It’s rude to talk with your mouth full, but what if they shoved a thermometer in it earlier?
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He’s obeying the rules
and not burning the thing
that’s stuck in his fine gob
and not letting him sing?
I know that’s more his sis
but he can hold a tune,
One day he’ll have to try
so we can hear him croon.
Now he’s talking to Doc
and correcting the chart
The Doc will find dealing
with Kai is quite an art.
Hi Welshie! Nice to see you’re still writing such beautiful poetry!
Oh yeah, let’s not have Kai sing :p
Have a crossover. Jessie dancing to Kaya’s singing!
And thanks, Stripe!
Hey, I just noticed your poetry recently, and then I went through all the comics again to read them. Your poetry is beautiful, and I just wanted to tell you that.
Doc’s trying to go on full speed ahead,
think in the next one he’s about to get derailed!
Nowhere near as good at rhyme as Welsh!
“I’m a dragon.” Kai claimed after the thermometer was removed.
Dr. Franklin looked at Kai and mused “Hmmm, you don’t look anything like a Komodo hybrid to me.”
“Not Komodo,” Kai replied with a little heat, “actual dragon dragon!”
Dr. Franklin smiled. “Well if that’s what you want we can go with that for the checkup but I’m afraid I do have to stick by what the chart claims unless there’s convincing evidence to change it.”
“Convincing evidence” Kai thought, “well guess he kinda asked for it!” Kai then began to draw in a deep breath.
Doc: And what kind of dragon species? Eastern/western? Wyrm? Wyvern? Lesser/greater/elder?
Green with fire breath. I thought the red (and gold) dragons had fire breath.
I could actually see this doc being a D&D nerd.
Which would be amusing as well as cool.
I have a feeling people will like the next page. No, there’s no fire yet xD
The key word is ‘yet’.
The ultimate tease for next week: sudden scene shift to Kaya and her doctor!
This is going to end up with the hospital having to evacuate because the smoke detectors went off in the room next to them, isn’t it?
So there WILL be fire? Confirmed!
I wonder what/who Kaya will set fire to this time.
And next time the twins come around they will know to disable the fire alarm in the exam room.
Looks like someone needs to evaluate hybrids better if they classified him as a lizard hybrid. Also, Kai looks hecking adorable in the last panel.
The receptionist did it when they arrived.
The hybrids seem to take after REAL animals for the most part. So, dragons being mythical, could you really blame them for classifying him as a lizard? Wonder how rare dragon types are?
I think Robin said somewhere that these two are the only known dragon types, but I think variates without a breath weapon might slip under the radar
Dragon are actually undiscovered Dinosaurs 🦖 we also don’t know how to put the Dinosaurs skeleton perfectly so the T. rex might have some dragon bones in it
Normally I’d give this comment a -1 but to be honest we don’t know a lot a about dinosaurs and could be massively underestimating them.
This is the most well-preserved Tyrannosaur head ever found. Rather than damage it looking inside, we took it to an MRI machine in the hospital down the road to be able to look inside it and we are analyzing the imagery now. Oh look, there appears to be a duct coming up the crop to the back of the mouth and the crop is actually subdivided, unlike modern birds. The top half of the crop looks like it would have held some sort of gas, maybe hydrogen or methane? Those rear molars are made of flint instead of calcium. There are some distinct anatomical differences from what we were expecting.
Thanks I think. So you don’t like nerds or you just don’t understand super smart stuff cause i don’t mind ether answer
Classification is pending, as he had ‘dragon’ listed on his ID.
Early on, people tried to register their kid as something even more special than their actual hybrid species. Imagine having to see dozens of reptilian hybrids claddified as a dragon at birth. You would be sceptical as well :p
Hopefully in the next page the doctor moves his thumb and the thermometer shows him that Kai’s telling the truth. That might be a gentler way to find out than to have to see a live firebreathing demonstration.
But that wouldn’t be even half as fun :p
Oh I think Kai might have a bit of fun showing this guy how much of a real dragon he his.
And I like to think Jessie is dancing to this.
Oh, you bet he will :p
Oh yeah, they put Han Solo in that game. Looks totally ridiculous xD
Doc is going be in for a surprise then Kai breathes fire to prove that, yes he is a dragon. That is a thing.
Oh yeah, he will be surprised alright xD
Nice reaction face in last panel.
I really hate when people talk a lot and you have physically no chance to reply. Be it either because a of a thermoter as in Kai’s case or at a dentist.
Alternate text: It’s kind of hard to confuse a dragon and Durahan/Dulahan except in writing. The missing neck is a dead give-away.
Jesse: The appearance of hybrids must have made motion capturing / picture processing a lot harder.
Thanks ^^
Yeah, I was mainly going for the written/spoken word, not really for their appearance.
For the motion capture. Tails and ears are probably the biggest obstacles xD
This should be interesting… fortunately I think Kai knows better than to demonstrate his ability to breathe fire in such an enclosed space. Kaya on the other hand concerns me if she’s going through the same thing right now. Regardless, this doctor is definitely going to have some interesting paperwork to hand in later. If he doesn’t get called in to confirm that there were no mistakes filling out that paper I’d be pretty impressed. Keep up the good work Robin. I feel that you’ve been improving quite a bit at drawing facial expressions lately. Not that they were ever done poorly, just that I feel like lately you’ve been putting slightly stronger emphasis on the characters’ emotions. Keep it up! And as always, stay awesome!
Everyone is concerned about Kaya xD
Thanks Alpha. I’m trying to improve human faces and that translates to better expressions ^^
Fire alarm going off in 3…..2…..1…..
no, no, it won’t be Kai…..
Are you sure :p
Le WHAT ??? On point for vaccinations !!! Someone has vaccinated the twin in the rural town in place to exorcise or burn them 0_o
Well , this doctor doesn’t seem to be very used about hybrids ; maybe it would be better for him to deal only with humans ? ^_^
They might have used the doctor in the next town over.
They went to a doctor of course. Doctors generally are bound to an oat to help all patients, so hybrids would be helped even if the town tries to exorcise them :p
Also, there are doctors out of town ^^
Well, we’ll now see how well a doctor takes being told he’s wrong, or if he starts telling Kai not to be imaginative and that hybrids must be named scientifically. Before being asked how else you would classify a fire breathing lizard with increased strength, and hard skin/scales. I do wonder how they went getting immunised with the tough skin though. How many needles they went through before they found a soft spot.
Or we will see how Kai takes being told he shouldn’t tell stories like that xD
I bet they’ll be in for a big surprise now. The hospital staff, I mean.
Maybe :p
Well, now he can talk more clearly. That said, I doubt the doctor is going to like hearing he’s doing a checkup on a dragon, although it would be amusing if he made a comment about one of his colleagues having done a checkup on a unicorn
Imagine that xD
Doctor: Oh, a dragon? How fascinating. Now I can counter Susan’s bragging of having checked up on a unicorn last year.
Well, the universe has to throw out something that can sort of counteract Kaya’s erraticism. You know, something that will make Kaya stop and go “wait, really? That actually happened, and I missed it? And it would be made all the more amusing if Kai was the one to tell her that.
But hey, that’s just my thoughts on things
i absolutely love this comic – if only we could get more then one update per week *sniff*
Thank you 😀
Believe me, I would update more if I could, but I need to do commissions in order to make ends meet :p
Now, if I would make a bit more from my patreon, however… xD
We should thank Kai for keeping his dignity too. And his hands pushing the front of the Gown down.
Yea ; but it’s useless when he’s wearing underpants ^_^”
Yeah, well, he likes his dignity xD
Looks like the front office lady changed the hybrid classification from dragon to lizard (or they just don’t want a knight army coming XD).
I don’t see a problem with the shot thing they probably just stab it under the arm in the elbow or belly
She used her best judgement xD
Yeah, needles and scales, not the best combination, but it’s possible as they had their vaccinations :p
I meant to ask last week – are reptile hybrids cold-blooded?
Reckon we’ll have to wait for Kai to give an -official- answer; but, I seem to recall Cleo wearing a coat or jacket in the cold winter. Also; Robin has said that the hybrids are still mostly human under the skin. 🙂 So, most of the hybrid reptiles are probably warm-blooded.
Many dragons are warm-blooded too. In fact it wouldn’t surprise me if the twins were a little warmer than your average human. We’ll have to see Robin’s answer for the official cannon lore though.
I think they’re warm-blooded: https://www.twindragonscomic.com/comic/temperature-rising/
Thanks everyone for clarifying that. I wasn’t sure, so it’s nice to have an answer.
No, they’re warm-blooded. They’re still mostly human, so an entirely different blood system would be out of the question ^^
Surely his normal breath would still be hot enough to make the thermometer explode?!
Not really.
If his fire breath is anything close to scientific instead of MAGIC!, then there are many ways his regular exhalations would be normal.
Apache had the same point I was going to say. There are many ways I could go about their firebreath working that do not need their breath to be hot all the time. That said, you will have to wait a little to know their core temperature ^^
Robin could you please give me other websites you posted twin dragon stuff cause I’m sick of searching through the comments of every comic you’ve
Posted also no hard feelings 😺😺😺
Well , how to say it ? You just look all above the page , near Kaya’s head , and you’ll see a small bunch of cubes : you have just to click on the one you want …………. ^_^”
Also on tapas and webtoons
I’m aware that it’s not always clear where I have posted everything, but it’s a problem I haven’t found a good solution for yet. Panther and faust already mentioned the links up above on the comic here, and I also upload Jesse’s Adventure with some delay to webtoons here:
the other art sites is basically as a mirror for the comic and commissioned art and sketches. I really need a better solution to have everything easily found in one place, but yeah, for now this will have to do.
I meant art, drawings, pictures and comics on other web sites like ones not linked to this website like the drawing of kai trying to use his tail to lift him up at the pool also I can see the confusion that happen
All above , try the dark cube to go to Robin’s page on DA
Draagooon; not lizard! I don’t do that tongue thang! Psssssththth!
(I wonder if anyone quoted this already.)
Oh, you have no idea xD
It’s a very popular quote :p
This doctor’s patient interaction leaves something to be desired.
Hey Robin! You have Twitter? I love your art and would like to see more of it.. Thats why I am asking.. ;P