Seems like Kaya didn’t expect this reaction. Cleo is handling this well :p
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Seems like Kaya didn’t expect this reaction. Cleo is handling this well :p
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Disaster and despair
bring the Dragons’ glare
down upon herself.
But then she hears fair
laughter in the air
from the frozen shelf.
Cleo needed the laugh
on her own behalf
Kaya’s made a friend.
Worried? Not even half
by the notes’ fire bath.
It’s the start, not the end.
I’m afraid I’ll run out of things to say on your great poems :p
Chibi kaya; so cute♡♡♡
Someone get me some insulin, stat! ;-p
For when regular cute is not enough xD
Well she is a rich kid money kinda grows on tree for them
I mean her
She has no shortage, that’s for sure.
Looks like the act of burning the bill, reckless though it may be, still made a strong impression on Cleo. Although I think that Kaya’s natural charm (read niceness and goofiness) got her over the line.
And yes, I love panel 5, Kaya is already cute, but Chibi Kaya? Up to 11.
And this may just be cause I’m typing on my iPad, but does anyone else have the problem with autocorrect changing Cleo to CLEO?
Chibi Kaya! Acute risk of diabetes detected! Teeth currently under acidic attack, sugar concentration critical. Pure cane sugar detected. Overload! Overload! Overload!
Kaya transformed into chibi Kaya, her cuteness is now over 9000 xD
I have something similar with some words. My pc puts capital letters on words that are also brand names for some reason.
Well, Cleo’s status as a friend confirmed.
Just short of liking each other on Facebook xD
I believe Cleo doesnt think Kaya would just burn a bill without a second thought, just for prove what she said…
It’s pretty much what she just did though :p
I think Cleo’s gone schizophrenic.
Naah, she’s just opening up… I think. :p
Love the last panel! Cleo may or may not have fully accepted Kaya, but the ice is definitely broken.
This scene is the most real personality and expressiveness we’ve gotten from Cleo so far too.
Indeed, she’s opening up at last ^^
MK announcer: FINISH HER
Cleo wins, Friendship
Achievement Unlocked: Frendship
It’s like… like Magic!!
Yay Cleo’s smiling… And laughing?! Congrats Kaya she may start being your friend now. Frowns never look good on anyone.
Also, chibi Kaya for the win.
These expressions are epic! I love Kaya’s face in panel 2. The ears give them even more emotion.