Kaya still has no idea just how much money Cleo’s dad has xD
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Kaya, the truth you’re going through
is that Cleo has more money than you;
and the one thing you may find odd
is her dad has more cash than God.
Money moves you to where it help aid
if the people helping need to be paid.
You can also provide an emergency trip
if you just happen to have your own ship.
A friend in debt is powerful indeed
They’ll help you back when you have need.
Provided, of course, that they’re not prebooked
or time in the sun won’t leave them cooked…
That’s a le “GASP” situation ^_^
Huh; I thought the time change happened for you yesterday, and thus this would have been uploaded an hour later. Obviously, I was mistaken~
Also, I love that second/third panel combo, just brilliant~
The time change happened a couple weeks ago. It’s just that I’m now used to setting my website scheduler to this time and I forget to change it all the time xD
I believe, just to complicate matters, the time change in Europe happened about a week before North America. Pity they can’t do it together, I’m sure it causes a lot of confusion.
I stay by a quote I saw years ago:
“We aren’t nearly happy enough that the world decided on one unit of time measurement.”
Imagine we had the same debacle going one as between the empiric and metric system, but for time…
Well, we have weeks that don’t match up with either months or years, clocks that insert leap seconds and other clocks that don’t, and a variety of calendars that disagree on how long a year is. Timekeeping certainly doesn’t need to be complicated more.
It’s happened, multiple times – the one I knew about before checking the Wikipedia article for Decimal Time was a result of the French revolution (and there were even dual system clocks that had a standard 12 hour face and a face that divided the day into 10 decimal hours), but there was also a swiss attempt at “internet time”, and China apparently used decimal time alongside duodecimal time (12 hours in a day), along with several other ways of dividing up time at various points in their history.
It would be even better to not do it at all. Much less confusion.
Yeah, that’s why Saskatchewan (among other places that I can’t remember off the top of my head) doesn’t do DST.
Some of Australia’s Eastern States do daylight savings time, but Western Australia apparently tried it once and scrapped it! Before I crashed there that is. They do a few things differently in the West…
Agreed. It’s stupidly expensive, when you count the total effort required to implement DST, and for no actual benefit.
If businesses wanted to do summer hours, that would be something they could do. If they wanted to shift by more or less than one hour, it would be up to them. But instead people feel the need to be political about it, making *everyone* do it.
If I remember right, it used to happen at the same time, but then North America had to go and push it two weeks earlier~
Kaya: “Your dad has his own ship!”
More than likely since they were there on vacation it was a private yacht. Given how rich they seem to be I’m not surprised he has one.
Also, that private yacht is probably not ONLY ship he owns.
I’m reminded of big hero 6 and Fred. “we should take a vacay to the family island some day. You know, frolic”
I was thinking thunderbirds. An island, aircraft and boats etc. For some reason that equaled thunderbirds.
She says “ship” but I imagine “200 foot luxury yacht with full time staff including chef, masseuse, and tennis instructor” is probably more accurate.
“How do you do tennis lessons on a boat?”
“We paid him enough to work that out…”
I’m imagining a mechanically-mounted tennis court with a gyroscope that rebalances itself as the boat sways to make sure it’s level at all times.
If the yacht is large enough, it probably wouldn’t be a problem on calm seas. Though honestly at this point, I would not be surprised if this ‘ship’ was a mini cruise ship ><
I think Kaya is just beginning to realize how wealthy Cleo’s family really is.
I think it will be interesting when Cleo’s and Kaya’s (and Kai’s) parents finally meet.
Random side note, it could be interesting to see someone of Korean ancestry make an offhanded comment about Cleo being related, seeing a Snake with a pair of dragons could have them joking about Cleo being an Imoogi. In Korean mythology, the Imoogi is a Celestial Serpent that becomes a Dragon after claiming a treasure that manifests once every few centuries. Cleo might like how she’s basically a proto-dragon, and it could be a bit of an inside joke between her and Kaya if Kai wasn’t there when the comment was said.
So many connections!!! So many unknown stories!!!
Genuinely curious about something; does she ONLY model WHITE fur dye, or does she model other colors also? I think it would make sense if she only models white dye. (Less hassle if she doesn’t have to change colors. Plus, polar bear. White makes sense.)
But also, polar bear. Wouldn’t it make more sense if she was more plus-sized?
On the contrary, my good sir. The entire purpose of hair dye – and thus fur dye in the world of hybrids – is that it DOESN’T limit you to your natural colours, or even ANY natural colours. Dye lets you change your hair/fur to whatever colour(s) you want, allowing you to express yourself freely. Clementine, therefore, is a perfect blank canvas. Her fur doesn’t have any natural colour to alter the end result of the dye, thus allowing her to model any colour of dye. So long as she has enough time between shoots of different colours to wash the previous dye out and let her fur recover before adding the new one, she can dye CAT’s tag mural onto her body if she wants.
They must have designed the fur dye to be completely removable. Kind of tricky to get dye that won’t bleed or wash out, but can be completely removed without leaving an after image or damaging the fur.
Did not expect to see TWEWY in this comment section
YES! Someone got my reference! I’m currently post-gaming my second run of NEO, and my first time in Udagawa, I found out the tag mural got defaced. (To anyone worried about NEO spoilers, that’s not a plot point; that’s just there to highlight the #TimeSkip, and the in-game achievements system is represented there). But I LOVED that tag mural, so I was kind of miffed to see it.
Polar bears are mostly very skinny in the wild.
The fur just makes them look big.
Very high metabolic rate.
Remember “Stop with ze fur dye! You look like a candy Cane!’ (or something like that) from the good-ish Doctor?
Aww, and here I was hoping Cleo and Clementine were friends through her father’s sponsorship. Oh well, I guess a famous model wouldn’t exactly have the most open schedule to be a main character.
Also, as a Canadian, I am 110% on Clementine’s side with the whole “go home to my air conditioned room” thing. If your body’s made to enjoy the cold, you are not made to endure the heat. I know I said last week that her bright fur would make it easier on her than for a dark-furred hybrid, but that was very much a relative comparison. Quite frankly, I’m curious how well Rex is doing; wolves are basically designed to outlast anything they’re hunting in cold conditions, his fur must be an awful insulator.
If she is a polar bear hybrid, the fur will make it worse.. because it isn’t white fur, but transparent fur, designed for channelling thermal energy down to dark skin and keeping any from escaping.
Quite likely Rex was born and raised in the Hybrid City area so it’s likely he’s just used to it at this point.
Is Clementine usually this grumpy and a prima dona? If she is, I feel sorry for poor Zeke for being her assistant… I’d recommend getting a colder menu item for miss LeBeau due to how much body heat she gives off, maybe afterwards they can hit the gelato truck that Benji and Jin found.
Chibi Kaya has made a return, asking all the right questions! She once again gets a reminder of how wealthy Cleo is.
Looking at panel one, it seems like Clementine is good at directing her annoyance at the people that are responsible for it – her attitude towards Zeke seems to be far more friendly.
this story keeps getting more and more interesting. Robin you have made one heck of a comic and I can’t wait to see how this all turns out!
I have to admit that Groenland ….. OUPS , sorry : Greenland is surely more fresh than here ^_^
Seeing the last panel , it seems Clementine has been noticed by a lot of persons . I hope she wears panties (in despite of the heat) , because her dress risks to be quickly shred …….
I think that’s just supposed to signify that there’s a big crowd at this food festival, not that Clementine is about to be mobbed. As for the other part: please try to keep comments family friendly here.
Thankfully, Clementine IS wearing shorts under her dress. I doubt she’s gonna get mobbed like that for a few reasons: 1. This is not that kind of comic and 2. She’s a polar bear Hybrid, normal polar bears are massively strong and surly, so I wouldn’t take any chances with trying to provoke her in any way. She may be petite/skinny/small for a bear Hybrid but I’m not crazy to poke the bear here!
If the twins are anything to go by she may we’ll have some ursid strength under the hood.
Family friendly ??
This part of my comment is based on my “knowledge” of behaviour from peoples facing a famous person ………. Once , my mother has seen a famous singer (J. Hallyday if i remember fine) in concert in her town ; he had to walk a “protected” way through the public , to come at the scene . When he’s succeed to reach it : no more shirt ^_^”
This fellow perhaps? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Hallyday
Turtimus raises a good point with his first one and to back that up: Clementine is both female and more importantly a minor (remember there are no hybrids over the age of 16). A young lady, even a celebrity, getting treated in such a manner is and should be heavily frowned upon.
Really , you have no ideas what the fans can do if they meets their star ………….
Kaya, there is nothing wrong with paying someone to provide a service. You have reason to be upset only when Cleo gives away money without getting anything in return.
Greenland has volcanoes in their world?
Greenland has volcano’s NOW.
They are just dormant.
So are Icelands. Except when they aren’t.
Actually they are extinct.. while Greenland’s geology is largely ignious in origin, it is the result of having once lain near the mid Atlantic ridge.. it has no active or dormant volcanos.
So most likely Iceland was meant, given that they have major eruptions every few decades. Iceland also has a thriving tourist industry, while greenland is pretty much only frequented by scientists, the military, and the most extreme of survivalist-campers.
I wonder whether Clementine would be better-humored if it was less hot for her.
Probably, a few degrees difference in temp can often make a big difference in comfort.
Hey, Robin, seriously. How rich is the Patra Family?
I think at this point, the better question might be what don’t they own.
My current estimate is the same ballpark as the Queen Family – i.e. a bit lower than Wayne or Stark, but still on the level of “you have no idea how rich his family is, do you”.
Kaya: “Your dad has his own ship?!”
Cleo: “Well, yes. Actually my dad contracted her uncle to refit it. He went a little overboard…I didn’t think a private yacht needed an armored hull, nuclear reactor plant, AWS and AEGIS sensor suite, and CIWS guns.”
Clem: “He’s an eccentric engineer who works out of Alaska. Name of Doc Nickel.”
Think killer whale zombies.
Or people who wipe in paintball.
Jesse’s Adventure, panel 3: There should be a comma at the end of “right”.
I love Clementine’s design, I immediately believed she was a model. Love your comic Robin!