Final round
And so the jousting match ends.
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The final score is a home team win
as the twins are outFOXed at last.
The cost of defeat is ceding victory
as local Al has himself a blast.
Will Kaya be graceful in her loss
or shout the odds and demand a rematch?
If she does, I wonder what will stand
and exactly what plans she’ll hatch?
The game is done but the rivalry continues;
stressing fair play and arrogance.
Al will speak in the future strips?
I wonder what will be his stance?
Diolch yn fawr iawn. And you’re quite clever, rhyming “stance” with “arrogance.” Well done as always.
Allessandro won, but you have the right of it: who will be graceful?
As the doctor once said…two out of three.
Queen Kaya has been dethroned! And Sir Al has regain his title of Lancing champion! How will the crowd react? Stay tuned for next week’s exciting episode!
I wonder how their “mounts” feel right now? Kai is usually fair game for Kaya’s antics, and has dragon strength to boot, but as far as I can tell Sir Al is being carried around by an ordinary human. What’s going through their head during all this?
Looking forward to going back to the barn for fresh oats and hay, followed by a well-earned rub-down and a relaxing afternoon in the pasture? 🙂
And Sir Alless dodges Queen Kaya’s lance to take the win!
Allessandro realized what he needed to win: he didn’t need to be stronger, he needed to be smarter. Which worked against Kaya, who’s a bit of an impulsive ditz. Plus, Alless was the only jouster to do some of the work, dodging his rival’s lance, instead of the steed doing all of the strenuous aspects of this sport. Now, is it the steeds’ turn to joust?
This win is probably for the best, given that now the other jousters can compete for the crown 24/7, 365 instead of just for one month a year when the twins are in town. I wonder if Kaya will request a rematch later in the month. Is Kaya a sore loser, or does she take after Kai and accept defeat with grace and dignity? And now Kai can get back to his potential first girlfriend!
Training and motivation gave Al the edge he needed to take the win. If Kaya wants her title back she’s going to have to get serious and practice for a rematch before the vacation is done. Otherwise it’s going to be a year before she can try again.
I wonder if Al would actually take up jousting on horseback, say for like Renaissance Fairs and similar events?
…Now I kinda want to see Al and Kaya, grown up, in medieval armour on horse back, as if they’re getting ready to joust ^^
I pity Kaya’s horse already. :p
She’d be better off walking off and not looking back. She really doesn’t care about the sport, Al does.
Yeah, she can now get out without losing honor.
I do believe I called that. Half of that, at least. We’ll see about the other half next week.
This reminds me of a scene in a novel. Though the rules were less strict in that tjost.
One of the partidipants dropped her lance, dodged while drawing her mace and then clobbered her opponent from his horse.
Next page…
Kaya: “Yeah, I threw the match because like everyone else, I don’t care about it, really.”
Kaya: “Fox…one!”
Kai: “Kaya, no sidewinder missiles during the joust!”