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Everyone who thought it was Nate, congrats
Nate is showing his true colors for just a moment. Are we scared yet, Larissa? xD
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Well things are getting interesting
And my avatar is broken again
It’s fixed in your reply comment, though.
And yes, things are getting quite a bit more interesting ^^
Yeah all that plus stopping someone from committing a felony is kinda something we expect decent people to do! Nate, while he may enjoy being a little annoying/trolly does seem to be a pretty decent guy.
He’s decent at the core :p
It isn’t because he’s after our Kaya
that Nate has made her hold fire
and, to show how she’s headed for defeat,
he spins, on his finger, a lump of concrete.
There’s strength in the McThunderpants
and reason to counter her rants
as he lays the facts on the line,
refusing to acknowledge her whine.
There’s power in that little frame,
along with a sense of the game.
Now he has to try and end the feud…
perhaps they can discuss it over food?
Respect+ I LOVE when people are just able to calmly and rationally take control of a situation like this, and I know others do too. It’s part of the reason genius characters like Rick Sanchez tend to gain a cult following. You’ve piqued my interest, Nate. I’m sure we’ll all be watching you closely for a while now. It amazing to see this whole next layer of depth to a relatively recently introduced character already starting to form. You’re an amazing writer as well as artist Robin; you never fail to deliver amazing content. Keep up the good work, and as always, stay awesome!
The problem is : the witches are able to say he’s the one having broken the stone ball (unless there’s cams around) if a security guard comes . That’s his words against their ones
He has the CCTV to prove she did it.
Thank you, Alpha

It’s fun adding some more layers to characters. Makes them that much more interesting if there’s some depth to them. I try to do that with all my characters
All that AND a JoJo reference!
Technically also a Hellsing reference, as I used a screenshot of Hellsing as reference for the shining glasses :p
Hmmm, I get the feeling that Nate may also be trying to keep Larissa’s attention on him long enough for either Kaya and the rest to get away or for security to arrive and handle things, maybe both. Not to mention this is a great opportunity for him to really let his personality shine without getting yelled at by Rex! XD
Hopefully he doesn’t get in trouble too. As cool as it is he is spinning a piece of one of the exhibits on his finger
Oh yeah, he usually has Rex riled up so this is a rare moment xD
Is that a jojoke? IT IS!
Yes, it is
So it *was* Nate after all. I stand corrected.
Indeed, it was Nate all along
Jesse’s Adventure:
“After a short but /exciting/ drive…”
“/Do/ they play prate music as well?”
Thank you, I’ll make the changes before I add it to the archive
UH OH ; last time i’ve seen something as the sixth panel , it has badly finished for the opponent ^_^”
For larissa fate , that’s not a very good thing XD
Yeah, it usually means they’re about to go all out xD
McThunderpants, King of the Mood Whiplash!
and he’s defending his title xD
Really, he scares me in some ways more than they do. His fingers are too strong if they can do that with stone!
Maybe he’s a hybrid? Just really subtle outer features but on the inside he’s got some hybrid proportional strength going on. After all his hairdo is a combover, what could he be covering?
It can be only pumice stone ?
he’s scary, but not for that reason :p
I love panel 6.
While Nate displays a somewhat casual and jokey exterior, it’s clear that he’s a very calm and calculated individual. And assuming that stone is quite heavy, he also seems quite strong.
Larissa seems, in the last panel, to be getting completely thrown off by the rapid switches in attitude. And I do love that whole “look out for each other” mentality.
People should really have that kind of mentality more.
Nate is indeed more than meets the eye. You saw that quite well ^^
Called it.
*gets a beer*
You win an internet xD
Spinning a stone ball on his finger… Not only is he super strong; he’s also super skilled. It’s really hard to get a basketball to spin on your finger. I can just barely do it. The weight isn’t the problem so much as the fact that it’s hard to keep it spinning without knocking it off your finger. Since this stone ball is much smaller, it would be that much harder to keep it balanced.
Nate specialised in this kind of trickery in basketball, so he’s quite practiced
It’s always amusing when people talk around the issue. That said, why hasn’t anyone realized places like museums have SECURITY CAMERAS yet?
It’s been brought up a few times but that doesn’t really lead a conversation anywhere. Though on that note there is an argument that there might not be cameras. Robin spends more time on the backgrounds than most comic artists I read, and I don’t recall seeing any cameras on the upper angle shots. Not to mention Kaya would have been escorted out after the Trex incident.
Is this going to be relevant, probably not.
Was it fun to brainstorm, absolutely.
It came up a couple time already. That said, having worked in a security firm, those camera’s aren’t always as reliable as you might think and the people watching the feed could miss something if it happens fast enough.
Enough reason for me to not include being spotted by security just yet in the chapter. ^^
Regardless, I’m thinking he’s going to inform at least one of the teachers and maybe some of the museum’s staff about this
I am so upset right now.
Just found this comic, and read the entire thing in about two hours.
Worst comic ever. There isn’t enough of it! -11/10
All joking aside though, the comic is amazing! I am enjoying reading it, and looking forward to more. ^.=.^
Hello and welcome
Thank you and welcome to the comic
I’m really glad you like it so much ^^
It updates every Monday, so you will have more to look forward to!
It’s Nate!!! I love him, and I’m a guy!!! O.o
I’m loving panel six. What’s the text scrolling behind him say?
It’s a Japanese sound effect, translates more or less to “menacing” if I’m not mistaken
Nate will send you a valentines card next year xD
Cliff is right, in this case it’s a reference to the anime Jojo’s bizarre adventure. The sound effect reads ‘go’ in japanese and is used to produce a menacing atmosphere in this case.
Does Nate have a perm? I cannot imagine that hair style staying in place after playing sports. Unless he has access to anime magic of course.
It is epic hair I will give him that.
I’m wondering at this point if Nate’s popularity might challenge the likes of even Kaya’s. ^_^
lots and lots of gel does the trick xD
I really doubt Kaya will be overtaken by anyone anytime soon. Kaya got that whole impulsive cute thing going that is hard to compete with xD
It’s like Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure or an other anime.
Game over, girl!
If anime thought is anything, it’s that xD
Is she aware-enough to see that he’s showing-off, in that last panel?
The smaller a ball’s diameter, the harder it is to “spin-balance” it on your finger-tip.
On A Different Note:
Am I to understand that his glasses have built-in video? Maybe even Internet-access?
The rectangular frames,
his pose in Panel_4 (as though he’s consulting data on-screen, to confirm “23 minutes”, which is an oddly specific number),
& the way his eyes partially show in the penultimate panel, make me think that he might be “recording/uploading” this exchange — perhaps there’s even a soundtrack included … ???
( … After all, why does he need to “confront”, when his opponent is ready-&-willing to convict herself on film for him?)
I’m thinking that this is why she suddenly gets nervous in the last panel.
If it was merely “Gang-vs-Gang”? Well, she may be “bully”-enough to “throw down”, but if he’s getting the Authorities involved
(or the entire school learns that she’s underhanded enough to throw a rock at an unsuspecting dragon-girl’s head),
then she’d lose face within her peer-group, & be in REAL trouble!
Nobody would want to be associated with her, ever again.
I like how you’re reading that far into it, but I have to disapoint. Nate’s glasses are quite normal. The number is something he came up with on the spot.
I do like the idea though, wish I had thought of it xD
My over-active imagination has once-again fallen victim to my age-old nemesis …
Huh, NANI?!
Omae Wa Mo Shinderu
I see that you’re a man of culture as well.
just saw this on the BBC new site.
Semi-identical twins ‘identified for only the second time’
Seems interesting. It also seems to be something different from non-identical twins as well. The article didn’t say much more but it seems to be something extremey rare, even for twins, which is already rare.
Thanks for sharing ^^
oh dear, nate’s pulling the jojo’s style! ORAORAORAORAOROAROARORA!
And Nate goes full Artemis Fowl on Larissa.
Nate looks right scary
With but one eye visible
Dark background helps not
What does it say behind his head?
Litterally translated, it says ‘go go go go go’ which is a japanese sound effect. It’s widely known among fans for the use in the manga ‘Jojo’s bizarre adventure’ where it has the meaning of a menacing aura or atmosphere. The fact that Nate has it here is a reference to that. ^^
Wait, doesn’t it literally mean “Menacing”?
Stand Name: Baller
Stand Ability: Incredible Reflexes.
Friendly Rival: Rex
hair Color: Menacing Purple.
Gender: Male(?)
This is lesson 8 Johnny.
His name: nate!
His Stand: I have friends in holy places!
It’s Ability: Fear Spike- Allows the user to strike fear into anyone he chooses!
(Why am I such a Jojo nerd)