Hair color
Today’s Q&A comic answers a question I’ve been asked a lot. Enjoy the answer.
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Wow, albino and hybrid. That’s… A 1/120,000 chance. Benji’s biological parents should buy a lottery ticket.
So should the Romero family. They had fraternal twins (genetically different despite being conceived at the same time) who are both not only the same type of hybrid, but redheads in the bargain!
Aaaaaaaand the math calls to me:
Average number of births the last 16 years: 4 million.
So about 64 million total
Statistically about 640,000 are hybrids
So there should be somewhere in the ballpark of 53,000 albino hybrids.
Chance of hybrid fraternal twins 250,000 (common by comparison)
Chance of red haired hybrid fraternals literally one in a million (assuming the hair colour follows the same rules as non hybrids)
And that’s not even taking into consideration the odds of being born a mythical type
Chance of hybrid fraternal twins 1/250,000 sorry
Let’s not forget Kai and Kaya are also the only known (as of yet) dragon hybrids
and give Benji a piece of that when they win :p
Last one I promise. Under ideal circumstances the world would go 100% hybrid in just 8 generations. To think the cast’s great great great great great grandkids would only know what a human looks like from books.
That is assuming that hybrids give birth only to hybrids.
As the first hybrid was born 16 years ago, there should start to be children from hybrids, starting to be born about now.
Nature is not that kind.
Hybrid creatures such as mules are usually infertile except in certain circumstances.
If hybrids are genetic mutations, nature is worse, almost all are sterile.
That’s why I said under ideal conditions. A lot of assumptions we’re made
That still doesn’t account for non-mendelian genetics, including multifactorial inheritance and incomplete penetrance…the stuff we can’t really predict on a punnett square.
I’d be willing to bet that hybrids are still human, genetically and mostly physiologically. The “hybrid” variant is a genetic expression of some long dormant genes, perhaps the code we considered “junk DNA.” These kids are still human, but they developed different traits not associated with humans. So, they’re neither sterile nor their own species per se. “Dragon” could simply be thought of like a racial phenotype, just a different variation of human, only more overt on the variation part.
That said, the genes are likely to be passed onto their offspring, but the question is whether they get expressed or not, and to what degree.
Also consider that a lot of biochemistry takes place at the quantum level (electron transport chain, visual receptors, the nano-environments generated by enzymes), and stuff at that level gets weird. Really weird. Like, Jin being able to see Katsumi weird.
People say that. But they already used up their luck on him.
Their hair tells tales of their ways
as Hazel rules the ol’ roost;
questioning the schools stars
and giving her ratings a boost.
Kai’s keeping Kaya away for now,
letting the quality hair guys rule;
showing the truth about Benji’s look
as our Cleo jokes; she’s not cruel.
I suspect this interview is rigged
so that Hazel can meet with our Nate.
Did she rig all of this gig up?
Will she ask him out on a date?
Will she be a regular, even if in the background?
More of a side character. She’s not a cameo or anything, and I got plans for her, but it will take a while before those happen. In the meantime, she can appear here and there.
…like she did last week? And she seemed to be ‘looking at the camera’ there too! You sly guy you.
I’m seeing this hair, & wondering …
Is Hazel related to “Nikki”, from the web-comic “Hubris”?
I’m sorry to “destroy” Beni’s explanations but it’s wrong : An albinos has white fur , red eyes and soft grey or light pink nose . So if a white fur becomes green on an hybrid , the red eyes turns brown then the nose gets dark red or dark green ………… Imagine this , Benji ^_^”
It seems that it changes depending on the hybrid. So, not all albino hybrids have green hair, and not all colors will change the way you are saying. Hybrids are just kinda weird when it comes to albinism.
How you can say it ? There is no other albino hybrid to judge on ^_^”
Well, Benji says it himself.
“In my case, it was green.”
As in, it’s specific to Benji.
Yes , but he was only speaking of the fur
He may well be speaking of the blood, since both his eyes and nose are also green.
Albinism is a lack of melananin pigment in the skin, this allows the blood color to show through anywhere skin is thin enough.
The red hue you see in the eyes of albino rats is due to the blood in their retinas.
Thus the green hue to his eyes implies his blood is green. Dragons got to be different…
Umm… he doesn’t have green fur??
While that’s interesting, it doesn’t explain the hair. Really, this whole thing just doesn’t make physical sense. It doesn’t have to, either.
By “fur” , i mean “hairs” ^_^”
Green isn’t that implausible. Copper Sulfate is bright green. So is blood when it undergoes alpha hemolysis (which can identify certain types of bacterial infections). The mammalian body requires copper for certain metabolic proteins to function. So, it’s possible that some protein side product of Benji’s hybridization (that would normally be hidden by pigment) is revealed by his albinism.
Fortunately, since the body doesn’t require too much copper, Benji recovers what was lost in his hair through normal diet, and he gets it back in the trace quantities there. Or, the pigment could be iron-based, formed through breakdown products of hemoglobin (spent red blood cells) and deposited in the hair follicle.
You forget; Benji’s a special case.
A “normal” albino might be as you say, but here you have to add Benji’s “hybrid”ness to the mix. Strange stuff!
That’s what i’ve made in the second part of my comment ^_^
There’s still pigment, it just changed colors :p
Also, I’m no genetic expert, I just make a comic xD
That sounds more like melanism, an overproduction of pigments. Look up “king tiger” for reference. Well “king” any big cat with spots or stripes
I looked up king tiger and all I got was a tank
I found them by looking up “melanism tiger.”
Guys, this is a comic, not a science film… let the imagination run wild XD
Nonsense! This is fun! Robin can do whatever they want but I’ll still be analyzing it all.
It can be both. I like Dabblers science corner.
Heh. I like Dabbler. Period.
I’ve been mandated for scientific studies on all the comic by Alpha the Dragon XD
Glad to see you’ve kept to it with a passion. xP
Yeah, but I don’t mind them looking at the possible science behind it. Gives it another dimension :p
Now Benji needs to be tied down and turned into a poodle hybrid with pink hair.
I can see Kaya doing that.
Oh dear, run Benji xD
Just noticed Hazel was in the background of the previous comic. And I think Benji may have dodged a bullet when he didn’t get Hot Pink hair. I may have shipped him with Kai or Rex.
Yeah, she’s a background character turned side character ^^
People seem to like his pink hair. Maybe he should dye it at some point. Might be a nice future chapter xD
vitiligo Could make things interesting. Another dog hybrid at school being another bright colour for example.
Well, it should be rare though, as albinism is pretty rare :p
If Benji had hot pink hair he’d be a shoo-in for a famous heavy metal rockstar.
haha, yeah xD
Wait…. Benji’s hair is green? I thought it was a dirty blonde type colour…
Ok, I KNOW that I’m colour blind (red green colour blindness, inherited from my mothers side).
Given that many animals have different colour spectrums to humans, are there many hybrids with colour blindness of any type? Or are there any who can they see outside the normal spectrum?
So, if I remember correctly, everyone that’s colour-blind got it from their mother’s side. The genes that cause colour-blindness are in the X-chromosome, and if you’re a guy then you got your X-chromosome from your mum and your Y from your dad. However, if you’re a girl, then you somehow managed to get a colour-blind X-cromosome from both your mum and dad, and they didn’t have two different kinds of colour-blindness that canceled each other out (by being able to see the colours that the other couldn’t).
I think that’s correct. It affects males in my family. It also skips a generation. My maternal grandfather had the same condition.
We bought $60 worth of different colored heat shrink for one of my old mentors on the robotics team (for marking wires) last year before finding out he was colorblind and just relying on memory. That was an interesting conversation. xD
Oh, I didn’t think about color blindness for hybrids. I would like to say no more or less than normal, but I guess there could be a higher chance with certain hybrid species.
For colors outside the normal spectrum, that would require serious changes to the eyes and nerves so I’m inclined to say that’s nearly impossible to happen.
Not the nerves.
Color-perception is based on the amount-&-type of ‘cone’ cells, that line the inside of the back of the eyeball.
For more details, here’s a short (8:41) video from the [Sci Show] channel:
Color isn’t always based on PIGMENT.
By creating tiny structures, which match the size of particular wavelengths of light, many animals can absorb all EXCEPT for that narrow range of wavelength, & as a result they create color WITHOUT pigment. Almost ALL cases of birds-&-insects use this trick to appear BLUE, & actual blue pigments are much more likely to be found in GEOLOGY & CHEMISTRY. Most of the biological blue pigments are found in plants. My reference-video (8:26):
That last panel literally got me laughing out loud. Thanks for that, Robin.
Speaking of hair, I’m really digging Hazel’s hair colors
Glad I could make you laugh ^^
Hazel’s hair was fun to decide on. This combination worked wel
I find it amusing that Hazel’s hair is almost the same color as Nate’s, just a slightly different shade.
I would have rather been pink than green.
Even if green hair seems “weird” on a dog like Benji, I personnaly think that Benji should stay green.
Because I can’t think of an other color for him. Even if he become blonde or with red hair, it would be weirder than usual.
I think blue, or turquoise, hair might work for Benji; but, it would have to be just the right shade of blue.
Benji is pretty used to his green though :p
Was the character design decided on before thinking of a reason for the colour scheme or was the idea decided on before applying it to a characters appearance?
The character design came first, and I thought up the explanation later :p
well robin I geuss I can say my geuss from last week was half right, benjis hair being natural and all but not in the way I was thinking.
Either way keep up the great comic sitting happily in Australia waiting for chapter 8.
Half right is already a good part of the way ^^
Chapter 8 is coming up soon. One more Q&A comic to go.
Already this page : , then this actual one ……….. I begin to believe Benji is only for such jokes XD
Wow, talk about the comments blowing up on this one. Jeez man. It’s only been a day! Either way, Benji’s hair certainly is an interesting concept. I had never even considered what any kind of hybrid would look like as an albino. It’s a fun and surprising quirk that only once again showcases that creativity which Robin so frequently exhibits. No matter how much I expect Robin to come out with something unique, I never fail to be wowed and ask myself “how was that even thought up?” It seems TOO creative for any one person! Keep on sharing your creativity with the world Robin. Keep on amazing us and making us feel like kids again. And of course, stay awesome!
I quote : “””It’s a fun and surprising quirk that only once again showcases that creativity which Robin so frequently exhibits””” and i agree ^_^
Thanks Alpha
Your words never fail to give me a good feeling about my work ^^
You deserve it. Also sorry about that somehow going in as a reply Panther. It was supposed to be my comment. xD
P.S. I LOVE Troye’s look in Jessie’s adventure. He’s SO proud of himself (and happy) right now! And he’s copying Jessie.
“They’re gonna have a sleepover!”
Troye is just the cutest :p
Don’t let Kaya hear you say that!
I find myself laughing a bit too loudly at the last panel.
Well, it was made for laughing xD
But why is his NOSE green?!?!?!
A normal albino has soft grey or light pink nose . So by adding green color (hybrid case) , the nose gets dark red or dark green ………… Butit seems that we’re in a comic (never say it to Benji) XP
I hope this comment gets noticed… I keep forgetting to read Jesse’s Adventure every week, so when I do read it, I miss a lot. I know there’s a Webtoon for it, but I don’t remember when it was last updated. (It’s behind, I know.)
So is there a way to see what I missed?
If it was pink, then Benji would have to learn Dragon powers from Kai and Kaya, and change his surname to Dragneel.
With pink hair like that, Benji would be as Flamboyant as his parents. hehe.
I just now noticed that Benji seems to be wagging his tail a bit in that last panel. Is he more interested in the idea of hot pink hair than he’s implying?