Kaya will make sure you know everything she knows!
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Re: JA – 0.o
Also, I assume that ‘James Librun’ is supposed to be a play on ‘James LeBron’, correct? ~
Or ‘LeBron James’, rather~
Woohoo! First comment!
Also, I like to think that zeke’s spots actually change every time you look at him. Like the spots travel around his body on their own, and nobody really cares.
Better yet, he applies clem’s fur dye when nobody is looking to change the spots around to mess with people.
Damn, not first comment.
He’d have to be very fast in order to apply the fur dye that quickly. Now that I think of it, he probably would have got that fast by being Clementine’s assistant and having to help her when she needed to rush and apply the dye in a hurry. He’s half dog so he’s probably a loyal friend who wouldn’t be a perv when helping Clem in her dressing room.
One man’s celebrity status
is different from another.
What that all means is we don’t all have
to worship Daniel Glover.
The world is full of difference;
its power is in them all working;
seeing how things fit together
– like Baseball combined with twerking.
Friends expand each others worlds,
but only because they’re not the same;
if we value just what we know…
wouldn’t the world be kinda lame?
First: Great rhymes, my friend!
… I have no idea, who is that Daniel Glover, but my answer to that is: Matthew Mercer!
Kind of cute how much Zeke is trying to cover for Clementine. I wonder if he is sporting a crush on her along with being her assistant?
Daniel here. I’ll admit, I’m not very good when it comes to such things (took me 11 YEARS to realise someone was asking me out!), but even I can sense our new dalmatian hybrid friend has something for his employer. How much of a thing is yet to be seen, but there’s something there…
I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. Hopefully for Zeke, Clem reciprocates his crush. Given that he’s her assistant, Clementine probably wouldn’t mind him helping her out with fur dye applications and the like, she might even enjoy it. Luckily, Zeke seems like a very nice pup. If they did start dating, they’d make a sweet couple.
Things are picking up at the food truck, that’s good! Will Rex and Nate be able to keep up the pace if what Clem puts out on social media spreads fast around the festival? That’s also a good point between Rex and Kaya too: not everybody follows the same stuff even when it comes to celebrities. Now if Cleo could just pull in a sports star (basketball naturally) for the food truck that would catch Rex’s interest!
I notice that Cleo didn’t pick up on Rex’s not-so-subtle request for a union break.
C’mon, Cleo, he’s been working like a dog! (Sorry, I just had to say it.)
Didn’t pick up? She promised to take over as soon as she can. What else do you expect her to do? Chase away customers?
Daniel here. I’m thinking as they run out of pamphlets the other pairs will come back and be able to assist too. My main concern would be the kitchen – Kaya could swap out with Kai, but their Dad is stuck in there. The kids could watch everything as he took a quick break, but he is irreplaceable as Chef…
Cleo helping out at the register and taking orders, Kaya may swap out with Kai for a spell if he needs a break, Benji and Jinn could possibly work as the friendly greeters for people in the crowd who are interested and are wandering near the truck. Benji could also possibly take over for either Rex or Nate for a bit if either of them need a break (Rex to go cool off, Nate for being too…. Nate!) Hmm, Benji swapping in for Nate also gives him an opportunity for whatever countermeasures he’s planning for Larissa when she shows up.
Zeke’s a good Boy.
Yes, yes he is! He’s a Dalmatian boy!
When word gets out about good food there is no end to how many people will come there.
Mr. Romero probably makes all his pasta from scratch (basically said that when she met Clementine), making pasta from scratch is pretty time-consuming.
Also, I would also like to point out that Clementine is a type of orange, so Clem basically shares her name with a fruit. Was that intentional? Or, Robin, was it more picking the name for because you thought the name sounded like the sort of name a model would probably have?
I tried making ramen noodles from scratch once, it was a disaster. Though I didn’t use the correct ingredients and I was using an old pasta maker that hadn’t seen use in a couple years.
Clem’s parents were probably feeling “fruity” when they named her* or they wanted their white/transparent-furred baby girl to have a little color in her name.
*Rocko’s Modern Life reference, look up “Rocko’s Modern Christmas to understand it.
oh, this will be GOOD a very tiny fish is about to see just how tiny they are next to a MUCH LARGER FISH!
Panel 1: “half hour” should be hyphenated.
This time I can agree. “Half-hour” seems to be the norm. Still, it’s not exactly wrong to put “half” before an arbitrary noun.
I’ll have to disagree. “Half hour” is short for “Half of an hour”. A “-” does not substitute for “of an”.
(On the other hand, I am not -100%- sure of this, just ‘mostly’.
I think this is another either/or situation English is known for
So you’re more than half-sure?
Kinda like being “Only mostly dead”.
What Cliff said is also a pretty good possibility.
Half-hour is a period, half hour is a duration?
Damn I can’t elucidate the difference either.
I bet that james Librun is a great basket-baller ^_^”
I wonder who ordered that lasagna, probably a cat Hybrid with orange fur! Despite how cat-like of a Dragonling Kaya is, I doubt she’s ordered some lasagna just yet… Warning: Dragons and Kaya DO NOT purr, if your Dragon or Kaya starts purring, vacate the area immediately.
Speaking of Kaya, she kinda looks like she’s groping or about to grope Rex’s furry butt. I guess my comment about Kaya’s inner perviness is accurate if this is indeed true…
The hand position is a trick of perspective. This isn’t that kind of comic.
It’s not even a trick of perspective. Kaya’s hand is palm-down, it’s not in the right position to be groping or approaching a grope. Even if she were at the right proximity for that to be contact, it’s accidental contact at most, not a grope.
I just meant it looked like Kaya’s hand was going to touch Rex’s butt at first glance, I know that this isn’t that kind of comic (well, mostly… we occasionally get a glimpse of the occasional undergarments and suggested nudity). I wasn’t being serious about Kaya actually groping Rex, if she did, Rex probably would have tried to bite her arm off instinctively.
If only you had put a ”
” after the word “butt”, and just left off the second sentence… 
Apologies for not catching the joke. There have been a few people here and there that made similar comments here and I’d rather preserve the wholesomeness.
Heh! Well there is a striped orange hybrid visible in the previous comic, but that’s not where Rex is going with the lasagna.
I love lasagna
So, when do we get to see Kai and Mr. Romero? I want to see Kai in the kitchen!
Oh, someone’s in the kitchen with Kai-O, someone’s in the kitchen I know,
Someone’s in the kitchen with Kai-O, strumming on the old banjo!
*Rex grabs a banjo and bashes it against the singer’s head* *WHAM! TWANG!*
Ow… Worth it! Good thing I’ve got a strong skull.
“Strong skull”… Also known as a “hardhead”?
Crowded kitchen in a trailer. Kai best keep good track of where he leaves his tail.
Pretty much, yeah. I’ve had a heavy object fall on my head once while at work and all that did was leave a bump and woke me up a bit, though that might have been the worry that I might have received a concussion. If you’re wondering, the object was a heavy corner guard thing that goes against the corners of grocery store coolers.
If he can wrap his tail around his waist, Saiyajin style, Kai wouldn’t take up much room while working as the Sous Chef. That all depends on how flexible his long tail is. I mean, his tail is about as long as Kai is tall!
I’m kinda just gently shipping Kaya and Rex as something like best friends.
They do have complimentary personalities and are decent foils for each other. There’s a lot of potential there.
Have we seen the those three in cold weather yet? They aren’t going to be happy. Or visible for that matter. Kind of like a died in the wool southerner during a cold snap.
That’s “dyed in the wool”. “Died in the wool is just what we feel like.”

The corn was tall enough to get lost in in the first chapter. Now they said it’s spring. What passes for winter in their location must have come and gone in between. We’ve often seen the characters wearing light jackets outdoors, but no real winter clothes, and I haven’t seen even a trace of snow. The climate in Hybrid City must be rather warm by my standards.
That’s a good point. I’m going to have to take that into account and reassess my theoretical position of the HC. My previous thought of the Midwest around the Colorado region would have gotten several feet of snow
Hello! I have just read all of the amazing comics that you have made. I hope the story continues!
(BTW, I’m a protogen!)
Love Kaya’s eyes in panels 2 and 3.
Definatly agree on #2, not so much on #3 (but still some!) ~
Rex: “We can talk about James Librun and Tangerine Beleau-”
Kaya: “Clementine LeBeau.”
Rex: “-Clementine LeBeau when I’m on my break. And stop staring at me with those big ol’ eyes!”
*Kaya smiles with her tongue sticking out as her big eyes shrink down to the size of dimes, much to Cleo and Rex’s confusion/surprise.*
Careful, Rex. Now Kaya’s concentrating on -you- instead of the question.