone
or all hope of victory’s blown
Nice poem
im still hoping the crystal duck winds up being a monster they have to fight.
there is SO meny bad duck jokes out there!
Hopefully not as bad as your grammar there.
Now Ben, be nice. Not everyone is at native speaking level. ^^
Sorry if came off a bit callous there, improper grammar is a bit of a pet peeve of mine
for me its a compleat lack of using it for enything over 10 years. wich means i have to learn it from the bottom up all over agen….
It can be hard to proofread these things too, I can only see two lines at a time with my interface, add a bit of autocorrect shenanigans and it’s next to impossible to get grammar perfect on this thing.
…Aaaaaaaand I just discovered the zoom out feature on the text box…
Oh yeah, and in this one webcomic I used to read, El Goonish Shive, they sometimes use a demonic duck as a distraction. It’s a recurring joke in the story xD
He should have razzed Rex when he missed, it would have been funny.
i been thinking of a possible history of your world that would explane the anthos existence and cover why the twins are the only ones of a mythological type in existence.
this inculds how they breath fire.
my logic is sound but it will invalve haveing magic existing at some point in the past but it is lost now.(well untill they are told how they are able to breath fire)
the cost of useing magic other then the firebreath would be for the most part inpracticle for how much energy it takes to use it. but considering how awesome the existince of magic would be i think it wuld be cool. oh one more thing only the twins are able to draw on enuf magic energy to do more then just a light show that the dad of the guy im thinking of for your stripe. all this is realated to them being dragon anthros.
just one warning though the histroy part will be kinda bleak! history is full of things that are not very nice. Life cant all ways have notheing but good times in it. sad but true.
my idea of how to have the twins find out invalvs the family of a cariter i been working in my head for some time now if your interested in reading it.
but i dont want to place it here to avode making eny spoilers.
if your not intersted in the history i would like you to at lest read by cariter idea. I THINK it would work in the world you created.
most of the funny things for him will invalve being all most unrealistically big guy if it weren’t for the fact of what kind of anthro he is a T- Rex. (wich makes him even more intimidating!).
im talking he 3 years younger then the other students but about as tall as most of the adults and much heavier!
Drago (the big guy necromancer) is a komodo dragon . And it seems that a lot of hybrids are 14 to 16 years old ……. ?
i spent alot of time thinking on all this.
And this just became ye olde Left 4 Dead.
You were close Rex, I’ll give you that. Drago had quick reflexes, I guess. I like how the 3 skulls on his robe are somewhat animated. Is that an opossum on the zombie head?