Food truck
Cleo reveals her plans.
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Business partnership! I had my suspicions it was going to be something like this, but it still surprises me. Cleo really is a right prodigy!
She has some good ideas ^^
She’s like 14, but she’s acting like she’s 30. Sheesh. She’s making me feel leagues older than I really am.
She’s in adult mode right now xD
About your Gamer Dragon Comic, will it had Fate Grand Order included? Not a commission or request, just asking only.
Well, I never played that game, so I can’t really write a joke about it. What’s the game about?
The Fate series (more commonly known by the name of its first entry, Fate/Stay Night) is a series of visual novels that has been adapted into an anime series; Fate/Grand Order is one of the entries in that series. As far as what it’s about, well… franchises this long tend to be rabbit holes that I try to avoid.
It was game that one of the Type Moon series. The games was quite simple and the story was the main character became the last master of humanity with the help of the servant that summon save humanity history from being burned down.
It was one of the best game ever, the whole story was amazing, you should also try it.
The look of ‘oooh’ on two certain faces
tells they think this idea is really cool;
giving them transport and a place of work
from which dad’ll serve good food; no gruel.
Cleo’s working up a portfolio
and those things start with the very first one,
but it does need to be sorted through, kids;
knowing you,, though you can make it quite fun.
Being friends with their dad’s newest partner
will be an interesting dynamic
but, if Kaya doesn’t do the cooking,
they should make some fair cash, no panic.
You would be surprised by Kaya’s cooking skills, though xD
…just as long as it’s -not- breakfast! 😉 (At least…not before noon… 😉 )
On top of that, Going the food truck route is also a good way to get the word out of the restaurant coming. Gives the patrons a bit of a taste test of what foods to come there
The trick will be picking a menu that can be made quick and easy in the truck, but still be representative of the resteraunt.
Some can be prepared ready to cook at the restaurant in advance and put in the van.
Just need the kitchen cleaned up and suitable food storage temporarily.
For example, pasta can be half cooked – short of al dente – and than chilled quickly. Only takes a short time to heat to proper point.
Exactly 😀
NGL I’m kinda disappointed the Italian Mafia/Community wasn’t somehow involved…He could’ve sold manicotti’s stuffed with No-No Powder instead of cheese.
Waaay to predictable for TwinDragons! The Romeros -are- of Italian descent after all. 🙂
And, no, I never expected this! I figured the mafia, etc., was out, but I never thought of a food-truck.
I really like Cleo’s reasoning for doing it this way too. One smart snek! Obviously gets it from her dad.
Wonder what her mom is like… 🙂
Mafia/Community could still get involved. They may not like, competition *wink*, on their turf, which could lead to a, counter offer *Wink wink*
If you play with fire, somebody is likely to get burned. Hmm, so far it appears our dragons are fireproof.
It’s in the Asian district…they’d be dealing with the Tongs, Triads, or Yakuza.
Well, we want to keep it legal, right? xD
Clever girl.
yes, indeed 😀
Cleo gains experience, the restaurant earns cash and get their name out there to build a reputation, seems like a win/win for everyone!
I hope Kaya joins in on the food wagon business and gets to wear a silly hat for the outfit ^^
A hat with a fake lasagna dish taped to it xD
I approve of this 100% ^^
Maybe with a fat orange striped cat next to it eyeing it hungrily? Nah, probably get sued for that!
OK that is SO kaya LOL
Food truck could be a good way to do it, get his name out there, let people get to know his cuisine, let his customers know that his end goal is to open a nice sit down restaurant of his own. So long as it’s not too far to travel his regular customers will likely flock to the restaurant once it’s open.
Now I’ve never worked a food truck but there are some basic expenses he’ll need to account for that I can think of off the top of my head. First and foremost: travel and vehicle maintenance. Secondly outside of special events like the upcoming festival he’s going to need a good location(s) to set up shop everyday. This may entail negotiating with other businesses (like big box stores or strip malls) to let him park in their lot. He may have to get a special license for driving that size/kind of a truck. He may or may not want to hire on some extra help depending on how much business he’s able to generate with the truck and it should be someone who doesn’t mind working in tight spaces.
Since Cleo is proposing a partnership I suppose she’s going to want to handle the more managerial side of things. Working with suppliers, drawing up contracts, finding locations to set up, that sort of stuff. That’s going to leave her awfully busy alongside her school work. Hope she can manage this!
i´m not worried about cleo, bet her dad taught her everything 😉
As long as the truck weighs under 26,000 pounds when fully loaded, there’s no need for a commercial drivers license to drive it. (I hold a Class A CDL in the USA.)
Big box stores aren’t actually the best places for a food truck long-term. Instead, it’s better to get to factories, and similar places where a swarm of people all go on lunch breaks at the same time. If you are only looking short-term and trying to publicize yourself, I suppose a big box store would get you attention. The problem there is that you you’re either competing with the mall’s food court, (which is inside and convenient) or you’re at a store where people don’t generally go to eat.
Good to know about the weight of the truck & nice point about trying to target a factory instead.
Well, those readers who guessed that Cleo would invest in the restaurant and become a business partner were closest, but I didn’t see anyone suggest a food truck. Plausible yet unexpected. Well done, Robin!
Starting up a food truck also requires an initial investment though. Marco has no money to spare, and Cleo hasn’t even asked whether Marco can postpone any expenses to free up money for a food truck. Thus it looks like the investment in the food truck will come more or less entirely from Cleo. Doesn’t that make them employer and employee, rather than business partners?
By the sounds of it, Cleo already HAS the truck. What we don’t know is if it once belonged to Dad or if she bought it a half hour ago.
Good point, which also may mean she hasn’t inspected it yet to make sure it’s in good operating order.
That is what she is bringing to the table with the deal. Whatever the terms, all she is bringing is the vehicle. (And her social media)
Such an aquisition likely has been checked over by a garage and the interior redone to be sure she is making good on her end. No doubt she had people for that and advisors to suggest it.
(next week, at the food festival)
Mr. Portas: Cleo, what the heck is this?
Cleo: This, Daddy, is my new food truck. Specializing in all the delicious ethnic foods that you won’t let me eat. ‘Cause you don’t let me eat… what I wanna eat… and…a-and, uh, I am super dizzy, and skipping lunch before the festival might’ve been a bad idea. (passes out on the horn)
Panel 3: “bit by bit” should be hyphenated.
Panel 5: There should be a comma at the end of “experience”.
Jesse’s Adventure, Panel 3: Ditto “alone”.
Jesse’s Adventure, Panel 6: And “C’mon”.
Personally, I’ve never seen the phrase “bit by bit” hyphenated. Dunno where you’re getting that from.
The adverb is “bit by bit”; you don’t need hyphens unless you’re turning it into an adjective. You do something bit by bit, or take a bit-by-bit approach. The comic got it right.
Alright, thanks.
No comma needed after “experience” either. If the “anyway” had been at the start of the sentence you would want a comma after it. You do not need one separating the “anyway” at the end of this particular sentence.
Jesse’s Adventure, Panel 3: Sorry, no. No comma after alone. You may be right about separating “C’mon” and “Troye” with a comma though.
The only thing I can ever expect from you Robin, is that you never do what we expect. And I love it! A food truck? Genius! So is using it as a learning experience for her to help prevent Marco from feeling guilty about getting her help. Instead, now he can feel good that he’s helping her out. It really is a win for everyone. Great story writing as usual, and of course with high quality art to compliment it. The portrayal of body language from Cleo is amazing, and really does capture the air of “I know what I’m doing”. Keep up the great work, and as always, stay awesome!
BTW Robin, just for clarity’s sake: which way are the text bubbles supposed to be read in the last panel? I’m pretty sure it’s the bottom left set of 3 first, then top, top right, and lastly top bottom. Just want to be certain I’m reading it right.
Whoops, sorry that last one should be bottom right and not top bottom.
You would be right. That is the direction I intended with the speech bubbles ^^
Thank you.
Now THAT sounds like a solid plan. The Romero’s can raise money by feeding the people while advertising/gaining publicly for the restaurant, AND Cleo can gain some business/work experience, everyone wins! I see nothing wrong with this plan.
I REALLY thought it would be money
Not much plot doing things that way though.
Complications can be fun.
If they’re going to run a food truck, it HAS to have a La Cucaracha horn, and Kaya HAS to be overexcited to use it!
A food truck with a horn that plays Mexican music, serves Italian food, and is going to make it’s premiere at a food festival near the Asian district: Brilliant!
Lol; that would certainly be a multicultural event in and of itself! 😆😆😆
Given the age of the three kids how does child labour laws work there?
She is offering a contract so that means this has been approved by her parents due to her age.
Some red tape small issues that may be touched on at some point.
I believe the child labor laws would not apply as it would be a “family business” and the twins would be helping there father and Cleo is a business partner.
I don’t know what to do about the second issue, but I assume her dad would be cool with it. (See not using his money to pay for her things).
Where I live it’s legal for 15 yr olds to work part time with extremely limited work hours, however I have worked as a referee in youth sports since I was 13. Referees at that level are considered independent contractors and I maybe work 2-3 hours a week during the spring, summer and fall. With maybe 4-5 tournament weekends where I will work 8-10 hr days. I have to get my parents permission to register every year and to sign up for the tournaments. (Note 1 game is a 1.5- 2 hr commitment with pay ranging between $15-80 per game depending on referee position, age of players, and competition level. Also we have to pay for all of our equipment and training + pay a registration fee every year.)
But anyways I’m only a 16yr old who doesn’t memorize the local law book so who am I to say what is/isn’t legal?
She probably ran the whole idea by her father before showing up at the Ramaros, her father probably helped secure the food truck and the paperwork and covering the appropriate parental permissions. And since its supposed to be her fore into business, it makes sense her father would have her present it to her prospective business partner.
I suspect that the truck and related food industry paperwork is in her father’s name, and while she will be do much of the work, he’s the one that by law that has the responsibility.
It looks like Cleo has some pretty good business sense, even if her interpersonal skills need a bit of work.
Too many old movies. Yup. 🙂 Or maybe tv sitcoms.
Somehow seems to me like the equivalent of I’m going to lend you my computer so you can do our homework then I’m going to check behind you and make sure the answers are all correct so that we both win, kind of proposal.
How is it that you upload this comic slower on webtoon? I am rather curious.
oh and are you still working on gamer dragons
I’m beginning to wonder if Cleo (or indeed Robin) has recently seen the Jon Favreau movie ‘Chef’…
It will be interesting. And in the end, it would turn out that Cleo could be a professional chef :3
Yay for benevolent capitalism!
It works right up until Larissa gets the Mafia to attempt a car bombing on the food truck, then the Yakuza take offense to the infringement on their turf, and the whole thing turns into the ending of that one episode of The Simpsons…
Throw in the triads and a dysfunctional cop duo with a vengeance and I’ll watch the movie.
“By the way, Wei…”
She would have needed someone to prepare the food before putting on the truck, and someone to finish the food in the truck anyway.
Chef’s by definition have to know all of that, plus where to find the best ingredients.
If Kaya is going to think about being a Chef, she will need to learn to get up at o’dark thirty.
That’s when you buy food for restaurants.