Gathering attention
Kai sure didn’t go unnoticed xD
Cameo’s on this page:
Black Wolf (DemonnikWolf)
Kaldra (Skrall)
Liam (VenetosInkognito)
Otter (Epicotters)
Human in front of Kai (Daniel)
Janko (Janko)
Emilie (Lucario)
Charlie (AkiCandy)
Yony (Rattlerabbit)
and some of my own characters from other projects (some not yet published) make a little appearance as well
The girl with glasses and the yellow foxy lady next to her: Meral and Azzy, from a project currently called Project Demon Queen
I’m sure you can spot Jesse and Jackie :p
Peaking out behind Jackie is my D&D character Fortune, a tiefling warlock, also known as the murder brat xD
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And now they’re met by a mighty mob,
although I don’t see a young reporter
and Lilo has been picked to travel too
Maybe she’s become adventure’s daughter?
Nice to see he sort of knows our Jessie
and, somehow he’s even met Jackie;
but now, as the shaman appears behind,
we know that things are going to get wacky.
You’re going with him now, whatever you say,
wending your annoyed way to the palace.
Just remember to keep your head, young Kai,
you don’t want to end up mad, like Alice.
You know, sometimes I wonder if you ever have to put any extra effort in to work in someone’s cameo character. I don’t think I’ll be wondering any more.
Also, is that a CHOCOBO hybrid underneath “Good job, Lilo!”?
I do put in the effort to make sure they come out right on a page ^^
Not a chocobo, but now that you mention it, the colors do make it look like it xD I was aiming for a generic bird hybrid there ^^
I rather meant in regards to having a place where the cameo characters appear. I used to wonder if you had to go out of your way to say “Oh, let’s have a cameo on this page” until I saw THIS page.
Ah, like that. Yeah, the way I go about it is to first write the chapter as I want it, then go back over it and see where I could fit cameo’s in. The village was the perfect place to add them in this time ^^
I’m digging the red-striped, skull-faced patterned hybrid/cameo. It’s a pretty cool design.
Yeah, Lilo, just roll with it! XD
I like how Kai is rather relaxed about the current situation.
That’s Janko, he’s a cameo
Kai figures it’s okay, he already established it to be a dream anyway :p
Heh, not even a welcoming feast! At least Kai gets to rest his feet for a moment while they carry him! XD Hail and well met traveler! Now go save our butts from a horrible doom!
kind of like how most games do it, right? xD
Heh, yup!
Jesse’s Adventure, panel 4: There should be a comma at the end of “you”.
Does Jessie’s Adventure not have a comment section of its own that you guys can put corrections on? Or at least a discussion forum where you can start a grammar/spelling correction thread and give Robin a link?
Nope. And did either of you spot Jessie and Jackie infiltrating the main strip?
As my cluelessness might have clued you into, I don’t read Jessie’s Adventure, and thus cannot recognize what I do not know. Sorry.
Not until you pointed it out.
It never occurred to me that Jesse’s Adventure would be so popular, so I don’t have its own site prepared for it. I will start giving it a proper home once I start redrawing chapter 1, though.
Why would you redraw any of it?? It’s great!
Giving it the same comic page treatment as chapter 2 and 3 are getting ^^
Kai is surprisingly calm for someone getting carried around by a crowd for the first time, even if he knows it’s a dream. Robin, are we missing a panel? Has this happened to the twins before? xD So many unique characters in this page. I know there’s quite a few cameos, so you probably had at least some reference material, but still, you drew so many unique faces! It’s hard to believe that this panel got done in just a week with so much attention to detail. You’re a true legend Robin, both as an artist and a storyteller. Your characters feel like real, breathing people, and one never truly knows what’s going to happen next in this comic. May your legacy live on forever. Keep up this amazing story my friend, and as always, stay awesome!
Where’s the monument you’re giving this eulogy in front of? I swear you write every comment like you’re trying to memorialize something. Not that that’s a bad thing, mind, it just seems a bit much.
Shhh, I like it, don’t make him quit xD
It’s a mix of my writing style tending to be quite wordy, me being a very sentimental person who easily gets emotionally attached to things, and the fact that this is an amazing comic that I feel is deserving of praise. I know I tend to repeat myself, but Robin is an amazing artist and they deserve to hear it. Nobody remembers that random compliment they got 3 months ago without being reminded of it.
I like your comments and I tend to agree with them. I’m sure the positivity is nice for Robin, but it’s also good for us, the other readers, to see appreciative feedback that gives the comment section a nice vibe that’s similar to the comic’s. So keep it up!
Kai already established it’s a dream, so he’s just chilling xD
Oh, I definitely had reference material for all the cameo’s. I make refs for the cameo characters to use for that. This page took a long time compared to the other pages, but it was worth it
Thanks for the kind words again, Alpha
I’m betting Kai is LOVING this dream right now. Which probably means it’ll turn sour/awkward soon enough. Kaya will likely be responsible for some of it.
Kai is enjoying it for now, that’s true xD
Kai decided to just see where this all goes.
I still think the “goddess” is actually Kaya though
Gotta go with the flow :p
*looks at first panel*
And its…..Cameo Thyme(tm)
These cameos were brought to you by NordVPN, fine makers of Nordness and VPN’s since about 27 minutes ago. Get yours today!
*looks at second panel*
Ha, like I would be sponsored by a VPN xD
The only sponsors I have are my very own patrons
The little blue haired girl looks so sceptical in the second panel but still tries to lift the dragon in third, it’s cute how short she is but still trying.
She is a cutie with personality and still a little girl.
Her owner thinks of it as her trying to pull Kai back down, since she’s super sceptical about him being a dragon xD
So who is the little, blue-haired girl between ‘Lilo’ and Jesse? She’s the only one who looks particularly UNhappy with this. Jealous much? But then in panel 2…
And then there’s panel 2 and it’s ‘Lilo’ who looks decidedly put-out. LOL Oh, and Janko has a speaking part!
Hmmm…. Seems only Kai, ‘Lilo’, and The Old One can afford shoes.
I also only see one avian in the crowd. I wonder if he has(had?) any white & brown feathers on him. 
That’s Emilie, Lucario’s character. She has a very strong idea of how dragons should look and she’s very sceptical about Kai being a dragon xD
The shoes thing was a stylistic choice, of course :p And no, the bird didn’t have those feathers on the old man’s head xD
It’s a little surprising that Kai is so comfortable as the center of a crowd’s attention, having grown up in that bigoted town where any crowd focused on Kai would most likely have been a lynch mob.
It’s probably to do with the fact that the mood of this crowd is so unanimously positive.
The crowd is positive because Kai is dreaming that. Our dreams are shaped by our experiences, and given Kai’s background I would rather have expected him to dream about an angry mob running him out of town.
but there’s also the things that you ‘want’ to happen. Also, the twins have had very positive experiences in their new home, so that also counts
Kai at the 2nd panel: God, what did I get into…
Kai at the 3rd panel: Chill out, man
XD Absolutely love it
Making the best of it xD
call me a negative nancy, but i´m a mite wary of what *exactly* kai is supposed to do – for all we know ‘dragon’ could be the goddess favourite dish
Yeah, we still don’t know what he really needs to do xD
In The Village everybody be gangsta we be kidnappin children like
It’s not kidnapping, it’s setting them on their way :p
…hey. I thought that guy in panel 2 looked familiar. That’s the priest from their old town, isn’t it?
Yeah, he sure looks like it :p
The blue-haired girl doesn’t look happy. Why?
Her owner says she’s really skeptical about wether or not Kai is really a dragon, so she doesn’t share the same enthusiasm as the others xD
I’m already picturing the scene following the last panel, in which Lilo is yelling:

*I!* _ *AM!* _ *NOT!* _ *A!* _ *SQUEEZE!* _ *TOY!* _ *DAG!* _ *NAB* _ *IT!*
She’s not giving-up without a fight, & it’s a worthy effort in manipulating crowd-psychology, but ultimately fruitless.
They’re still gonna carry her up there with Kai.
Ha, nice idea xD
I’m sure Lilo would get mad at that xD
(Cleo would sue, instantly xD )
“Sue”, …

You’re saying that, no matter HOW cute the guy might be, she’d prefer “Susan”?
( … & have we met Susan yet? … )
“J/K” … English is funny that way.
I’d intended to suggest that while nobody is ACTUALLY doing this to her, she’s PRETENDING that it’s happening, to try & generate enough confusion that she might yet make her escape.
this needs to be on weebtoon.
Why would it need to be on webtoon when it has a perfectly serviceable site of its own where it won’t get ignored by being one of hundreds? This fricker’s on TV Tropes, it’s not like it needs publicity.
It already is
It’s almost up to date as well. Just a couple more weeks and I’m all updated over there ^^
Do we get to see their stats, now that they have a party…
The stats are hidden :p
oh, so there ARE avian hybrids. (maybe I wasn’t looking closely enough, though)