Doing your best
Our little lion-dog will do his best!
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Holy gorgeous backgrounds, Robin. And Jin is just way too cute in this page.
Thank you
It’s a question of courage, now,
to be answered by our hero.
With the support around him, though,
chances are better than zero.
Sometimes you have to face yourself
to answer the puzzle of fears.
If you run from it now, dear Jin,
terror will follow you for years.
Take courage from those around you,
take pride in all that you can do.
Enjoy yourself and let fun through
Quite how did you think that pride grew?
Puzzle of Fears should be the name of a band.
I love that last panel.
“You’re filled with determination.”
Jin can do it!
I think that first panel, (minus the text, of course,) would make for an excellent wallpaper~
SECONDED! I want a wallpaper with an old man and a bunch of hybrids walking through a nice garden. Robin, please?
I agree. I’m working on making that a thing. I need to add a bit to the side to make it fit the aspect ration of a monitor, though ^^’
Mmm, Jin should be fine as long as they have a spot he can go to when the crowds get too much for him. Then once calm, he can go back out again.
Yeah, pairing Jin up with someone who won’t mind the crowds and is pretty easy going (Benji) will likely be a good idea. He should be able to help keep Jin relaxed and calm, maybe even start enjoying himself. At the very least if there’s trouble Benji should be able to call in Kaya and Cleo or one of the others if he needs some extra help.
Many a flighty animal can be calmed down by having a calm dog nearby to show them that things are fine. There are many YouTube videos from zoos where a cheetah is friends with a dog and if something starts to freak out the cat but not the dog, the calm dog can help manage the super-fast cat. I think the same things can work with Jin and Benji too. Mind you, if there is trouble, Jin know just what to do.
“Well, you see officer, when the girl with the bald spot started harassing that guy with the green fur, the little kid beside him told her to back off. She then tried shoving him away and somehow she flew into the tree way over there. Weirdest thing I ever saw.”
I would hope Larissa had learned her lesson about trying to cause trouble in public, especially a crowded event but sadly when tempers flare critical thinking shuts down. Sadly she does seem to have a pretty bad temper. Besides her problem is with Kaya and breaking Cleo away from her, doubt she even knows Benji aside from being one of Kaya’s friends. If she were to spot Benji handing out flyers she might follow him for a bit as it might be an opportunity to track down Kaya or maybe snag one of the flyers from someone they’ve passed it to. Maybe go to the food truck and try to cause trouble there.
Man I could’ve worded that first part better eh? Cause reading that now one might infer that I was implying Larissa should be sneakier, more circumspect, about causing trouble for others. So let’s try this again: I hope Larissa has learned her lesson about letting her temper run away with her, leading her into doing things such as trying to cause harm to others and/or property just to get back at those that she feels have wronged her. I also hope she has learned and accepted that how she was treating Cleo was both wrong and abusive and is putting forth some effort in learning how to treat others better.
Or who knows: maybe we’ll see a last minute team change up as Jin hasn’t met Benji yet and might balk when it’s festival time, forcing Kaya and Cleo to split and have one of them go with Jin while the other pairs up with Benji.
or maybe pair him up with rex – he´ll growl at everyone who so much as looks at the kid funny
somehow, i can see those two bonding…..while their chosen sports are certainly WAY different, both are incredibly dedicated and disciplined.
“A proud Lion-Doglike you should have no trouble handing out some flyers, right?”
That’s, a bit manipulative, right? Daniel the Human may have tried teaching me about that. But is it nice, “I want you to try something new and hopefully do well” kinda manipulative, or mean, “You’re not chicken, are you McFly?” kinda manipulation…?
And I’m rather glad Spell-Checkers are a thing…
Nice manipulative. Having had several parent figures apply the same thing to me, Jiisan is definitely being nice manipulative. He’s not trying to make Jin do something he’ll regret, he’s encouraging Jin to do something he’ll enjoy.
Just because Jiisan THINKS Jin will enjoy it doesn’t make it true.
(Ok, he has good intentions, but you know what the way to hell is pawed with …)
But if he’s wrong, that doesn’t make Jiisan mean, it makes hin mistaken.
It’s Encouragement. He’s trying to get Jin confident enough to try the thing. Doesn’t matter if Jin fails, cause then at least he can say he tried.
Auhg, my heart!!! Jin is so cute on this page that I almost had a heart attack. I also think my blood sugar might have spiked a bit from the sweetness, as well.
If Robin is going to make more pages like this, they should probably come with a warning so as to help mitigate the damage.
You mean, warning for diabetics to have an insulin shot ready?
That and have some sort of medical aid on hand in case of cardiac arrest
Another wonderful page, I love it!!!
‘Nuff said.
Panels 1 & 2: There should be commas at the ends of “But” and “there”, respectively.
Jesse’s Adventure: He’s certainly got RE7 Ethan Winters beat in those terms.
Not on the ‘there’ as it’s actively part of the sentence. You may have a point on the other one as the rest of the line remains the same if ‘Jisan’ isn’t there so it’s not an active part.
But it’s one I hardly noticed.
I know it probably doesn’t mean much, but as I read Jin’s lines in this strip my brain assigned him a voice. Its feels like I’ve heard the voice before, but I’m not sure where. First time that’s ever happened to me.
Grandpa is twisting Jin’s arm because he thinks doing this will be good for him; I wouldn’t call that “manipulative” because he’s open about his motivation. “See it as the next part of your training.” But I think Kaya is being a little insensitive. If your friend is afraid of something, it’s not very helpful to say “You have nothing to worry about.”
They are still but kids
In their eyes they wanna spend more time with a friend and showing that no real threat is eminent is a pretty standard stance. They wanna show Jin that there is nothing to be scared about and that they are there with em
Does he know any meditation techniques? Speaking as someone who had to deal with free-floating anxiety growing up, it can be useful to just take a deep breath & block out stressors or commotion.
Yeah, calling it now.
Jin is going to run out of flyers due to all the girls surrounding him and going SQUEEEEEEEE.
The poor bastard.
Jin and Kaya together again really is one of the cutest pairings in comic history. They’re both just so precious. Not to mention the beautiful backgrounds in this page. You’ve truly outdone yourself this week Robin. I’m sorry to see there are arguments happening in the comments, because it distracts from this amazing artwork and in-depth story. To those angry regarding the push for Jin to attend, I get it. These characters feel incredibly lifelike and it’s easy to get emotional over them. But there’s a difference between manipulation/forcefulness and giving a push in the right direction. Jin is not being forced into anything here, even if there’s a good amount of peer pressure going on. They know he’s shy even if the Twins aren’t familiar with all that has happened in his past. The Twins and his grandfather are only trying to help him break out of his shell a bit and slowly get used to being around people again. It’s for the best. Besides, at the end of the day, for as realistic as it is, this is still a fictional story. Robin is in control of all that happens here. And we know they wouldn’t let anything happen to our cute Lion-Dog. Sorry for the long response, and best wishes to everyone. Keep up the good work Robin, and as always, stay awesome!
… unless Robin plans long-term and this is going to end with our cute Lion-Dog turning supervillain due to mental breakdown.
Ok, probably not, but I think there already was some origin story like that.
One-hit monement kill, much?
*moment kill
I don’t think we’re having “arguments.” We’re interested in these characters and we’re discussing their motivations. Is that bad?
Kaya: We’ll be there as well. You have nothing to worry about.
Except for some more hearing damage and maybe some slight burns.
Oh no… Dammit Jiisan! Crowd aversion is a thing, you know? It’s not something one gets used to. Best we can hope for is Jin returning stressed out to heck.
Reiniger mentioned that mythical hybrids tend to feel outcast. As someone who THOUGHT I was a solitary type and just turned out to be surrounded by assholes, it might not be crowd aversion that Jin is experiencing so much as a sense of not belonging. Being around friends might provide a breakthrough.
Or it might just be the fact that he has sensitive ears and crowds are very loud. In which case, I reckon Kaya wouldn’t get too mad at Cleo for springing on a pair of earmuffs designed for ears that rest atop the head.
And even if Jin is in fact crowd-aversive, this is a group of nice people who are asking for help here. They know when they’ve gone too far, and they try to make amends. Worst-case scenario; Cleo takes over Kai’s position in the food truck (scales seem like a safer idea than fur), Kai and Kaya take Jin away from the festival, and they help lift his spirits until it’s time to take him home.
Go get en Jin!
Show then crowds that nobody sells flyers better then you!
Waoo, it’s so nice, I did not expect a garden scene. It truly has Japanese vibes
Such a lovely scenery! Can imagine myself walking around for hours on end not feeling tired at all!
P.S.: I’m also enjoying the passion with which readers are discussing Jim’s anxiety. It’s a light-hearted comic, for heaven’s sake! I trust Robin to give this chapter a happy ending as well. All the characters make me feel good.
Jin: “But isn’t pride a vice?”